Thursday, March 21, 2019

Debra Weitzner Men's 6-pack Diabetic Crew Socks,Black,10-13

How to take care of your feet during diabetes

Maintaining good control of your blood sugar (glucose) level and taking care of your feet every day can help you avoid serious foot problems.

Foot care is very important for people with diabetes who have:

  • Loss of sensation in the feet.
  • Changes in the shape of the feet.
  • Ulcers or wounds on the feet that do not heal. Nerve injury can cause loss of sensation in the feet.
  • Nerve injury can cause loss of sensation in the feet. Maybe you can not feel a small stone inside your shoe that is causing a sore. You may not feel the blister caused by uncomfortable shoes. Wounds on the feet such as these can cause ulcers that end in amputation

Debra Weitzner Men's 6-pack Diabetic Crew Socks,Black,10-13
Debra Weitzner Men's 6-pack Diabetic Crew Socks,Black,10-13

Maintaining good control of your blood sugar (glucose) level and taking care of your feet every day can help you avoid serious foot problems.

There is a lot you can do to prevent serious problems on your feet. Here we will tell you how:

  • Take care of your diabetes
  • Make healthy choices about your lifestyle to keep your blood sugar level close to normal. Keeping your blood sugar level controlled can prevent the development of foot problems, eye and kidney diseases related to diabetes.

Work with your doctor to create a diabetes management plan that fits your lifestyle.

He will help you:

  • Know how and when to measure the blood sugar level.
  • Taking medications.
  • Eat regular meals every day that contain a variety of healthy, low-fat, high-fiber foods, including fruits and vegetables.
  • Increase your level of daily physical activity.
  • Follow your foot care plan.
  • Keep your medical appointments for vision, kidney and foot exams at least once a year.
  • Examine your feet every day

You can have serious problems in your feet without feeling pain. Examine your feet to see if you have cuts, blisters, sores, red spots, swelling, or infected nails. Take time every day to check your feet (at night it's better). Make the foot exam a part of your daily routine.

If you have difficulty stooping to see your feet, an unbreakable mirror can help you see your feet. You can also ask for help from a family member or your doctor.

Be sure to consult your doctor immediately if a cut, sore, blister or bruise on one foot does not begin to heal within a day.

Wash your feet every day

Wash your feet in warm water, not hot. Do not soak or leave your feet in water for a long time as this may dry out your skin.

Before bathing or showering, make sure the water is not too hot. You can use a thermometer (from 32 ° C to 35 ° C is ideal) or use the elbows to measure the temperature of the water.

Dry your feet well. Be sure to dry between your fingers. Use talc to keep the skin dry between your fingers.

Keep your skin soft

Apply some skin cream on top and the bottom of the feet.

Do not apply skin cream between your toes as this can cause an infection.

Smooth and soften your calluses delicately

After bathing or showering, use pumice to soften calluses. Pumice stone is a type of stone used to soften the skin. Use it delicately, rubbing gently in one direction only, to avoid cutting the skin.

Do not cut corns. Do not use razors or ointments or liquids to remove corns - these can damage the skin.

If you have difficulty with corns, consult your doctor or podiatrist.

Rub the calluses gently with a pumice stone.

Be sure to consult your doctor immediately if a cut, sore, blister or bruise on one foot does not begin to heal within a day.

Cut your toenails every week or earlier if necessary

Cut your toenails with a nail clipper after washing and drying your feet.

Cut your toenails in a straight line and then soften them with a nail file.

Do not cut the corners of the toenails.

If you do not see well, or if the toenails are thick and yellow, have a podiatrist trim them.

Wear shoes and socks at all times

Wear shoes and socks at all times. Do not walk barefoot - not even inside your house - because you could easily step on something and hurt your feet.

Always wear socks, cotton socks or nylon socks with your shoes to prevent blisters and sores.

Choose cotton or wool socks. These help keep your feet dry.

Each time you put your shoes on, inspect them inside to make sure that the inner lining is smooth and smooth and that there are no objects inside.

Wear shoes that fit well and protect your feet.

Check the inside of your shoes before putting them on.

Protect your feet from heat and cold

Wear shoes on the beach or on hot surfaces.

Put sunscreen on the top of your feet to prevent sunburn.

Keep your feet away from radiators and fires.

Do not warm your feet with bottles or hot water bottles or with electrical appliances.

Wear socks at night if your feet get cold. In winter, lined boots are good for keeping your feet warm.

Examine your feet often during cold seasons to avoid and prevent freezing.

Protect your feet when walking on hot surfaces.

Be sure to consult your doctor immediately if a cut, sore, blister or bruise on one foot does not begin to heal within a day.

Maintain good blood circulation to the feet

Raise your legs when you are sitting.

Move the toes for 5 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day. Move your ankles up and down, and from side to side to improve blood circulation in legs and feet.

Do not cross your legs for a long time.

Do not wear socks or tight stockings, elastics or garters around your legs.

Do not smoke. Smoking reduces the circulation of blood to your feet. Ask your doctor or nurse for help to stop smoking.

If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, check with your doctor to reduce it.

Be more active

Tell your doctor to plan an appropriate physical activity program for you.

Walking, dancing, swimming and biking are good types of physical activity that are not harmful to the feet.

Avoid activities that are bad for the feet such as running and jumping.

Always warm up before doing any physical activity and relaxation after doing it.

Wear athletic shoes that fit well and offer good support.

Walking fast is a good form of physical activity.

Be sure to consult your doctor immediately if a cut, sore, blister or bruise on one foot does not begin to heal within a day.

Consult your doctor various aspects

  • Explore the sensitivity and pulse in your feet at least once a year.
  • Tell you if you are likely to have serious foot problems. If you have these problems, your feet should be examined every time you go to the office.
  • I taught him how to take care of his feet.
  • Refer a podiatrist if necessary.
  • Decide if it would help you keep your feet healthy by wearing special shoes.
  • I explore sensitivity in the feet.

Start right now

Start taking care of your feet today.

Take time each day to examine the feet.

Write down the date of your next medical appointment.

Print the tips on foot care and put the sheet on the wall of the bathroom or your room, or on the nightstand as a reminder.

Print and complete the "Tasks" list. Start right now

Choose a date to buy the things you need to care for your feet: nail clippers, pumice stone, nail file, skin cream, talcum powder, unbreakable mirror, socks, sports shoes, and slippers (slippers).

And most importantly, be consistent with taking care of your feet ... start right now with a special gift like a new pair of cotton socks. You deserve it!

Be sure to consult your doctor immediately if a cut, sore, blister or bruise on one foot does not begin to heal within a day.

Suggestions for a suitable footwear

The right footwear is very important to prevent serious problems in the feet. Sports shoes made of canvas or leather are good for everyday use. These shoes give good support to the feet and allow them to "breathe."

Never wear shoes made of vinyl or plastic because they do not fit well or let your feet "breathe."

When buying shoes, make sure they are comfortable from the start and that they have enough space for your fingers.

Do not buy shoes with sharp or high-heeled shoes. These produce too much pressure on the fingers.

Tasks: make plans today to take care of your feet throughout life

Mark each point when you have done it:

  • I printed the advice sheet for foot care and placed it where I see it every day.
  • I bought a pair of nail clippers, a nail file, and a pumice stone.
  • I bought a pair of soft socks made of cotton or wool.
  • I bought a pair of shoes that are comfortable for me and that cover my feet. I gave away the shoes that do not fit me.
  • I put slippers (slippers) on the side of the bed to use when getting up.
  • I bought an unbreakable mirror to help me see the soles of my feet.
  • I will ask a relative or health professional for help if I can not see my feet.
  • I will go to my next medical appointment.
  • I will ask my doctor if I need to wear special shoes.
  • I will plan a physical activity program with my doctor.
  • I will stop smoking.