Thursday, March 14, 2019

Nicoderm CQ Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 (14 Clear Patches in each Step) For the Committed Quitters

11 serious consequences of tobacco addiction

Smoking is an addiction caused by the consumption of snuff, mainly associated with one of its active components "nicotine", which acts aggressively on the central nervous system. Nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco, is a drug that is not related to the consumption of other substances such as marijuana and cocaine, but it is related to alcohol.

Tobacco is a legal drug socially shared and accepted in our environment. But in spite of the fact that in Ecuador there is a legal regulation for its consumption, this has not diminished. Now few people are seen consuming tobacco in the street, however, the indicators of sale do not diminish, what the law did when regulating it was to disguise its consumption.

Nicoderm CQ Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 (14 Clear Patches in each Step) For the Committed Quitters
Nicoderm CQ Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 (14 Clear Patches in each Step) For the Committed Quitters

Smoking ceases to be a habit when activity becomes a necessity or becomes a dependency. There are two types of dependencies, the psychological and the physical. The psychological appears first, takes time depending on many factors, the continuous exposure to the substance, the dynamics that allow access to it and a series of social changes imposed by the consumption of the substance; while physics is felt when the body demands its consumption.

Tobacco use is the leading cause of disease, disability and death in the world. However, many consumers are unaware of the serious consequences of their continued consumption, such as:

  1.     Abstinence syndrome
  2.     Anxiety
  3.     Irritability
  4.     Headache
  5.     Lack of concentration
  6.     Insomnia
  7.     Greater appetite
  8.     Arteriosclerotic lesions with cardiovascular involvement
  9.     Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD
  10.     Increased cancer risk
  11.     Problems and high risks in pregnancy

There are many campaigns around the world to prevent or reduce tobacco consumption; but still, it is one of the harmful products for health that continue to be in great demand worldwide, affecting the health not only of those who consume it, but also of those who are exposed to smoke (passive smoking).

Each year more than 5 million people die in the world because of smoking. It is estimated that half of smokers die of a disease related to tobacco consumption and that they live on average 10-15 years less than non-smokers.

It is not easy to stop being dependent on tobacco, but with the help of specialists in addictive behaviors, therapies, support groups, family support and talks, you will be able to get ahead and finally give up smoking.

You have to do health promotion, promoting healthy habits and lifestyles. The legal measures are not enough, you need an education based on a goal.