Monday, August 5, 2019

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 1088 Count

Discovered the therapeutic power of bacteria in baby feces

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 1088 Count

US researchers have discovered therapeutic probiotic intestinal bacteria in baby feces. Bacteria, diabetes and autoimmune diseases are thought to benefit the treatment.

A group of researchers at Wake Forest Medical School in the state of North Carolina, USA, obtained a probiotic mixture of bacteria found in baby feces.

Probiotics are microorganisms. Food containing live culture is also called probiotic food. For example, yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut or some types of cheese are probiotic and therefore contain large amounts of lactic acid and bacteria. These foods are good for intestinal flora and contribute to overall health. These foods are considered "super food".

Probiotic intestinal bacteria also help patients suffering from short-chain fatty acid deficiency, according to the results obtained by researchers and published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Hariom Yadav, an expert in conducting the research, said that short-chain fatty acids are the main factor for intestinal health.

Obese individuals, diabetes patients, patients with autoimmune disease and cancer patients, especially short-chain fatty acid deficiency is encountered.

Why baby feces?

As part of the research, scientists examined baby feces because babies are much healthier than adults. It's also easier to get baby feces. For the study, 34 healthy babies were bound to serve science. Experts applied the mixture of bacteria on mice. They also tested the effect on human feces.

According to the information given in the report, a single dose of five consecutive doses of probiotic bacterial mixture of mice gave rise to short-chain fatty acids. In the experiment of inoculating the probiotic mixture with human feces, microbiome changes were observed as well as the proliferation of short chain fatty acids.

In the report, the probiotic bacteria in the body, lactobacilli and enterococci improve bacterial deterioration in the intestine, so that short-chain fat deficiency problem may support the treatment of diseases that are expressed.

Hariom Yadav, the director of the research, said the results could be used in future studies on the effect of probiotics.

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 1088 Count