Friday, September 21, 2018

Type 2 diabetes, patient symptoms, risk factors and treatment

Type 2 diabetes, patient symptoms, risk factors and treatment
Diabetes type 2, a condition that has a high blood sugar, called Hyperglycemia by there are two reasons that cause high blood sugar level is.
  • 1. Insulin resistance
  • 2. Reducing the level of insulin in your body.

Diabetes is mainly found. Because the pancreas can still make insulin, but not enough for the body's needs. Patients need to be on a diet, including insulin-injection type.

Type 2 Diabetes This is the most common type (about 90%) of all patients with diabetes. Due to insulin resistance when eating. Pancreas to produce insulin The sugar from food into cells to use as energy, But insulin resistance, resulting in insulin function poorly made high blood sugar and diabetes. When diabetes is not treated. Sugar high for a long period. The resulting condition is toxic to pancreatic cells. (Glucotoxicity) causes the pancreas to produce insulin does not. Deficiency of insulin (insulin secretory defect) together.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes patients

  • - Found 90 percent of people with diabetes
  • - The most common ages older than 30 years
  • - Blurred vision
  • - Wounds heal slowly
  • - Beriberi hands and feet
  • - Skin infections. Mouth or bladder
  • - The symptoms occur gradually or symptoms are often detected when checking general health by accident.
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes

  • - A family history of diabetes. Standard overweight / obese.
  • - Severe insulin resistance
  • - History of diabetes during pregnancy.
  • - High Blood Pressure
  • - A fat HDL less than or equal to 35 mg / dl or triglycerides more than or equal to 250 mg / dL.
  • - Exercise less
  • - Obesity (abdominal obesity) eating too much energy spent, less exercise, less physical activity (sedentary lifestyle).

Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

The goal of the treatment of type 2 diabetes is that patients treated with metformin plus diet  and exercise, with a target average sugar level control to 7% by the overseers, down within three months.

  • - The principle is simple diet to reduce fat. Add foods that contain a lot of fiber
  • - Exercise
  • - Weight loss
  • - Eat pills for reducing the sugar in my diet and exercise case doesn't work.
  • - In the case of insulin injections, pills for reducing sugar don't work.
Type 2 Diabetes complications is important

1. High Sugar [Hyperglycemia] often occur in patients receiving the drug did not have enough or stress such as fever, stress, other. Patients will have symptoms.
  • - Headache
  • - Cloudy eyes.
  • - Thirsty often. Frequent urination.
  • - Dry skin, itching body.

2. Hypoglycemia cause

  • - Receive too much insulin
  • - Eat less
  • - Exercise more
  • - Drink alcohol on an empty stomach
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
  • - The hunger
  • - shaky
  • - Fatigue
  • - Confused.
  • - Loss of consciousness