Saturday, August 31, 2019

Vitafusion Melatonin Gummies

Vitamin deficiency and pica disease in cows and sheep

Vitafusion Melatonin Gummies

When feeding animals, nutrients, minerals and vitamins should be balanced. Some problems may be seen in deficiency or excess of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, nutrition in animals and living things should be balanced.
If the nutrition is not balanced in animals, nutritional deficiency or excess, mineral deficiency or excess, vitamins deficiency or excess in situations such as what is the problem is useful to specify briefly.

Problems in deficiency and excess of nutrients

Protein deficiency: The importance of protein taken during feeding in living things is of great importance. Protein deficiency causes growth retardation in living organisms. Therefore, low yield and material losses may occur.

Protein surplus: Protein surplus can be a problem as well as lack. Kidney disorders can also be foot diseases from excess protein buildup.

Fat deficiency: The importance of fat in animal nutrition is important as in all living beings. Oil deficiency May cause skin rash. Weight loss can be seen. It may cause material losses.

Fat excess: Obesity problems may be experienced in living organisms due to excess fat in tissues during excessive feeding.

Lack of fibrous foods: Causes digestive system disorders in animals. Therefore, loss of efficiency is experienced. Property damage may occur.

Excess fibrous food: Digestive system disorders may occur. May cause constipation and swelling of the digestive tract. Loss of efficiency is experienced.

Problems in mineral deficiency and excess

Sodium deficiency: Sodium deficiency, which is one of the important minerals for animals, can cause problems such as inability to maintain body fluid balance, loss of appetite, exhaustion and stagnation. Therefore, sodium deficiency can cause loss of yield and material losses.

Excess sodium: May cause hypertension, heart disease and vascular and circulatory disorders in living organisms. Therefore, excess sodium can cause loss of yield.

Calcium deficiency: In living things, calcium deficiency can cause loss of growth and bone structure, as well as loss of appetite and fatigue.

Excess calcium: Caution should be paid to the excess calcium that causes skeletal disorders in all living things.

Phosphorus deficiency: Problems with calcium deficiency are also encountered here.

Phosphorus excess: Problems with excess calcium are experienced in excess phosphorus. In fact, it is necessary to maintain a good balance of calcium phosphorus in the body.

Magnesium deficiency: Magnesium has an important place in animal nutrition. Magnesium deficiency causes anorexia, growth retardation and disruption of muscle tissue in animals.

Excess magnesium: Excess magnesium in living things causes kidney and urinary tract problems.

Problems in deficiency and excess of vitamins

Lack of vitamins: Vitamins are very important in all live nutrition. Vitamins can be taken from many foods as well as external supplements. During the lack of vitamins it is useful to take or use the necessary vitamins from outside. Lack of vitamins, loss of appetite, regression in growth, foot diseases, eye problems, digestive disorders and circulatory disorders cause.

Excess of vitamins: Excess of vitamins as well as deficiency of vitamins can cause problems. As the excess of vitamins causes skeletal disorders, calcium-related problems can be experienced as the excess of vitamin D will disturb the calcium balance.

In animals, nutrition, nutrients, minerals and vitamins should be given balanced. Unbalanced intake of nutrients, minerals and vitamins will result in loss of yield in animals, resulting in material losses. Therefore, it is necessary to feed the animals balanced.

Pica disease:
Pika is a disease caused by ingestion of non-food substances. It is known as a disease in animals and particularly in children with intestinal parasites and thus iron deficiency.

Pika disease takes its name from the Magpie. Magpie is a long-tailed bird from the crow family, as it is known, and is famous for eating whatever it finds. It is considered normal to eat worms, carrion and insects without picking whatever is in the mouth of the magpie.

Pica occurs in farm animals, especially cattle. Cattle walls, boards, litter, non-food substances chewing, licking occurs. Problems such as urination, licking urine are also signs of pica. Rubber or plastic, eating sand, feces, sheep feathering, and scavenging of cattle grazing near the garbage dump are also considered as pica signs. Although some cows have accepted pica by eating cows after they have eaten their husbands (their wives, fry membranes), there are also those who accept this behavior as instinctive. Many scientists have reported that the last meal is an instinctive behavior of the cow in order to protect its offspring from wild animals.

Pika itself is a disease that can cause other problems as well as problems. Boticism, foreign body disease (RPT) and tongue rounding may occur due to pica. Pica can sometimes be combined with ketosis. In such cases, the cow rejects concentrated feed, but consumes roughage.

Grazing cows near garbage can swallow foreign bodies or eat scavengers because of pica. In cows eating spoiled substances and carcasses, symptoms such as imbalance, paralysis, muscular weakness, difficulty in swallowing and chewing, side-lying position and excessive salivation result in botulismus disease and the cow dies.

Pica is a disease that can be confused with magnesium deficiency, neural form of ketosis, brain inflammation and poisoning.

Calves lick each other's belly is a sign of pica.
There are many causes of pica. A cow may have one or more causes. Certainly the reason is not easy to find and say. Magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus, cobalt mineral deficiencies are among the leading causes. Stress, internal parasites, digestive and nutritional disorders, poor quality forages, protein, energy imbalances or deficiencies, phosphorus and calcium imbalances, cellulose deficiency, latent ketosis or latent acidosis, metabolic diseases can lead to Pika.

Pika is also a disease that is included in the herd as a bad habit. Bad habits in the herd can become learnable and lasting. The problem should be uncovered and eliminated with early detection. Because sometimes the pica can continue even if the causes are eliminated. This issue is described as a learned bad habit. Sometimes the problem is in vain. Pika is rapidly spreading within the group. In order not to have Pika, the feeds must be balanced and the ration should be arranged in a way that does not cause mineral, protein, energy and cellulose deficiency. After the development of Pica disease, the same arrangements should be made, mineral additives should be added to the feed, regulation of the ration, blood and feed analysis should be done, the situation should be investigated in terms of hidden ketosis and acidosis.

Vitafusion Melatonin Gummies