Monday, August 5, 2019

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, Pack of 2 x 72 Count

Causes Of Hairworm In Infants, Symptoms And Treatment

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, Pack of 2 x 72 Count

Baby Poop Worm

It is very common to see hairworm in baby poo . Hairworm is a parasite that affects the intestines. These white, hair-shaped, thin worms are a few millimeters tall. These wolves multiply from eggs. Sometimes they grow to reach one meter tall. Babies can get infection from these worms. If your baby is infected with hair worms, it causes restless sleep and itching in the anal area. He often wakes up at night and shows his discomfort with crying. Causes of hairworm in infants , what are the symptoms and how is the treatment done?
Babies should be checked frequently. Especially infants who have switched to supplementary food are at risk. This is very common in infants who have switched to supplemental food, or in infants who have completed their 9 months of age and slowly entered childhood. For this reason, if you see a wolf in the baby poop, you should go to the doctor immediately. The treatment of hairworm in babies is simple and easy. This disease is infectious. Since the hairworms multiply from the eggs, they reproduce very quickly.
Wolves most commonly seen in primary school age children are taken by mouth and eggs are opened and multiplied by opening in the small intestine. In the intestines, the hairworms, which can survive for a few months or a few years, stick to the intestinal mucosa and feed on organic matter and blood. For this reason, they cause anemia in children.

Worm Symptoms in Infants

The wolves hatch at night, and it is much more for this reason, especially at itching nights. It can be learned by checking the poop whether the baby has a worm in the poop. White, fine, hair-like parasites occur in the poo. Occasionally it is necessary to check the baby poop.
Infants suffer loss of appetite when they have worm. You wouldn't want to suck and get additional food. Stomach sick and vomit occasionally. Itchy nose and need to scratch his nose with his hand. His mouth may slobber. Since these symptoms are very common when babies take their teeth, it should be paid more attention to the presence of hairworm symptoms in other babies.
If the baby is very restless at night, trying to turn means itching. Itching in the anal area is felt intensely. If your baby's hand is constantly moving towards the anal area, you should suspect that. In particular, the baby worm should be checked when the wolf makes his first poo or poo at night.
If you suspect that babies have worm, you should understand this by performing a selo tape test on your baby. Press the transparent tape gently into the anal area of ​​your baby and see if the wolf comes on the tape.
Especially at night, the wolves come out of the eggs is useful to do the controls at night. With a flashlight you can also see if there is a visible wolf shedding light on your baby's anal area. These tests can be done in the early hours of the morning. You don't need a blood test to be a wolf. Symptoms confirm the presence of wolves, and if you see wolves in your poo, you should immediately see a doctor. Hair worms reproduce and multiply in the stomach, intestines in a very short time. Especially if the treatment is late, it progresses to the bladder. The eggs pass to the bladder with baby poop. This is particularly dangerous for girls.
If you are having difficulty seeing a wolf in a baby poop, but you have other symptoms, you can still go to the doctor. It is taken from baby poop and tested. As a result of this test, your doctor will clearly identify whether your baby has worms or not.

Why does a worm occur in babies ?

Hairworm is very common in infants. This situation is not very common in infants receiving breast milk. When the baby passes to the supplementary food or begins to play with the toy is then seen.
The objects and toys handled by the babies pass through the hairworm. Babies take everything in their mouths. It takes every object or toy to its mouth without looking at it from the carpet or the floor. Particularly at the time of teething gums itching to scratch it takes everything in the hands of the mouth to scratch. Worm eggs can pass through anything stuck in the dirty and inadequate hygiene.

Even if one person is a wolf in the family, it passes on to others in these ways. It passes from laundry, bed linen, toilets and in many ways to family members. Wolves passing from people to ready-to-eat foods and water can easily be transmitted to the household. This situation in the family passes easily to the baby.
These babies can pass because babies eat and drink when they switch to additional food. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the cleanliness of everything the baby eats and drinks. Eggs pass to babies as a result of poor washing of fruits and vegetables. By squeezing the juice of a poorly washed fruit or preparing the baby's food without washing the hands, the worm eggs pass to the baby. Even if a family member touches the baby with dirty hands, worm eggs can somehow pass on to the baby.

Hairworm Treatment in Infants

For the treatment of hairworm in infants, a doctor should be consulted first. Your doctor will start medication for your baby. This treatment is applied to all family members. It is contagious and the whole family needs medication.
Babies are bathed in the morning because hair worms produce at night. It is very important that the baby does not come into contact with bath water to prevent re-infection from these worms. The baby should be bathed by hand and should not be in contact with bath water.
All baby clothes, linens, cloths and pajamas are washed with hot and soapy water. These washed laundry should then be ironed.
The places where the baby walks are thoroughly swept with a vacuum cleaner, thus preventing the spread of infection. By laying a clean and ironed sheet, the baby can be prevented from contacting the surfaces such as carpets and rugs.
The toys of the baby and the objects he puts in his mouth are washed thoroughly with soap and hot water. It is put into clean containers without any other contact. Every place where the baby wanders is thoroughly wiped with hot and soapy water. Lavender oil and vinegar is added to this water and it is beneficial to remove it. Lavender oil is germicidal. Therefore, every place where the baby can touch should be cleaned in this way.
Wolf eggs do not like the sun's rays. Therefore, the house should be ventilated and sunbathed in plenty. Especially your baby's room should be ventilated and sunbathed every day.
Care should be given to cleanliness in the production of additional foods to be fed to your baby. Vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly and kept in vinegar water for a while. The baby's pacifier should be washed immediately when it falls to the floor. He should not be allowed to put anything he takes off the floor without washing again.

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, Pack of 2 x 72 Count