Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2018

What is Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)?

What is Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)?
Diabetic Blood Test Strips Product
To test the response of insulin or blood sugar level test Oral Glucose Tolerance sugar resistance Test (OGTT), this test measures the ability of the body to use sugar. This is a test to diagnose diabetes. Vulnerable to diabetes and gestational diabetes.

Diabetic Blood Test Strips Product

The purpose of testing Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT).

  • -Diagnosis of diabetes during pregnancy, which is common in the risk group of diabetes.
  • -The diagnosis of diabetes or at risk for the disease and diabetes over their blood sugar 100-125 mg/dl.

The OGTT test, this can be used with individuals, and pregnant women.

Preparing for inspection
  • -Providing a regular meal, but there must be at least 150 grams of starchy foods (rice and flour 8 ladle fruit per day and as usual) for at least 3 days prior to the inspection, for example, include fruits, bread, rice cereal crops, such as potato-head type. Corn nuts.
  • -Do not smoke drinking hard exercise or eating too much, 8 hours before the test.
  • -Tell the doctor what type of prescription drugs are eating.

Test OGTT 75 grams for the diagnosis of diabetes for individuals

  • - morning test blood samples to determine plasma levels of glucose before the test, the glucose fasting for 8 hours
  • - the recipient to test a glucose solution of 150 ml within 5 minutes. blood plasma glucose level measurement. 2 hours after drinking a glucose solution
  • - give test-takers eating normally and was waiting to hear the results of the medical examination

Note: While waiting for blood plasma glucose level measurement. 2 hours after drinking a glucose solution should sit or sleep comfortably. Do not walk or do any activity that causes stress and energy.

Screening for diabetes pregnancy

  • - morning test, test-takers a glucose solution of 150 ml of blood drawn to check levels of plasma glucose after a glucose solution for 1 hour
  • - give test-takers eating normally and waiting to hear. results of the medical examination

while waiting for blood plasma glucose level measurement. 1 hour after drinking the glucose solution should sit or sleep comfortably. Do not walk or do any activity that causes stress and energy.

Test OGTT of 100 grams for the diagnosis of diabetes for pregnant women

  • - a day to test blood samples to determine plasma levels of glucose after fasting for 8 hours
  • - the recipient to test a glucose solution of 200 ml within 5 minutes and puncture measurements. plasma levels of glucose every 1 to 3 hours after drinking a glucose solution and at 1, 2 and 3 hours, respectively
  • - the recipient to get tested. The food as usual and wait to hear the results of the medical examination

Note: While waiting for blood plasma glucose level measurement. After drinking the glucose solution and at 1, 2 and 3 hours should sit or sleep comfortably. Do not walk or do any activity that causes stress and energy.

This test takes about 4 hours during the test should be resting. Should not be eating during the examination. Drink only water

Stage blood

When the officer called the people to sit on the Chair arm to penetrate the blood. The officer will determine whether blood vessels visible areas, most.
  • -Elastic cord, officials will use the arms over the area of blood, which makes the blood bubbles come out.
  • -The staff will disinfect the area with a blood alchohol.
  • -The officer stabbed the needle to the vascular area. Some of which may be difficult to drill blood blood several times.
  • -After sucking blood. Officials release the hose clip out.
  • -The needle to pull the officer out and use a cotton swab and clean areas of blood.
  • -The plaster off the area where blood. For blood or difficult. A bleeding disorder, you may have to press in the blood for longer than usual.

Reading blood results
For a normal person to test the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test-Brown resistance (OGTT).

  • -Normal people, Brown punched at 2 Hours after drinking the sugar is less than 140 mg/dL.
  • -HIV are between 141-199 mg/dL will be diagnosed with diabetes-risk group.
  • -For people with diabetes for more than 2 hours to sugar value 200 mg/dL.

For the pregnant woman

  • -Sugar is less than 95 mg/dL (mmol/L 5.3).
  • -The value of blood sugar after drinking the sugar 1 hour 180 mg/dL is less than (10 mmol/L).
  • -2 hours after drinking the sugar-sugar is less than 155 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L).
  • -The value of blood sugar after drinking 3 hours to less than 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L).

Any Answer

1. OGTT is a standard gold test for detecting type 2 diabetes and inducing pregnancy attacks. The patient is advised to quickly for 8 hours or more and plasma glucose is tested in the morning. After that, the patient gets an oral part of glucose and then tested after a certain time.

2. The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) measures the body's ability to use glucose, the body's most important energy source. OGTT was performed to detect diabetes and worsening of glucose tolerance. This test can also be used to diagnose gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy).

3. A OGTT is designed to be if the effectiveness of your pancreas can handle a sudden influx of glucose, my friend. (Usually glucose is obtained from the degradation of carbohydrates during the digestion process.)

With a OGTT, you get a standard concentration of glucose in a beverage so that the measurements can be quantified.

For this type of test, you will be asked to quickly (not eat or drink) at night and draw blood from a vein in your arm. They were then asked to drink a sick sweet substance called Glucola and was sucked in blood at the hour after. (The number of hours is determined by your doctor.) Compared to the results, it would allow your doctor to evaluate if you really have a problem with glucose metabolism.

Since it has been properly established, this test is mainly used to determine if someone is suffering from diabetes... Higher than  "normal" blood sugar levels, but it can also be used to determine if someone is suffering from hypoglycaemia.... Lower than the blood sugar level  "Normal".

A1C tests to check for type 2 diabetes

A1C tests to check for type 2 diabetes

Another type of measuring blood sugar levels that are used in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 2 is a hemoglobin A1C to make this type of assessment that your glucose levels are controlled in which over time. People with diabetes should go get A1C test at least 2 times each year because it is measuring blood sugar levels best.

Your doctor may want to check the top repeatedly to confirm your result. Those checks indicate that there is a risk of diabetes are 40% risk to develop diabetes within 5 years if they don't change their lifestyle and overall health, unfortunately, you may not feel that your blood sugar levels are higher.

The only way to know you are more vulnerable to diabetes or diabetes is going to make blood.

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes in male and female

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes in male and female

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes in men
Generally, Symptoms of diabetes type 2 is usually the same for both women and men. However, diseases of the urinary system diseases such as erectile dysfunction (ED), the penis can't get erections, which is associated with all types of diabetes including diabetes type 2 from the central unit's report, which provides information about diabetes, a national of the United States (National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse) 20-75% of men with diabetes suffer from any type of erectile dysfunction.

Researchers believe the diabetes cause sexual problems in men, which caused the autonomic nervous system of the body that controls the flow of the various destruction. If you have symptoms of erectile dysfunction may indicate that you are a diabetic, another one urinary tract disease associated with diabetes in men is retrograde ejaculation or ejaculation, semen backward into the bladder. Symptoms can be found is the semen drops during ejaculation, semen.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes in women

Women with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of vaginal discharge is a fungal infection of the vagina. Because type 2 diabetes is associated with increased vaginal fungus. Experts believe that vaginal discharge that leads to infection of the urinary tract and bladder. Since fungi and bacteria to proliferate when the blood sugar level rises.

Complications of type 2 diabetes

Complications of type 2 diabetes

Long-term complications of type 2 diabetes can be prevented in some cases back or slow down from a combination of.

  • - Control blood sugar levels
  • - Control blood pressure levels
  • - Control blood cholesterol levels
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of ill health, strength and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes at some level. Arteriosclerosis (A condition in which arteries harden and lose elasticity) occurs in older people. Diabetes rates will accelerate the development of this condition, which is steadily reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease or if you are there. Require both lifestyle modifications coupled with drug use.

Diabetic retinopathy High blood sugar levels cause blood vessels that feed the retina. Which is a layer of light-sensitive tissue at the back and inner eye. Swelling and capillary occlusion or central retinal hemorrhage into the eye causing blurred vision. In extreme abnormal new blood vessels are formed. New blood vessels that leak can cause severe vision loss or blindness.

Disease of foot numbness from nerve or nerves are destroyed, can affect any part of the nerve in the body, especially in the feet. Legs, hands and arms. This condition is called the disease of foot numbness from nerve.

Nerve disease can cause symptoms, tuck. Inflamed skin or numbness in the symptoms. The pain of nerve diseases difficult to control, so should find topical containing extracts from chilli to relieve symptoms.

The product is dispensed prescription may help relieve pain caused by a disease called foot numbness from nerve, including. Depression medication and drugs seizures.

Kidney disorders from diabetes (kidney disease) In diabetes, renal insufficiency, renal abnormalities from the unit (or filter) in the kidneys, it was destroyed by severe high blood sugar levels.

High blood pressure and high cholesterol in causing problems.

In the beginning stages of kidney dysfunction from diabetes. You may not notice any symptoms, but blood and urine can detect the first symptoms of the disorder. And early treatment can stop or slow the growth of this condition.

Chronic wounds from diabetes usually have no pain and patients usually do not know yourself as a wound in the first place. The wound with diabetes mellitus. Diabetic foot ulcers, which can take several weeks to heal and the main reason for keeping him in the hospital for patients with diabetes.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Type 2 diabetes is a genetic disorder or not

Type 2 diabetes is a genetic disorder or not

Type 2 diabetes has a genetic structure that concentration.  If one of the identical twins is diabetes type 2 is a twin to one has the opportunity to 75-90% percent to diabetes type 2 and if one of the parents is diabetes type 2 for his or her child has a chance of about 15-20% in this disease in the adult range.

If the parents of this disease, their children have a chance 50% in order to develop this disease.

The researchers noted that ethnic groups are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. More than other groups as well, for example. Among African Americans, Hispanic / Latino Americans. And some groups of Native Americans are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than among white Americans or people of the Caucasian.

And that's a priority. Environmental factors play an important role When Japan moved to the United States and food and the Western way of life. Incidence of type 2 diabetes increases in this group, but their family in Japan have not experienced an increase in type 2 diabetes.

Friday, September 21, 2018

What causes type 2 diabetes?

What causes type 2 diabetes?

No clear reason why some refer to as type 2 diabetes, there are many factors that increase the risk that people with diabetes type 2.
Obesity or have a body weight causes you to have a high risk of diabetes type 2 from 4 in 5 people with diabetes type 2 then there body weight or obese.
Risk of diabetes, a condition in which your blood glucose is higher than normal but not yet up to the level required for a diagnosis of diabetes. In this period, also, there are no symptoms, so you should consult your doctor if you are currently in this condition.
Consumer behavior is not healthy. Consuming unhealthy food in large doses can increase the risk of diabetes type 2.
Research has shown that foods high in calories. Foods and drinks that contain less fiber pulp such as soda or juice and add fresh vegetables and fruit platter full home can increase the risk of diabetes type 2.
Take the time to watch tv too much. Research of adults 20 years of age, and 54 years old, showed that people who watch television for more than 2 hours per day is possible than his colleagues is obesity and diabetes.
There is no movement and activity. When the fat body reacts to insulin and other hormones to affect the increase of diabetes. By muscle mass can increase from exercise and muscle training, it has a role in protecting the body from insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Disturbed sleeping habits. Affect the balance of insulin in the body, and blood sugar levels by the working of pancreas. Over time. This behavior may lead to type 2 diabetes in the future.

What is Insulin Resistance?

What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin is a hormone that causes the body to control blood sugar levels with insulin is created in the pancreas.

Insulin resistance. A condition in which the body's cells can not use insulin to be effective. Result in the need to use insulin than usual transport glucose (the sugar types found in the blood stream). Into the cells to use for energy or stored for later use.

Insulin resistance develops over time, the body is resistant to insulin, increasing the pancreas reacts by releasing more insulin. Condition in which the levels of insulin in the blood is higher than normal currents, called hyperinsulinemia.

The pancreas may be able to adjust the level of the requirement that the body needs more doses of insulin in the blood sugar level for a while, and might be in the normal level of approximately 70-100 mg/dl before eating and 140 mg/dl lower after eating. However, the pancreas is unable to maintain the level of insulin causes blood sugar levels start to rise in the end.

Type 2 diabetes, patient symptoms, risk factors and treatment

Type 2 diabetes, patient symptoms, risk factors and treatment
Diabetes type 2, a condition that has a high blood sugar, called Hyperglycemia by there are two reasons that cause high blood sugar level is.
  • 1. Insulin resistance
  • 2. Reducing the level of insulin in your body.

Diabetes is mainly found. Because the pancreas can still make insulin, but not enough for the body's needs. Patients need to be on a diet, including insulin-injection type.

Type 2 Diabetes This is the most common type (about 90%) of all patients with diabetes. Due to insulin resistance when eating. Pancreas to produce insulin The sugar from food into cells to use as energy, But insulin resistance, resulting in insulin function poorly made high blood sugar and diabetes. When diabetes is not treated. Sugar high for a long period. The resulting condition is toxic to pancreatic cells. (Glucotoxicity) causes the pancreas to produce insulin does not. Deficiency of insulin (insulin secretory defect) together.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes patients

  • - Found 90 percent of people with diabetes
  • - The most common ages older than 30 years
  • - Blurred vision
  • - Wounds heal slowly
  • - Beriberi hands and feet
  • - Skin infections. Mouth or bladder
  • - The symptoms occur gradually or symptoms are often detected when checking general health by accident.
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes

  • - A family history of diabetes. Standard overweight / obese.
  • - Severe insulin resistance
  • - History of diabetes during pregnancy.
  • - High Blood Pressure
  • - A fat HDL less than or equal to 35 mg / dl or triglycerides more than or equal to 250 mg / dL.
  • - Exercise less
  • - Obesity (abdominal obesity) eating too much energy spent, less exercise, less physical activity (sedentary lifestyle).

Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

The goal of the treatment of type 2 diabetes is that patients treated with metformin plus diet  and exercise, with a target average sugar level control to 7% by the overseers, down within three months.

  • - The principle is simple diet to reduce fat. Add foods that contain a lot of fiber
  • - Exercise
  • - Weight loss
  • - Eat pills for reducing the sugar in my diet and exercise case doesn't work.
  • - In the case of insulin injections, pills for reducing sugar don't work.
Type 2 Diabetes complications is important

1. High Sugar [Hyperglycemia] often occur in patients receiving the drug did not have enough or stress such as fever, stress, other. Patients will have symptoms.
  • - Headache
  • - Cloudy eyes.
  • - Thirsty often. Frequent urination.
  • - Dry skin, itching body.

2. Hypoglycemia cause

  • - Receive too much insulin
  • - Eat less
  • - Exercise more
  • - Drink alcohol on an empty stomach
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
  • - The hunger
  • - shaky
  • - Fatigue
  • - Confused.
  • - Loss of consciousness

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Type 1 diabetes and risk factors to cause diseases

Type 1 diabetes and risk factors to cause diseases

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body cannot create insulin as needed to control blood sugar levels.

In the normal digestive process. The body will make the food that you eat most of what makes glucose. Which can be stored in the body and can be used as energy. The hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas a hormone that controls the amount of glucose in the blood by helping the liver, muscle and fat cells to absorb glucose.

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the pancreas does not make enough insulin, or can be created, the body cannot use insulin properly. Cause high blood-sugar levels, which cause many health problems.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body produces insulin, then less or not at all. This disease is considered abnormal immune system. Into attack and destroy the beta cells of the pancreas that make insulin.

Diabetes type 1 or ever known diabetes type diabetes insulin must be used – insulin-dependent or diabetes in children – juvenile-onset diabetes (because they are often found in children). Found 5% of all diabetes patients. Reference from the disease control and prevention centers (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC).

Risk factors for diabetes type 1 consists of the possible

  • - Genetically
  • - Family history
  • - Lack of vitamin d.
  • - Start drinking cow's milk too quickly.
  • - Diseases and other immune system diseases such as Addison's disease, thyroid, Disease and autoimmune gastritis.
  • - Starting food grains and gluten early (before 4 months) or slow (7 months), too.
  • - Birth mothers, while the age or toxemia of pregnancy.

5 Ways to reduce blood sugar, reduce diabetes a safe

5 Ways to reduce blood sugar, reduce diabetes a safe

Diabetes is a disease that even can not be cured. But if patients recognize health care myself properly. Conscious living habits, as appropriate. Only by using the 5 ways to reduce the blood sugar lowering and diabetes safe following would help reduce blood sugar levels and result in reduced symptoms of diabetes. There are the following:

1. Food Control

The main diet in people with diabetes is that it does not have the difference from the primary to the general public. You just need to focus on healthy food truly By eating all the food quantity, complete 5 group, it must have the proper proportions. Not too much or little, eat in large quantities because it may affect the blood sugar level rises fast. But if you eat less food, and lack of a body, it will cause low blood sugar, until the danger coming up.

For foods that are suitable for people with diabetes. If in the majority of food, carbohydrates recommended to eat cereal, whole grains or whole wheat bread, because it is a complex carbohydrate. Do not make the blood sugar level rises simultaneously, this should increase the amount of fruit and vegetables, high fiber, low sugar food quantities should be avoided is the food that tastes sweet too and should control the food, sweet and salted it too to prevent complications from other diseases until inducing the symptoms of diabetes.

2. Exercise

Diabetes patients can exercise normally. Because exercise helps promote healthy, help reduce the symptoms of diabetes is not severe, but will need to choose the type of exercise that is appropriate. It may be determined by age, aptitude and medical conditions.

The exercise is suitable for people with diabetes is exercise, aerobic exercise, such as walking, cycling, swimming. Yoga and Chinese Boxing exercises because it is an exercise that provides whole body continuous motion.  Without causing impact severity follow. Especially those with joint problems or foot The closer should avoid exercises that are causing the most, which should regularly exercise in aerobic forms such as aerobics routine 3-5 times a week for 20-40 minutes each time.

3. Diet to reduce blood sugar

- Ginger is an herb that Thailand's famed shot in the treatment of diabetes. Because ginger in a substance capable of stimulating the insulin in the body. Making the lower blood glucose levels and also affects the increase of the quantity of insulin. We can eat ginger regularly well being used as ingredients in food and drinking ginger juice.

- Cinnamon essential substances from herb cinnamon would help increase the secretion of the hormone insulin. Result in lower blood sugar levels. Help control blood cholesterol for diabetes type 2 is also possible indications from the cinnamon also reduces the risks of that disease, diabetes effectively.

- Garlic contains a compound of allicin, which helps reduce fats in the blood. Decrease blood pressure and aggressive in the fight against diabetes as well,  by the results from the study found that the substance ethanol demand garlic help lower blood sugar levels, and improves the effectiveness of insulin secretion.

- Green Apple : Eating Green apples, fresh every day will help keep blood sugar levels gradually increase regularly. Not too fast, because the sugar in the Apple will change as the body slowly, including the fibers in the Apple effect. There are inflatable features help increase excretion, thereby making it feel satiated longer to eat sweets.

In addition to the herbs, fruits and such, there are also many other types of plants that can be eaten to relieve the symptoms of diabetes, such as eggplant, okra, gourd, turmeric, pumpkin and wormwood, aloe, etc.

4. Supplementation Health Care
Supplements for high blood sugar should be extracted blood sugar, particularly the extraction of dietary supplements from apple. Because apple is one of the sweet fruit that diabetes can eat because after eating the apple. The sugar in the Apple will never enters the body immediately, but will be gradually absorbed into the body slowly.

However, apple is not a cure for diabetes, but it is just a very valuable fruit of both dietary fiber and vitamin c, that people with diabetes can eat.

5. Sleep enough rest
Typically, for a healthy body, strong, away from various diseases. Getting enough sleep is a factor to promote good health. Particularly the more diabetes people should sleep enough and should not sleep late because during the night. The body will act repair worn parts and hormone secretion will come out, work smarter. Make the body feeling refreshed. Not easy fatigue Result in a bright mood. Don't stress and does not affect hypoglycaemia, hunger. Specifically, there is a craving for Sweet's symptoms, but will increase the risk of severe disease symptoms occur.