Thursday, March 7, 2019

GNA Naturals Bamboo Silica Biotin 10,000mcg 90 Veggie Caps

How to grow hair in a week - 6 steps

There are many home remedies to grow hair quickly , but the mere possibility that our hair grows in a week seems more like a Chinese story. However there is a harmless and effective solution that can stimulate capillary growth in a surprising way, it is the investment method , an alternative by which blood circulation of the scalp is stimulated, thus promoting capillary growth notoriously according to its users .

Are you ready to know how to grow hair in a week ? Keep reading because in we explain it to you in detail.

GNA Naturals Bamboo Silica Biotin 10,000mcg 90 Veggie Caps
GNA Naturals Bamboo Silica Biotin 10,000mcg 90 Veggie Caps

Steps to follow:

The investment method promises to be an effective solution to grow hair in a week with real results. It is an alternative that does not require the use of miraculous home remedies or foreign substances, it is simply to stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp so that the hair strands are properly nourished and grow quickly and healthily.

But exactly what is this promising alternative? The investment method is simply to get upside down so that the blood circulates to this area and achieve the desired effects. This treatment should be accompanied preferably with some vegetable oil, which will allow us to massage the scalp improving the circulation even more while hydrating the hair.

To start you should measure the current length of your hair , only then you can know if after 7 days it has grown something and how long you have won. The next step is to choose the vegetable oil with which you will carry out the daily treatment, one of the best options is the coconut oil that has great benefits for the hair , providing hydration and nutrition in a few minutes.

Castor oil or argan oil are also excellent alternatives that will help you achieve the desired results. Once you have chosen your preferred vegetable oil, you will be ready to start the investment method.

It is important to choose a comfortable position to get on your head . Sitting on a chair with your head out, or lying on the bed, are two good alternatives that will allow you to hold your posture for the required time: 4 or 5 minutes.

Once you have chosen the perfect place then you should lightly heat the vegetable oil you will use, it is important that it is warm but never too hot. Put your head in the chosen place, dip your fingers in the oil and, in that same position, begin to massage the scalp with the fingertips in a gentle way in order to stimulate circulation. The ideal is to massage for at least 1 or 2 minutes, in this way you will guarantee a more effective result.

There are those who perform this method without applying any oil , simply by putting on their head to stimulate circulation. It is possible to opt for this alternative as well, however remember that the oil helps you to nourish the hair and get better results.

You should never rub the scalp violently and much less use the nails for massage, it is important that it is soft and always on the head, so you will be making the investment method correctly. Once the time has elapsed, get up slowly and smoothly, in this way you will avoid dizziness.

Ideally, let the oil act for at least 20 minutes to ensure a moisturizing and nourishing effect, then wash your hair as usual making sure that you properly remove the applied oil.

You should repeat this treatment for 7 days in a row , on the eighth day it is time to measure again the length of your hair to determine if it has actually increased. The inversion method will help you to grow your hair in a week in a very noticeable way, however it is not convenient to carry it out every day, ideally the hair should rest at least 3 weeks before starting the treatment again, in this way we avoid that the hair get used to this operation.

Keep in mind that growth varies in each person , because other factors such as diet or lifestyle also influence this process, however many girls admit that they achieved a growth of up to 2 centimeters, surprising !. It is necessary to take an adequate diet to nourish our hair, that is why in our article what are the best vitamins for hair we reveal the most effective nutrients for a beautiful hair.