Saturday, August 31, 2019

SmartyPants Kids Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 120 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

How to identify vitamin deficiency? Vitamin deficiency treatment…

SmartyPants Kids Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 120 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

Vitamins are organic nutrients that are vital for the health and normal functioning of all cells. What are the symptoms of vitamin deficiency? How to eliminate vitamin deficiency?

What are the symptoms of vitamin deficiency that are vital for the protection of body and mental health? A balanced diet with a wide range of foods is important to get all the vitamins you need. What foods can we get these vitamins? What is the treatment of vitamin deficiency? What you are curious about in our news ...

Lack of vitamins, which are among the most important substances that increase body resistance and protect the body against diseases, cause serious health problems. Inadequate intake of vitamins affecting all organs and systems in the body can manifest itself in different symptoms.

These are sometimes manifested by very simple symptoms and disappear with vitamin supplements; but sometimes it invites or heralds very serious illnesses.

For this, vitamin deficiencies in our body should be taken into consideration and the needs of our body should be met with the changes we will make in our diet and the vitamin supplements we will take.

What vitamin deficiency causes which disease and what are the symptoms:


It is the world's leading cause of preventable blindness in children and increases the risk of disease and death.

Although it is a serious problem in more than half of all countries, it mainly affects poorer regions.

In pregnant women, vitamin A deficiency can increase the risk of night blindness and maternal mortality.

Vitamin A is an important food and is especially necessary for healthy skin and healthy eyes.


Vitamin D has several important functions. For example, it helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets in children and weakness and pain in adults without adequate calcium in the bones. This is called osteomalacia.


Since it is naturally stored in your body, you are unlikely to have a vitamin E deficiency.

However, it is important to be an antioxidant and to help protect healthy skin and eyes, while at the same time strengthening the immune system.

According to current research, vitamin E is thought to help prevent the progression of dementia.


Vitamin K has some important functions. For example, it is necessary for blood clotting, which helps the wounds to heal properly. There is also some evidence to help keep bones healthy.

Too much vitamin K is not required, so vitamin K deficiency is rare. However, a healthy and balanced diet is necessary to ensure that it is sufficient. Vitamin K is found in vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, beans, peas, potatoes, egg yolks, yogurt, green tea and brussels sprouts.


Often seen as the most famous deficiencies, due to vitamin C deficiency bleeding and swelling of the gums, red spots on the skin, anemia, weakness, pain in the arms, legs and joints can cause.

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is vital for the body. Because it is necessary for the body to produce protein.

Vitamin C is found in green peppers, strawberries, parsley, green vegetables, tomatoes, red cabbage and citrus fruits. Daily vitamin C; The minimum amount to be taken every day in women and men is 60 milligrams. At least 100 mg of smokers. They should take vitamin C.


Vitamin B6 enables the body to use and store proteins and carbohydrates in foods as energy; helps to form hemoglobin (red blood cells carrying oxygen in the body).

This vitamin is even more necessary for those with overactive thyroid. Muscle weakness is very common in patients with overactive thyroid and vitamin B6 deficiency.

Prolonged high doses of vitamin B6 may be toxic and lead to irreversible nerve damage. It is found in eggs, chicken, carrots and green leafy vegetables.


Vitamin B12 has similar properties to folic acid in the body and helps to regenerate red blood cells. Strengthens the nervous system, facilitates the use of proteins by the body.

B12 deficiency, drowsiness, fatigue, easy illness, loss of appetite and depression in children together cause pernicious anemia. Offal products are abundant in cheese and milk.


Folate or folic acid works with vitamin B12 to form healthy red blood cells, but also helps reduce the risk of central nervous system defects such as spina bifida in unborn babies, so it is absolutely necessary to be taken during pregnancy.

Folate deficiency causes fatigue (caused by anemia), fatigue, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Folate deficiency can also cause headaches, heart palpitations and behavioral disorders.


Most chloride is recovered from salt (sodium chloride), so its deficiency in the body is rare. However, the use of excess salt is a very common habit.

Sodium and chloride are small electrolytes that help maintain the level of fluids in the body. Chloride helps the body to digest food and is the main component of fluids in the stomach and intestines.

Consuming too much salt causes hypertension, which increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.


Calcium, the main component of bone and teeth, is the most abundant mineral in our body. Calcium is also required for muscle contraction. Short-term calcium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, stiffness and weakness of movement.

In adolescence, especially for the baby's bone development during pregnancy, it is very important for women to take calcium up to the age of 30 years. Inadequate calcium during these periods may lead to bone resorption. Symptoms of calcium deficiency may include fatigue, depression, muscle weakness, kidney stones, constipation and spondylitis (stiffness and inflammation of the spine). Milk and dairy products are also rich in calcium from soybeans, tofu, peanuts, walnuts, cabbage, broccoli, sardines and trout.


Magnesium helps convert the food we eat into energy and helps the parathyroid glands that produce hormones that are important for bone health to function normally. Taking high doses of magnesium in a short time can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps.

Longer-term high intakes may cause drops in blood pressure, slow or irregular heartbeats or cardiac arrest. It can also cause muscle weakness and breathing difficulties, confusion, drowsiness, balance disorder, even coma and death.

Green leaf plants are a good source of magnesium. In addition, fish, almonds, broad beans and whole grains, cocoa, bananas and avocados are also very rich in magnesium.


Biotin is known as Vitamin B7. Biotin-D is also called Vitamin H, Coenzyme R or W-Factor. A small amount of biotin is required for fat metabolism. Vitamin B7 (Biotin) controls bad cholesterol. Helps regulate thyroid and adrenaline hormones. Hair loss, brittle hair and nails may be a sign of biotin deficiency, and the slow growth of hair should be considered as B7 deficiency.

Almond, Onion, Carrot, Hazelnut, Peanut, Tomato, Fish, Milk and Dairy Products, Broccoli, Avocado, Corn, Rice, Mushroom, Egg yolk, Dried legumes and meat products can be easily taken from milk and milk products.


Together with sodium, the potassium mineral maintains the fluid and electrolyte balance of body cells. Regular heart rhythm is required. It plays a role in the delivery of oxygen to the brain. It is important in the transmission of nutrients between cells. A study in Italy has shown that potassium helps lower blood pressure.

Potassium deficiency, weakness, loss of appetite, irritability, vomiting, dry skin, heart rhythm disorders, muscular fatigue occurs.

It has been found that potassium deficiency increases the risk of heart attack in elderly people by 50%. Stress, caffeine and some medicines increase the need for potassium. Bananas, Avocados, Sweet potatoes, Spinach, Salmon, Sun dried tomatoes, Peanuts, Beans, Apricots, Figs, Peaches, Orange are the foods you can meet your potassium needs.


Iron is an important mineral in the body. It helps to make red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body.

Iron deficiency can cause iron deficiency anemia. It is the most common type of anemia in the world and causes many health problems. It can cause constipation, nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. Very high doses of iron can be fatal, especially when taken by children. Meat and meat products, eggs, green leafy vegetables, legumes, molasses, cereals and dried fruits are some of the nutrients that meet iron needs.

SmartyPants Kids Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 120 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary