Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sambucol Pastilles, Black Elderberry, 20 Count

Elderberry syrup homemade: home remedies for colds and flu

Sambucol Pastilles, Black Elderberry, 20 Count

Seniors are taken at the end of summer. It can be easily stored and dried in the autumn or winter, something real. When a cold or flu, jet black berries can quickly turn into a healing syrup - a home remedy that will put an end to any annoying infection in three days, it is said. Elderberry is an old medicine. Only fruits can not be used in natural medicine. Its blossoms are due to Teebeigaben, their sweaty effect is ideal for febrile infections.

Elderberry syrup is prepared quickly by yourself
In the past there was a large old tree (Sambucus nigra L.) in each garden. He was supposed to protect against lightning and evil spirits - and that does it. You feel quite as if you have an influenza if you are angry at evil spirits. One but then sweat, elderberry drinks and lowers fever. Strawberries in the form of a syrup can still be quickly overcome by influenza (or cold), then with reference.

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The elderly have an antiviral effect.
The enemy of the long-hundred elderly comprehensive scientific studies and the antiviral effect of influenza (we reported here), so that the gnarled shrub black berries can be used as a high-officer of influenza drugs, too.

More influenza antibodies thanks to elderberry
Already in 2001, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which an elderberry extract was shown to be effective against influenza viruses and could reduce the duration of influenza for three to four days appeared. When they examined the blood of subjects with significantly more influenza antibodies than the elder group placebo group.

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Elderberry can accompany the treatment of many diseases
Given the fact that traditional medicine is ready convincing aids neither the flu holds nor colds, elderberry is literally an angel. They activate the immune system and they are also involved in the treatment of many other diseases. Can be used at the same time for cancer time, so relieve it at the same time. The elderly accelerate recovery and recovery after illness.

Gripperauer shortened to four days
2004 I read in the International Journal of Medical Research that people have been prescribed in folk medicine for centuries for the treatment of influenza, colds, sinus infections and other respiratory diseases in the elderberry. The antiviral effect on the elderberry also make them a means against herpes.

Five days later, with reference to 15 ml elderberry syrup four times a day, then the duration of influenza is reduced by four days and lower doses of typical flu drugs need. Old researchers recommended Elderberry syrup as a cheap, safe and effective remedy for influenza.

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Elderberry also has a very good preventive effect.
According to Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu, an Israeli virologist at Hadassah-Hebrew University, normally inactive aged enzymes that use the virus to penetrate mucosal cells in the nose or throat of victims. Therefore, elderberry is not only therapeutic, but also good preventative.

Three days later - thanks to the elder - better than flu patients
In the study of Mumcuoglus they agreed that an elderberry extract (Sambucol) to influenza patients that the flu season was carried out in 1992-1993. Within 24 hours, 20 percent of the patients were much better. Her fever fell, muscle pain subsided, and coughing was weakening. The second day was 90 percent of it, the third day was already 73 percent significantly better patients.

Only 16 percent felt slightly better on the second day while no elderberry extract was in the control group. The majority of the control group took a week to feel better again. Two years later you can be shown in Sambucol lab work, which can turn itself into swine flu and avian influenza viruses.

Elderberry syrup prepared by yourself - Recipe
A elderberry syrup is quickly homemade. Ingredients are available almost everywhere.Only elderberry - if you are fresh and not dried to buy - there is everywhere. However, they can be used online for 12 to 17 euros for 500 g (organic quality).


3 glasses of water
2 tablespoons of freshly grated ginger or ginger powder
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
½ teaspoon clove or clove powder
1 cup fresh or ½ to ⅔ cup dried black elderberry (if the fruits are red, immature and unpalatable).
1 cup cold drawn organic honey or yacon syrup or molasses (1 cup = 240 ml)

Put the water in a pot and add all the ingredients except honey.

Boil the mixture, reduce the temperature and allow the fruits to cook gently for 30 to 40 minutes.

Mash the mixture after cooling slightly.

Pour the liquid through a sieve and allow to cool further.

Only when the elderberry juice is cold, mix honey, syrup or molasses.

Mix everything well and fill the syrup that is formed into a well sealable bottle.

Elderberry syrup can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. If you put the syrup in an airtight bottle, it will last for months.

Elderberry syrup can be taken as a precautionary measure if common cold and influenza infections become widespread. Syrup may also be used for existing infections. However, it can also be used as a sweetener in desserts or shakes.

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Prevention: Adults take 1 tablespoon of 1 day, children ½ 1 teaspoon elderberry syrup.

For an existing cold or flu: the above dose is taken every two to three hours - until the symptoms disappear.

Also useful for colds vinegar, pepper, horseradish, garlic, ginger, turmeric, etc. It is a natural "antibiotic" that can be made.

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Sambucol Pastilles, Black Elderberry, 20 Count