Thursday, March 21, 2019

IOMI - 6 Pack Women Thin Non Binding Extra Wide Loose Top Cotton Diabetic Socks

Steps to take care of feet in diabetes

Having a good control of diabetes (HbA1c <7%), quitting smoking and avoiding injuries to the feet are the first steps that must be taken to avoid diabetic foot.

IOMI - 6 Pack Women Thin Non Binding Extra Wide Loose Top Cotton Diabetic Socks
IOMI - 6 Pack Women Thin Non Binding Extra Wide Loose Top Cotton Diabetic Socks

Daily hygiene
Daily washing: Daily washing of the feet with warm water and pH 5.5 soap is essential. It is important to dry your feet thoroughly, without forgetting the spaces between your fingers. Finally, apply moisturizer to avoid cracks in the skin
Nail care: Do not use sharp utensils to cut nails. It is best to file them with a cardboard file or cut them with round-tipped scissors

  • Examine the feet
  • Observe and examine your feet frequently. Do not forget to wear glasses if you value them and have the most appropriate light. Use a mirror to observe the sole of the foot
  • Visit the podiatrist or educator if you notice any of these problems:
  • Cracks in the heels or between the fingers
  • Uñeros or reddened areas
  • Blisters or small ulcers
  • Calluses or hardness
  • Nail stains caused by fungi

Dress the feet properly
Stockings and socks: Avoid stockings and socks that compress the circulation of the legs. It is always preferable to use socks made of natural fibers, since they allow a better perspiration.

It is important to never walk barefoot
Footwear: The choice of the most suitable footwear allows to avoid many complications. Shoes should be purchased late in the afternoon, which is when the foot swells and is more relaxed. The day when the shoes are released should be worn for a short time and as the shoe adapts to the feet, take them more hours. Before putting on your shoes, look inside to see that there is no item that could hurt your feet.

How is the ideal shoe?

Of skin. Very breathable, flexible and soft. It is wide and does not press the fingers. It must not have too much heel. No internal seams that can rub.