Sunday, March 8, 2020

Choose the right watering method

Choose the right watering method

Watering at the right frequency. General watering rules exist that Plants need about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water per week, but some plants require more water - less than that. The easiest is to know and study the plants that they have grown. How much water is needed And keep an eye on the health of that tree. [3] Indicating that having to water more than that
Another method that can be tested well Taking a finger to dip into the ground for 2-3 inches (5 - 10 cm). If the soil feels dry Shows that it's time to water, but if the water is almost wet to the surface, wait.
How often will water the plants? Sometimes you have to consider the criteria yourself. For example, if it rains all week It means that you do not have to water as much as usual. But if during this period there is no sunshine, it will have to water more than before

Water the plants around the roots, don't water the leaves. The roots will absorb water to feed the tree. If watering the leaves Will drip or evaporate Therefore, when watering, point the watering hose or low sprinkler at the base of the tree like that.
Pour water directly until the leaves are completely saturated. Can cause the tree to die If the water remaining in the water In addition to being easy to mold Can also overheat the tree
If using a hose and watering the base of the tree is too difficult Install a grounded watering system such as drip tape or water leakage hose.

Water deeply, but only for the most part. Trees are strong when they can be rooted in the soil. Not growing out beside a wide path or row of soil surface Therefore water deep in the soil so that the water will reach the roots. Helps the roots to be more plunged into the soil as well
Correct watering methods And good for the health of the tree Therefore is watered down deeply, but not often Instead of watering a little, but watering every day, choose 1 - 2 days of the week And watering the base of the tree to moisten it better
This means that you have to water each point for 30 seconds or more, not watering all over quickly.

Signs that you water too much. Even if you say it is a long time But if the plants get too much water, they can die as well as lack of water, so watering should be spaced appropriately. But don't pour too much Signs that you may be watering too much and then

  • The leaves begin to turn yellow or brown.
  • The leaves wilt.
  • Pretending to rot

Must choose watering equipment that is suitable for the area of ​​the garden. If the garden takes up a large area and needs to be watered daily May have to install a sprinkler (actually have to read that the sprinkler) and set the time for automatic watering instead