Saturday, March 30, 2019

C&C Products Humane Mouse Cage Mousetrap High Sensitivity Rat Control Catcher Trap Pest Live Animal Trap

How to kill mice?

We explain how to kill mice quickly and economically

In today's article we propose effective solutions to eliminate rodents and teach you how to kill mice and rats quickly, effectively and economically.

C&C Products Humane Mouse Cage Mousetrap High Sensitivity Rat Control Catcher Trap Pest Live Animal Trap
C&C Products Humane Mouse Cage Mousetrap High Sensitivity Rat Control Catcher Trap Pest Live Animal Trap

These small rodents can become a real headache when they are installed in our house or garden, contaminating our environment or that of our loved ones. Do you want to know all the secrets of rats and how to get rid of them?

Do you know the reasons why you may have a plague of mice?

Some may think that the lack of cleanliness is a factor that determines the appearance of them, but this is not exactly so. Being clean and neat will not rid you of this undesirable situation . One of the main reasons is the simple fact of living on a ground floor or having a garden.

In spite of that, rats do not feel limited when they have to climb stairs or climb through cables. Not even the water stops them to invade us.

When we find rats or mice, we must know that their nature allows them to adapt to almost any means , they look for a warm place near the food, that's why your house is a very attractive place for rodents, especially in cold seasons like autumn and winter, since it will be when their instinct for survival forces them to stay safe.

You should not be surprised to find one of them trying to sneak through the cracks. It is not a factor that depends on you. What is in your hands is to attack and also prevent. We could dedicate an entire book with the causes that attract rodents to our home, but we are not here to generate more confusion, but to bring you the ultimate solution against rats.

For starters, we want you to know an ecological solution, which does not use biocides, so it is aligned with environmental policies:

Goodnature is a trap created to kill rats and mice without causing any suffering , since their death is instantaneous. We use for this a natural bait that is not toxic and easily detectable for the smell of the rat.

This trap is a quick and totally safe solution, since its design avoids the poisoning of pets and other animals, and it does not endanger people either. Its mecanisco reactivates in just 10 seconds after each shot, which can kill a large number of rats and mice in a short period of time.

The Goodnature multicapture trap is activated when the mouse approaches it attracted by the bait. As soon as it detects the presence of a rodent, the cylinder of compressed air is activated and a piston of polymer and glass strikes the rat in the skull immediately and without suffering. Each CO2 cartridge allows up to 24 shots.

Do you know what is the danger of having rats at home?

More than being repulsive and unpleasant animals that can even give us fear, rats transmit bacteria and germs very harmful to human health . Likewise, they are transporters of fleas, lice and mites, which undoubtedly makes them carriers of serious diseases for us.
Diseases are transmitted by contamination of the environment and food.

Even the feces and dried urine of rats when inhaled are a considerable danger to human health. Keep in mind that rats in one night can deposit between 50 and 80 balls of excrement in their path. So, when you notice his presence, you must act immediately.

There are dangerous diseases such as typhus, salmonella or typhoid that are contracted through the depositions of rats. It may seem unlikely, but if there are rats in the house, it will be very easy for you or your family to be in contact with contaminated areas.

Likewise, when you find a rat and it is in your defense to attack you, you must avoid coming into contact with you and especially its bite, since its saliva is a source of very serious diseases and can give way to an infection.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problem with rats, we are professionals and our mission is to give you all the information and a quality service to eradicate the presence of rats at home.

We explain what are the main traps for rats and mice that will be more effective

Did you know that there is a wide variety of traps to capture mice? From the classic mechanical traps to the most sophisticated ones. Here we will explain the main rat traps that we offer to put an end to this problem in your home. In this way you can choose the one that best suits your needs:

- One of the most modern and effective solutions, electronic traps

To operate an electronic rat trap , simply put a bait into the trap. The rat will smell the bait and take it through the small door to the end. In this way, when you come into contact with the metal base, you will receive an electric shock that will kill you instantly and your suffering will be minimal. Your battery system is durable and by means of a blinking light you will know that the rat has died. You only have to open the upper hatch to drop the rat in the garbage bag.

- Another option is adhesives or adhesive traps

Adhesive traps for rodents are one of the fastest options for eliminating mice. It is a plastic surface or cardboard impregnated with a glue of great adherence. These traps are placed with a small bait in the places of passage of the rats to capture them easily and cleanly, without the need to use poison. The rats will cross in search of food and their legs will be trapped in the adhesive. In his attempt to free himself, more parts of his body will be stuck together.

- The classic mechanical traps

The mechanical trap is a traditional solution that is simple to use and its results are always satisfactory. To activate the trap, you just have to place a bait on the base to attract the rat. Once the rat stops on the trap, the capture system will automatically activate and catch it. They are poison-free traps and chemical products that act very quickly and effectively.

- Rat stool

The bait holder is a simple product, in the shape of a plastic box and includes a lockable mechanism to fight rats and mice with total safety for children and pets. Due to its shape and its characteristics, the bait holder resembles a den for rodents.

Simply place a rodenticide bait inside and close the bait holder. The rats will be attracted by the bait and will go to take refuge inside the box, where they will consume the rodenticide. In addition, this baitboat has the possibility of placing inside it an adhesive trap or a mechanical trap, in such a way that the rodent stays inside the box once captured.

Rat poison

Rat poison is effective and fast, since its smell and texture resemble that of food and rats are easily attracted to eating it. The effect that causes in them, is the contraction of the blood vessels and consequently their death. Did you know that there are several rodenticide formats? We offer you poisons of quick action in all its forms: rodenticide in block, fresh bait and pellet. All options are suitable for use in bait boxes and manage to eliminate rats and mice in a highly effective way.

Know the different products to kill rats and mice

Now we have provided you with enough information so that you know all the products that are within your reach. It is time to choose the one that best suits your needs, and for this we suggest you take into account the following:

Place where the product will be used (open field or a closed space)

- If the rat plague is in an open field , you might think of a trap like Goodnature that will not pollute the environment or pose a danger to other animals that may be nearby in the field. There have been many cases in which pets such as dogs and / or cats have been poisoned because of a rat trap. In addition, this rat trap can be easily installed in any corner, since you only have to screw it on a vertical surface. If this is not possible, a specific support can be used to install the trap horizontally.

This trap will allow you to take care of the environment and anyone who approaches it with the knowledge that it is a lethal trap for rats. In addition, it allows killing more than one rat in the day, so it is a very effective tool when it comes to pests.

- Rat poison is a bait that has a smell very similar to that of food and for which they will be attracted. You can leave a bait dish on the outside, as long as there are no animals like dogs or cats that can be poisoned and even die because of their intake.

Rat traps inside the house have a greater margin of choice:

- Electronic traps are a good solution when rodents are in a house or flat, since, in that environment, the rat will associate the trap as a lair and will go to it to take refuge. Again, it will not be a danger to people in our house, especially if there are small children and / or pets, since the trap will be automatically deactivated. In addition, it is a trap without toxic or dangerous substances.

- The baits are equally safe for the members of our family since neither the children nor the pets will have the opportunity to come into contact with the bait thanks to its security lock. The small lateral opening of the bait box will prevent any person or animal from accessing the bait, since the entrance is specially designed to give access to small rodents.

- Traditional traps are very effective traps that, despite the passage of time, are still useful and functional. We recommend you to be very careful of the place where you place it at home, since with a little carelessness the mechanism of the trap could be activated and cause harm to animals or people. However, it is a fast and very economical way to kill rats indoors.

- Glue or adhesive traps are commonly used in spaces where the use of rat poison is not allowed for safety reasons. They are an especially useful solution because of their speed and they allow to eliminate rats and mice in a clean way, since you only have to discard the trap once the rodent has been captured. As with traditional traps, it is very important to be careful that no one in your house passes over them.

- Rat poison , can also be used at home, being very careful when there are children or pets. It is an effective way to kill rats, being very cautious that rodenticide does not come in contact with our food and always handle it with gloves.

How to avoid rats in my house from now on?

Now that you know what are the products to end the nightmare of rats at home, we want you to have the complete information to avoid the presence of these unpleasant rodents.
You should know that the most important thing for rats is to find a place with the right conditions to survive, feed and reproduce. In the houses there are spaces in which it would not occur to us that a rat could live, but that they can be pleasant refuges for the rodents. Rats are nocturnal animals and for that reason they go out in search of food when you are probably sleeping. They move near furniture and walls to orient themselves more easily and rummage through the remains of food and water.

Because of their nocturnal activity, rats can often go unnoticed for us for long periods of time. One way to identify your presence is by checking our food pantries. If we find small bites in food, furniture or cables, traces of excrement or hair, it is a clear sign that there are rats at home.

To prevent that from happening, we will have to eliminate all the food that may be within reach . Rats are very comfortable in kitchens, precisely because they find food easily and have their preferred living conditions: a warm temperature and even a little moisture. Therefore, it is not surprising to find them behind the refrigerator, the washing machine or the dishwasher, since they are appliances that give off heat, and also in the sanitation areas of the houses. Take note of the following tips to avoid their appearance or reappearance:

Avoid the appearance of rats:

- When you make a purchase where there are large boxes and you know there has been a significant number of food products, verify that there is no presence of any rodent.

But keep in mind that you should not only prevent rats but also that there is no trace of them, even in the cans of food you eat at home. Many of them may be contaminated with rat urine, since some industries that do not have hygienic control of their storage space may have rat pests.

- If you have had a repair at home or a fault that has left cracks, seal the openings , it is an open door for rats to invade your house. If you have curtain coverings, vents or ventilation channels at home, keep an eye on those areas that are easily accessible to rats.

- If you have pets and you feed them with feed, do not leave the exposed food for a long time , since, being high-fat foods, they are very attractive for rats. Make sure that the container where you store your pet's food is hermetically sealed, since rats and mice are very skilled and can access food through holes of tiny sizes.

- If you have garbage cans in your home, be sure to change them frequently and keep them closed, especially in outdoor yards. When the rats have access to the garbage, there is no doubt that they will be very attracted to its smell and will try to find food among the remains of our food. Those smells that for us are unpleasant, for them they are a source of food.

Should I do a follow-up after eliminating the pests of rats and mice?

- Keep your attention to any changes or signs in your home, such as excrement, holes in the wood, furniture or walls, strange odors or small hairs. They can be an indication that rats have invaded your space.

- After having rats at home and having finished with them, you should do a thorough cleaning of your entire house. Be careful when sweeping with the broom since the urine of the rats is compacted and can be lifted by the environment along with the dust. We recommend cleaning with water and bleach to disinfect all spaces where the rodent could pass.