Friday, August 30, 2019

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, Mocha Latte, Keto Friendy, 15 Count

Quick and Natural Bodybuilding Guide

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, Mocha Latte, Keto Friendy, 15 Count

We've talked about the rules for beginners to do bodybuilding quickly and naturally. Muscle building is now easier!

In order to have a healthy, strong and aesthetic body, you are trying to increase your muscle mass and spend your time with intensive diet and exercises.

Instead of believing in advertisements, secret formulas and special pills / powders you see on the Internet, on television and in newspapers, you're here now, and I'll clarify everything you need to increase your muscle mass.

But before moving on to our main topic, I want to touch on a few important points.

Doing natural bodybuilding never exaggerates you and gives you big muscles. This is a misunderstood subject as a society. In order to resemble the exaggeration of male / female figures, you have to spend ten years and hundreds of thousands of TL.

Exercising normally achieves the muscle mass you need only to be healthy. To see how healthy muscle mass is for men and women, you can read why you should increase your muscle mass.

Developing a fast body is often just a big balloon. This balloon is inflated by ”pseudo” pharmaceutical and sports equipment advertisements. In this article I'll show you the tricks and facts you can use to speed up your bodybuilding.

Would you like to see “the most accurate” fast and natural bodybuilding methods from the eyes of a doctor? Then we start!
How do your muscles grow?

Before touching on the tips to improve your muscles, you need to know how your muscles develop in order to fully understand and interpret the issue. By explaining this, I will provide you with both correct and healthy point of view.

Two different mechanisms are provided for the development of your muscles - which we call muscle growth - hypertrophy.

The first mechanism configures muscle fibers with protein to adapt the strained and worn muscle cells to exercise. This structure not only makes your muscle cells bigger, but also helps them become stronger.

In the second mechanism, it is operated by cells called “satellite cells ve that act as stem cells. When these cells are activated, they add nuclei to the muscle cells that are needed and help them to grow.

As you can see, muscle growth does not depend on the construction of new muscle cells, but on the strengthening and reconstruction of existing cells. For this reason, genetics are very important in bodybuilding like many sports.

Fast and natural muscle building: Exercise

There is no miracle way to grow your muscles, it never happened and it won't happen. Nevertheless, a few tricks will always help you shorten your way and reach your destination faster.

I'll study three feet as exercise, diet and life to help you study these short ways and tricks more comfortably and understand more accurately.

Heavy Lift

Your muscles wear more with high weight, your muscles wear more, store more protein, grow and strengthen. You can lift more weight with your strengthened muscles.

As long as this vicious cycle continues, you will continue to have larger muscles. See picture below. You will notice that this picture demonstrates a fact discovered about centuries ago about heavy lifting.


The picture you see above is Milo, the wrestler who was thought to exist in the ancient Greek civilization. In this animation, you can see Milo's weight and body development, right?

It is a known fact that high weights have developed the body for centuries.

You should not exercise with excessive weights that cannot be lifted. The term high weight represents the maximum weight that you can do from 6 to 8 repetitions with that movement.

Improve your technique

The right exercise technique allows you to have larger muscles and healthy joints, while the wrong exercise technique only results in injury and loss of time. Therefore, always focus on your technique before focusing on development.

I have a few small but effective suggestions for the right exercise technique.

Apply the movement in a controlled and slow manner.
Do not lift the weight while shaking. (Weights that are more than you can lift prevent you from focusing on the desired chassis.)
Do not lock your joints at the peak of movement. (Locking your joints will cause your muscles to lose tension and a large part of your weight will load on your joints.)

Keep your workouts short

You should organize your workouts intensively and briefly. This is essential for your body to provide the environment it needs to maintain its post-exercise work.

Therefore, keep your exercises between 45 minutes and 90 minutes.

Long-term exercise increases the release of cortisol, also known as stress hormone, in your body. High cortisol levels are responsible for many processes ranging from increasing fat to muscle destruction.

For more information on cortisol, read my cortisol hormone guide.

Head towards compound exercises

Exercises that run multiple joints and muscle groups are called compound exercises. These types of exercises support hormone secretion, power increase indirectly fat burning and muscle mass increase more than isolated exercises.

For this reason, make sure to include compound exercises in the training tempo. This will allow you to gain more muscle in a short time.

Some of the best compound exercises you can use

Bench press,

can be sorted as.
Do not apply the same training program all the time

As you can recall from the paragraph we describe muscle development, muscle directs the growth response according to the situation to which it is exposed. In other words, muscle cells are repaired, new nuclei are produced and amino acid is stored in order to adapt to the situation caused by stress.

Continuing to do the same exercises after a while will cause your muscles not sufficiently strained. Because you have been practicing the same angle at the same angle for a long time and creating a similar strain on the muscle.

You can break this cycle by changing the exercises, set / difficulty order, and repetition numbers in your training program.

Most of the time, just changing the exercises will not provide the change your muscles need.

Restrict cardio exercises

It may sound crazy, but it's true. Your body consumes calories during the time of cardio and frees up valuable energy resources. These discharged energy sources often adversely affect your exercise performance.

If you need to do cardio exercises if possible to take a day without weight training, if not to keep short after the exercise to apply.

You can get information about HIIT and Tabata cardio which can be done in a short time and burns calories very fast. With these cardio protocols you can get more benefits from long and tedious cardio exercises.


Fast and natural muscle building: Diet

After the first foot exercise, we came to the diet of fast and natural muscle building. Although there are many things you need to pay attention to, I will examine the most important and “must know” issues.
Get basic nutrients

Many bodybuilders focus their attention on continuous protein intake when planning their diet. This movement, which is generally wrong, leads to developmental problems in the long term, but also causes loss of performance and motivation.

You should keep your protein intake between 1 and 1.5 grams per kilo. This is sufficient to provide the protein necessary for muscle development.

Although there are many instructors who recommend taking 2 and 3 grams of protein per kilo, this level of protein intake is unnecessary for almost all athletes.

You should keep your carbohydrate intake between 2 and 5 grams per kilo. This is necessary to release the energy needed for the metabolism of your muscles and the insulin needed to pass amino acids in the blood to the cells.

You can avoid unnecessary lubrication by using your preference for slowly digested carbohydrates. You can break this rule after training to meet the urgent need for your muscles.

However, you should also follow your oil intake. Fats successfully undertake many tasks from absorption of some of the vitamins contained in nutrients to the structure of cell walls.

Testosterone and many hormones you need are synthesized from cholesterol. In order to provide cholesterol, which is a fat, to your body, make sure to take healthy and regular fat intake.

Pay attention to vitamin and mineral intake

Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in the structure of many enzymes in the body and directly affect the release of many hormones. Therefore, make sure that you are getting the right vitamins and minerals that are key to your development.

Vitamins and minerals most commonly encountered in athletes

Vitamin E,
Vitamin D,

can be sorted as. You should pay special attention to the intake of these vitamins and minerals.

In addition, to increase the testosterone hormone ZMA at home to learn how to do at home, you can review the article called ZMA construction.
Get enough liquid

Fluid intake is vital for athletes. In order for the cells to survive and organ-tissue compatibility to continue, you must replace the lost fluid quickly and completely.

In addition, the correct fluid intake makes your muscles look fuller, while allowing them to perform their nutrition / discharge processes more quickly and effectively.

Symptoms of fluid loss and how much fluid people should take in the sport of fluid loss (dehydration) guide can learn from my article.


Fast and natural muscle building: Life

You have organized your exercise and diet program. But there is still something very important to change. Life style!
Make sure you're asleep

During sleep, the body initiates restructuring processes and tries to recover quickly. For this reason, many professional athletes pay close attention to sleep patterns.

The most important issues about sleep

Be in bed before 11:30 at night. This increases the secretion of growth hormone, which positively affects muscle development, and reduces the level of cortisol hormone that provides muscle destruction and fat storage.
Sleep at least 7 hours a day sleep at night. A less sleepy night's sleep is not enough to fully recover your body. This is very important for both your activity and your development during the day.
Do not lie too full. Full sleep causes a large part of the blood in your body to accumulate into the stomach. The blood collected in the stomach during the digestion process disables a significant amount that the body needs to send to organs during reconstruction.

Research also shows that people who are late and sleep less are fatter and more susceptible to illness.

For more information about sleep, see my article about everything about sleep.

Be motivated, stay motivated

Exercise and diet may become monotonous after a while. The only thing you need to do to keep this pace is to motivate yourself.

To be motivated, try the following:

Set a target for yourself and reward yourself for every target you reach.
Note your exercise and diet. Review your progress monthly.
Share your progress.
Make exercise and diet enjoyable. You can consolidate it by making small contests

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, Mocha Latte, Keto Friendy, 15 Count