Thursday, March 14, 2019

RUGBY Clear Nicotine Transdermal System Patch, Stop Smoking AID, 21mg Step ONE 28 Patches.

Goodbye cigarettes! This is the plan to end tobacco addiction

With a new policy, the US Food & Drug Administration seeks
decrease the likelihood that future generations will become
addicted to cigarettes.

The * cigarettes, * as we know them today, will no longer be the
same according to a plan from the * / Food & Drug Administration / * (FDA)
of the United States in order to change the trajectory of * diseases *
related to * tobacco * including death itself.

This Friday, the agency in charge of regulating food,
medicines and other products for human and veterinary consumption, announced
that is willing to end the * crisis of nicotine addiction *
that prevails in the United States and other parts of the world, and mainly
in an effort to better protect children from addiction to

RUGBY Clear Nicotine Transdermal System Patch, Stop Smoking AID, 21mg Step ONE 28 Patches.
RUGBY Clear Nicotine Transdermal System Patch, Stop Smoking AID, 21mg Step ONE 28 Patches.

The plan is to * reduce nicotine * levels in cigarettes
at non-addictive levels, this is expected to "decrease the probability of
that future generations become addicted to cigarettes
and allow currently addicted smokers to stop smoking. "

When it comes to quitting smoking, women need motivation
extra, the researchers say, that's why they developed this
application for android phones

Although there is no set date to implement this plan, the
FDA said that requests to market the products
fuels containing tobacco would be sent before August 8,

This * regulation of tobacco * is not yet definitive and will not enter at once,
Well, according to the FDA, it is planned to start with a public dialogue
about the plan, as well as issuing an advance notice of proposal for
* regulation * to look for information about the possible benefits
of public health and the possible adverse effects of the reduction of
nicotine in cigarettes.

It should be noted that the new policy does not modify the controls
current requirements to buy and consume tobacco such as age e
identifications, so the rules on * illegal sales to minors
* remain in force and subject to the application of FDA law.

The app that could help women quit smoking

When it comes to quitting smoking, women need motivation
extra, the researchers say, that's why they developed this
application for android phones.

This innovative application is based on reinforcing female self-esteem for
give up smoking.

Women tend to gain more weight than men, when they stop
smoking, and have more difficulty losing weight when they have gained it,
according to Judith Gordon, from the University of Arizona.

Gordon is part of the team at the University of Arizona that
developed an app that reminds women that their health is more
important to be thin.

The android phone app is called "See me Smoke Free" and
was carried out with financial support from the National Cancer Institute
United States, for which it is free.

The app motivates ex-smokers with positive audio messages, to
strengthen your self-esteem

"Even if they gain a bit of weight, the app will remind them that a bit of
Being overweight is better than damaging your health by smoking, "explains Gordon.

The novelty of the application is that it uses a technique that focuses on
imagination through suggestion. The audios suggest images and
experiences that are achieved by quitting smoking.

The potential of this application is enormous, reaching up to millions
of women who struggle with the habit of smoking.

"Many people smoke in response to everyday stress," explains Cynthia
Thomson another one of the responsible ones of the project, "when using the
guided imagination I could also help them relax and make them leave
to smoke is easier.

Some smokers interviewed doubt that this app can do any
difference, "This technique like others will only work if the smoker is
open and has the will to stop smoking, "they said.