Thursday, March 14, 2019

NicoDerm CQ STEP 1 - 3 Week Kit - 21 Clear Nicotine Patches

5 steps to stop smoking definitely

If you really want to forget about tobacco, you already have most of the success assured. The rest you can get by following this mini-guide

Congratulations! Making the decision to quit smoking is a very important step . You have decided to think about your health and improve your life habits and that is admirable, but it is only the first step.

NicoDerm CQ STEP 1 - 3 Week Kit - 21 Clear Nicotine Patches
NicoDerm CQ STEP 1 - 3 Week Kit - 21 Clear Nicotine Patches

Sometimes the will is not enough to dare to leave behind this danger physical and mental addiction , or to keep at bay the withdrawal syndrome, anxiety, nervousness, recurrent thoughts, insomnia or irritability. Is there any way to facilitate this process?

Stop smoking step by step

Quitting smoking can be very easy if you know how. We leave you with 5 steps that will help you quit smoking and facilitate the change.

1. Keep things very clear

If you want to stop smoking, the first step is to be fully convinced . Otherwise, relapse is more than likely. There are natural therapies that help to successfully end this difficult decision. Some, such as acupuncture or auriculotherapy, reduce the risk of gaining weight by quitting smoking.

2. Know the benefits of quitting smoking for your health

Life expectancy is 10 years lower in smokers. But the benefits of quitting are not expected and increase over time.

At 20 minutes, for example, blood pressure begins to normalize . After a few weeks the taste and smell recover and you breathe better. And the risk of lung cancer is reduced from year to year: at ten, the risk of dying from it is already half of those who continue to smoke. They also reduce the risk of laryngeal and pancreatic cancer and equal that of suffering coronary insufficiency.

Becoming aware of these benefits can be very useful to reaffirm the decision to leave .

3. Lean on other small healthy changes

Out of toxins

Drink 2 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach and with breakfast the juice of 1 apple, 2 carrots and 2 celery sticks. You eliminate toxins and the sensation of lightness helps you to persist.
Breathe well

Regain control of your lungs following the rule of 6-3-9: take air for 6 seconds, hold it3 and take it out slowly for 9. Repeat for 10 minutes. More calm The essential oil of washing helps you relax. Put 2 drops on your wrists and inhale their scent during the day, as many times as you need.

Appetite to stripe

Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Its antioxidants favor purification and fiber sats. Add cinnamon to your recipes to reduce the desire for sweet.

4. Natural therapies that will help you quit smoking

During relaxation, it is important to cultivate mental, physical and emotional relaxation. This is achieved with relaxation techniques (conscious breathing, meditation, yoga), manual techniques (chiromassage, reflexology, massage ...), physical exercise or psychotherapy.

In addition there are other techniques that can be very effective:


Along with auriculopuncture and acupressure, it is one of the most supported by scientific evidence . By means of needles, seeds or hands, the acupuncturist acts on points of the body in which the chi or vital energy is blocked or circulates deficiently and thus favors self-healing mechanisms.


The form of the session depends on each specialist, but usually, starting from a state of trust and relaxation , an "anchoring" is created. A link is established with some object that is always at hand or with some part of the body and is given power, by touching or activating it, to awaken pleasant sensations such as safety, confidence, relaxation ... There are also other techniques aimed at recoding the subconscious .

Using one therapy or another depends on the preferences of each one. Of course, they can be combined to obtain even better results.

5. Vitamin D is your great ally

To a person convinced of wanting to stop smoking, the intake of vitamin C can help you a lot . It produces a greater relaxation and better mood that helps to stop smoking.

The recommended dose of Vitamin C is 1 to 3 grams per day. Take it preferably in the morning, since there are people to take it in the afternoon cause insomnia.