Friday, September 21, 2018

What is Insulin Resistance?

What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin is a hormone that causes the body to control blood sugar levels with insulin is created in the pancreas.

Insulin resistance. A condition in which the body's cells can not use insulin to be effective. Result in the need to use insulin than usual transport glucose (the sugar types found in the blood stream). Into the cells to use for energy or stored for later use.

Insulin resistance develops over time, the body is resistant to insulin, increasing the pancreas reacts by releasing more insulin. Condition in which the levels of insulin in the blood is higher than normal currents, called hyperinsulinemia.

The pancreas may be able to adjust the level of the requirement that the body needs more doses of insulin in the blood sugar level for a while, and might be in the normal level of approximately 70-100 mg/dl before eating and 140 mg/dl lower after eating. However, the pancreas is unable to maintain the level of insulin causes blood sugar levels start to rise in the end.