Thursday, March 7, 2019

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5 tricks to make your hair grow faster

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If you already tried all the possible tricks to make your hair grow and still have the same length for "years", it was time to try different tricks with which you will achieve the Rapunzel mane you so much desire.

1. Mask of egg white.
The only thing you need is to separate the egg white from two eggs, mix it and apply it to your hair; let stand 30 minutes and wash as usual. This ingredient will not only help your hair regain shine and silkiness instantly, it will also make it stronger so that it grows in two by three.

2. Watch your diet and add protein.
Believe it or not, your diet is the fundamental basis for hair growth. Try to eat foods rich in protein such as eggs, fruits, vegetables, fish and some seeds.

3. Onion water.
And do not worry, you will not have to drink it. Just boil some onions and apply the water with an atomizer. Leave it like this throughout the day, if you worry that it smells bad, take advantage of this treatment on a Sunday or another day that you can stay at home.

4. Use apple cider vinegar.

This product is an excellent stimulant of the follicles of the scalp, therefore, it will help your hair to grow a lot. Wash your hair as you usually do and after rinsing with normal water, do it with a little apple cider vinegar diluted with water.

5. Take care of the use of the conditioner.
It is very important that you never apply it to your scalp, because the only thing you will achieve is to weaken it and cause it to fall.

Biotin 5 mg N in Tablets, 2 Packs x 60 pcs, DAS gesunde PLUS/Germany
Biotin 5 mg N in Tablets, 2 Packs x 60 pcs, DAS gesunde PLUS/Germany

5 tips to take care of your hair after a vacation

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The holidays are over! Back to reality! To get a good face into the next autumnal season, there is nothing like rehabilitating what is damaged and recovering what has been lost. One of the areas that most resents the changes and the effects of summer is undoubtedly the hair.

If you have enjoyed a well-deserved vacation by the sea, you should know that your hair has gone through real fire tests: high temperatures, chlorine from the pool, sea salt or sand from the beach cause excess dryness. Dehydration and lack of nutrients.

Even people with dyed or permanent hair who have not protected it during the holidays are worse: the result is generally fatal.

Here we explain how you should take care of your hair so that it recovers its habitual beauty.

Tip 1: Keratin

To counteract the deterioration by the effects of summer, there is nothing better than a keratin treatment to repair it dramatically.

It is worth investing in it for its many advantages: avoid frizz and matt finishes, if you have straight hair it leaves perfect and if you have curly keep your waves with more weight, movement and shine without frizz.

Tip 2: Hydration

For all hair types you have to follow these basic nutrition and hydration tips:

    Use a balanced shampoo with a neutral pH suitable for damaged hair

    Nourish it with a specific oil bath (professional use oil that should be recommended by your hairdresser). These types of oils are designed to nourish and hydrate punished hair and do not oil. It is applied in mediums and tips and a few minutes of exposure is allowed to penetrate well inside the hair structure; This operation can be done once a week for a month, and then, for maintenance, once a week depending on the quality of the hair.

Tip 3: Masks

It is also highly recommended to apply masks, provided they are of excellent quality. They can be applied every time you wash your head, taking the precaution of applying them also on means and tips.

In the professional market, there are masks for night use that are wonderful: they do not leave hair wet, so you can be all night with the application and the next morning, you will have perfect hair.

Tip 4: Cortes

Another tip is to cut the ends as often as possible, since that way the most affected areas are removed and the hair is regenerated.

Tip 5: Change your look

The return to work is one of the best opportunities to dare and make a change of image. A change of color for the autumn in tones more chocolate or with somewhat reddish touches can come very well to you, always accompanied with soft reflections.

You can also decide and change your haircut, as long as it fits your style, favors you and is different and innovative.