Saturday, August 31, 2019

One A Day Women’s Multivitamin, Supplement with Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Calcium and Vitamin D, 250 Count

5 symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body

One A Day Women’s Multivitamin, Supplement with Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Calcium and Vitamin D, 250 Count

Fatigue, forgetfulness and depression among the causes of vitamin B12 deficiency needs to be provided external support treatment.

Vitamin B12, which has an important place in terms of maintaining the health of the nervous system and body health, can cause serious health problems if the body is deficient and the precautions are not taken. Upset. Dr. Dr. Muharrem İngeç gave information about the health problems that may be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency and the treatment of B 12 deficiency.

Important for healthy nervous system

Vitamin B12, which is very important for energy production, DNA synthesis in the body, red blood cell production, nervous system and brain functions, is a necessary vitamin for the health of nerve tissue. Vitamin B12, which is found in foods of animal origin, which contains protein, passes from the intestine into the bloodstream after it is separated from the protein by the effect of stomach acid during digestion in the stomach. Chicken, red meat, fish, liver, eggs, milk, cheese and yogurt, and some vegetables and fruits are rich in water-soluble vitamin B12.

Risk groups with B12 deficiency can be listed as follows:

People with vegetarian or vegan eating habits,

Chron and those with celiac disease,

Alcohol and drug addicts,

Inadequate and unbalanced children,

Pregnant mothers,

Advanced diabetes patients,

People over 65 years
Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body
Low B12 shows some symptoms in the body

1- Dizziness and loss of strength,
2- Palpitations and shortness of breath,
3- Loss of appetite, diarrhea or bloating, as well as problems with the digestive system, such as constipation,
4- Wounds in the mouth known as aphthae, redness of the tongue and bleeding gums very often,
5- B12 deficiency may be the cause of symptoms such as inability to remember addresses and some simple cases, mental fatigue and anxiety disorder.

B12 deficiency in the body is determined by blood count. B12 levels should be monitored by regular blood tests after the age of 50, as the risk of developing at an advanced age is high.

Vitamin B12, unlike other B vitamins can not be produced in the body and can be taken as an external supplement. The intravenous administration of vitamin B12 is more effective than oral tablets.

In some cases, side effects of external vitamin B12 supplements may also occur. Itching and redness at the injection site, diarrhea, feeling of swelling in the body and pain are mild side effects.

Irregular heartbeats, swelling of the feet and muscle cramps are among the serious side effects of the injection and require immediate medical attention.

Vitamin B12, which is excess and unused in the body, can be excreted in urine.

One A Day Women’s Multivitamin, Supplement with Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Calcium and Vitamin D, 250 Count