Thursday, March 28, 2019

Colgate 360 Adult Full Head Soft Toothbrush (4 Count)

Tricks to clean the teeth - 4 steps

We all want to show white and healthy teeth , but due to our diet, harmful habits such as smoking or excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages and visits too close to our dentist, the whiteness of our teeth is lost, giving way to accumulation of tartar. However, several recommendations can help us ensure a white smile and healthy teeth. In we give you some tricks to clean your teeth successfully.

Colgate 360 Adult Full Head Soft Toothbrush (4 Count)
Colgate 360 Adult Full Head Soft Toothbrush (4 Count)

Steps to follow:
One of the best tricks to clean the teeth decreasing its yellowish color, is to mix three powerful ingredients: sodium bicarbonate, lemon and hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to its whitening properties they will help you achieve the best results.

To carry out this homemade trick you must make a mouthwash by mixing in equal parts hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice, then add a teaspoon of baking soda and mix well. Use as a mouth rinse for 1 minute every night, you will notice the results from the first applications.

A homemade toothpaste is also an effective trick to clean your teeth , which will help you look whiter and healthier. Mix in a plastic container a tablespoon of fine salt and a few drops of lemon to form a paste. Gently brush your teeth with this mixture three times a day.

Salt and lemon will help you eliminate stains, however it is important to perform a delicate brushing to avoid causing damage to your gums.

If your problem is the accumulation of tartar , then the best trick to clean the teeth is also the most common: floss.

This tool allows us to eliminate the plaque accumulated between our teeth, a space in which the toothbrush can not penetrate normally. It is recommended to use it once a day, preferably at night. In the beginning it is normal for your gums to bleed a lot, but as you acquire the habit and you are eliminating the tartar, they will stop doing it.

The mixture of baking soda and water is also an effective trick to clean the teeth , removing stains and helping to whiten them. You only have to mix a spoonful of baking soda and a little bit of mineral water to form a paste that allows you to brush your teeth. Apply once a day to whiten your enamel and wear a beautiful smile.

This article is merely informative, in a HOW we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.