Monday, September 10, 2018

Foot ulcer causes of infection in the bloodstream. Shoes for diabetics can help you.

Foot ulcer causes of infection in the bloodstream. Shoes for diabetics can help you.

Foot is the most vulnerable organ to injury, because each foot has to play a role in the movement. Several minutes a day or maybe an hour. In diabetic patients, the prevention of foot injuries is important.

Therefore, looking for shoes that are suitable for patients with diabetes is the thing that must be taken care of as possible.

Shoes that protects the feet of diabetic patients must have the following features:

  • - The size of the shoes must fit the foot. And also take into account the weight. Foot shape of the wearer. When wearing shoes, feel comfortable, not too loose or too tight until your toes squeeze together.
  • - The shoes material can support the foot well. Flexibility to change the style of the feet. Material is made of lightweight synthetic fiber or made of genuine leather.
  • - Shoes can be adjusted to increase size with a shoelaces. To ventilate and damp from sweat can loosen the shoelace loose.
  • - The head of the shoes must be large enough. Space for toes move.
  • - The material in the shoe must absorb the impact force of the foot as well. Thickness of impact absorbing material is about 7-10 mm.
  • - Shoes must not be very loose. To make diabetic patients have to peck on the toes.

The rules, to buy shoes for diabetes patients.
  • - Choose shoes suitable for male, female, age, which size of foot structure is different.
  • - The purpose of using shoes such as fitness, shoes go to work. The use of each shoe style shoes are different.
  • - Each foot has an uneven width. Use a cardboard to draw around your feet and insert the paper into your shoe. If the sheet rolls or wrists, it is narrow.

Tips: Applying new shoes

First Day: Wear newly bought shoes, test walking for 30 minutes, then take off your shoes, explore feet , see where there are red marks, abrasions.
  • - If you see red marks around the abrasion, the shoes are tight, need to loosen the shoe to expand the area. Or buy a pair of new shoes instead.
  • - If you do not encounter any problems, then continue to test on the second day.
Day two: Increase test walk time to 1 hour. If there is no problem with the foot, then test next day. By increasing the walking time up to 20 minutes a day, until the 7th day, the shoes are tested for diabetes.


  • ** Before wearing shoes every time to knock the shoes to make foreign matter, such as poisonous animals, centipedes, scorpions, scabs fall out first.
  • ** Outside the house, they wear shoes suitable for outdoor adventure. And walk home, they also have to wear the right shoes as well.

  • ** Do not wear shoes with a toe.
  • ** Should wear socks.