Saturday, August 31, 2019

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Men - Vitamin Code Men's Raw Whole Food Vitamin Supplement with Probiotics, Vegetarian, 120 Capsules


Garden of Life Multivitamin for Men - Vitamin Code Men's Raw Whole Food Vitamin Supplement with Probiotics, Vegetarian, 120 Capsules

Beriberi Vitamin B-1 (thiamine) is a disease caused by deficiency.

There are two types of disease: wet beriberi and dry beriberi. Wet beriberi can interfere with cardiac function and in extreme cases can cause heart failure. Dry beriberi damages nerves and can cause loss of muscle strength and muscle paralysis over time. Untreated and untreated, beriberi causes death.

If you have access to foods rich in vitamin B-1, you have a low risk of developing beriberi. Meat, dairy products and whole grains are excellent sources of Vitamin B-1 and can prevent the development of the disease.
Causes and Risks

The main cause of Beriberin is a poor diet for Vitamin B-1. This disease is very rare in areas with access to vitamin-supplemented foods. Other factors that can contribute are:

Alcohol abuse can make it difficult for your body to take and store Vitamin B-1.
Genetic beriberi is a rare condition that prevents the body from absorbing Vitamin B-1.
Pregnant women and those with hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) need extra vitamin B-1.
Prolonged diarrhea may make it difficult for your body to take Vitamin B-1.
Certain diseases (eg liver disease) disrupt your body's ability to use Vitamin B-1.
Infants with low vitamin B-1 or babies drinking breast milk.
Kidney dialysis can increase your risk of beriberi.


Symptoms of Beriberi vary according to wet or dry type. The following are symptoms of wet beriberi:

shortness of breath during physical activity
high heart rate
swelling on the lower legs

Symptoms of dry beriberi include:

Decrease in muscle function, especially on the lower legs
tingling or loss of sensation in feet and hands
mental confusion
difficulty in speaking
involuntary eye movement

In extreme cases, the disease can lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This is a type of brain injury that causes mental confusion and memory loss. This is most common in cases of alcoholism.

You need a series of medical tests to determine if you have beriberi. A blood test will measure how much Vitamin B-1 is in your blood. A urine test will check the thiamine concentration. Any difficulty in taking your body's thiamine arises with high thiamine concentrations in your urine.

After a neurological examination, doctors look for signs of lack of coordination, difficulty walking, falling eyelids, and deterioration of reflexes. In more advanced beriberi stages, memory loss, confusion or delusions occur.

A physical examination will alert your doctor to any heart problems. Rapid heart beat, swelling of the lower legs and / or breathing difficulties are all possible manifestations of beriberi.

Beriberi is treated with thiamine supplements. Your doctor may prescribe a thiamine injection or pill. Your progress is usually monitored by follow-up blood tests that show how much your body is absorbing vitamin.

Your doctor may also prescribe a specific diet that includes whole grains, eggs, meats, beets, nuts, seeds and thiamine-rich foods, including tomatoes or orange juice. Food such as ground rice, shrimp and raw meat can make your body difficult to absorb Vitamin B-1 and may need to be limited.

To avoid Beriberi, eat a healthy and balanced diet that emphasizes thiamine-rich foods. Pregnant and nursing mothers should be checked regularly for any vitamin deficiency. Baby foods should also be checked for adequate thiamine. Those who abuse alcohol should be checked for Vitamin-B deficiencies.

Beriberi prognosis is very good if caught early and treated. Any nerve and / or heart injury caused by Beriberi can also be reversed if caught early.

Beriberi cases caused by alcoholism may cause permanent brain damage if allowed to progress to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Men - Vitamin Code Men's Raw Whole Food Vitamin Supplement with Probiotics, Vegetarian, 120 Capsules