Thursday, March 14, 2019

Novartis Habitrol 7mg Nicotine Patches, Step 3. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches) 7 MG

Tips to quit smoking

Almost 25% of the Spanish population is a smoker. A bad habit that causes around 52,000 annual deaths in our country. Not to mention the aesthetic, social and economic discomfort that entails. For this reason, there are many who often propose that "tomorrow I leave it", although not many who achieve it ... Nobody said that quitting smoking was simple. But with a little bit of will and carrying out the following Tips for quitting tobacco you can achieve your goal:

Novartis Habitrol 7mg Nicotine Patches, Step 3. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches) 7 MG
Novartis Habitrol 7mg Nicotine Patches, Step 3. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches) 7 MG

List of tips to quit smoking

Write a list of your reasons for quitting and how it would improve your life by doing so.

Keep in mind that pharmacological treatment , accompanied by psychological support, is very effective to prevent relapse.

Ask for help from a doctor . It may be advisable to use nicotine substitutes to treat the withdrawal syndrome , evaluating previously that there are no contraindications for your particular case.

Mark a deadline to leave it . Some people find it easier to progressively reduce their consumption of cigarettes, but others prefer to leave it in a radical way. Draw your own plan, according to your needs.

It is important that you keep your mind occupied , and get enough sleep to be as relaxed as possible. It is also better to go to the movies, or to places where smoking is not allowed, to avoid temptation and passive smoking.

Inform your family and friends of your desire to stop smoking so that they support you as much as they can, and understand your possible mood swings.

At first try to relate to people who do not smoke , or who do not smoke in your presence. If your partner does not smoke, or quit smoking at the same time, it can be very helpful.

To reinforce your decision, remember that when quitting smoking, a series of beneficial effects are noticed very soon: the sense of smell and taste is intensified, the breath no longer smells of tobacco, the lung capacity increases and fatigue is reduced, quality improves of the skin ... Enjoy them.

The reasons for leaving it have to be as personal as possible, that is, according to age, sex ... In the case of young people and adolescents, for example, aesthetic benefits, economic savings and improvement in sports performance stand out, compared to the consequences for health that, despite being very serious and known, could appear decades later.

Write another list explaining why you smoke and in what situations you think it would be harder for you not to smoke.

The consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages increases the desire to smoke; instead, drink water and juice (better if they are natural).

Replace your leisure activities with others in which smoking is more difficult or inappropriate. For example, going out for drinks at night can be substituted by going for a walk in the country or playing sports.

In the first months, when the risk of relapse is greater, avoid, as much as possible, situations in which it is more difficult to remain without smoking.

Anxiety , stress , negative emotional situations, interpersonal conflicts, and also pleasurable activities such as celebrations are usually the most frequent causes of relapse. In most cases they can not be foreseen or avoided, but it is advisable to be psychologically prepared to face them, and to know that smoking does not alleviate problems or improve good times.

Save the money you used to spend on tobacco ... and buy yourself something that you want, travel, celebrate a party, or give a gift to a loved one, with what you can save.

Do not be discouraged if you fail to stop smoking at the first attempt and you have a relapse. Try again when you're ready.