Monday, August 5, 2019

Sassy Disposable Diaper Sacks, 50 Count

Learn About Your Baby's Health : Diarrhea

Sassy Disposable Diaper Sacks, 50 Count

You can learn about your baby's health by looking at your baby's poo or bowel habits. In this article we will give you information about the subject.

1) Is your baby's poo color normal?

Dark green: In adults, this color stool may indicate various diseases, whereas newborn and breast-fed infants have a dark green poop that is normal and is not usually related to a health problem.
Yellow or yellow-green: This color poop can have a particularly rough structure. It usually occurs in newborns within or after the first week of breastfeeding.
Green-brown or yellow-brown or yellow-green: All of the colors mentioned are normal for the poo of newborn babies and do not indicate any health problems.
Yellow or light yellow: This color poop is usually seen in infants fed with food and is normal.
Brown : This color is completely normal and healthy.
Dark brown : This color is especially normal when you start feeding your baby with solid foods.
Small red grains: If your baby shows small particles of red poop in his poo after eating foods such as tomatoes or red peppers, this is perfectly normal, but indicates that the food is not fully digested.
Very dark brown-blue: If you have fed your baby blueberries, this color poop is normal. Nevertheless, it is not often seen.
Orange : Orange poop is a result of incomplete digestion and mixing of food, which is normal.
Small colored particles and particles: green, red, orange, etc .. in your baby's poop, you don't need to scare the various colored particles. These particles can be seen especially at times when your baby begins to take solid food from breast milk. Because the digestive enzymes of babies in this period do not work very effectively, some of the foods they take may be discarded without digestion.

2) You should take precautions or consult a pediatrician if:

Black or very dark color: You should consult your doctor, especially as it is not normal for this color to appear within a few days after birth.
If you see red streaks or blood in the poop: you should consult your doctor immediately, as this may indicate a serious infection or bowel problem.
Near white, light gray: Any gallbladder, bile duct, pancreas or liver may indicate problems.
Excessive, sparse and solid defecation: May indicate a possible constipation.
Frequent and fluid-like defecation: May indicate diarrhea.
Bloody and yellow stool: May indicate a possible Giardia infection.

3) Should you keep a diary about your baby's poop? So what should you record while keeping a diary?
In particular, if you have doubts about your baby's health or an illness, you may need to record some of the poo characteristics and what your baby eats during the day. For example, taking short notes such as the following can make your doctor's job easier.

Monday: Yellow / Milk, Apple
Tuesday: Yellow-green / milk, broccoli
Wednesday: Yellow / milk, pumpkin
Thursday : Yellow-brown / milk, plums
Friday: Yellow-green / milk, spinach

4) If you suspect red or bloody diarrhea…
In such a case, you should immediately consult your physician and use hydration fluids to prevent possible loss of water in your baby. Bloody diarrhea may be caused by pathogens or parasites such as Shigella.

Sassy Disposable Diaper Sacks, 50 Count