Thursday, March 7, 2019

Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count

How to grow hair fast?

Did you just cut your hair and do not like the result? Do you count the days to recover your beautiful mane? If the answer to these questions is yes, do not worry. It is more common than it might seem, and because of that, there are countless tricks and tips with which to grow hair fast . From Aceitel we are going to give you some guidelines with which to recover that hair that you liked so much, and also we are going to give you a homemade remedy made with only three ingredients that is really effective. Take good note.

We start with the home remedy that will promote the growth of your hair using three simple ingredients . Just mix in a bowl two eggs, a spoonful of olive oil , and three tablespoons of plain yogurt. Mix it well and apply it to your hair before washing it. Leave it at least 30 minutes, as a mask. After this time, you can wash your hair as you normally would.

Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count
Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count

In case this home remedy does not seem enough, here we weave some tips that you can practice in your day to day and with which you will surely achieve spectacular results.

Drink plenty of water

One of the keys to wear a perfect hair and to promote its growth, is hydration. It is proven that the consumption of at least two liters of water a day results in a shiny and healthy hair. Water helps you take care of yourself inside, but also outside. If you are one of those who do not like water very much, you can always drink other natural drinks such as infusions.

Avoid applying heat to hair

If your goal is to grow hair quickly, you should consider avoiding any type of device that could damage it, such as the dryer or the iron, and if you do not have another to use it, avoid the maximum temperature.

Brush your hair frequently

Undoubtedly one of the simplest options to carry out, and what better results it offers. Try brushing your hair two or three times a day, for no less than 10-15 minutes each time. It is proven that this brushing affects the scalp as a massage and stimulates hair growth. You will notice the difference in less time than you imagine.

Trim your tips with some frequency

It is proven that the simple fact of cutting the ends of our hair every 2-3 months, stimulates the growth of new hair and will also help to correct the damage we already have on the hair. This has a very simple explanation. When we have the tips open, the damage quickly spreads to the roots, which makes the general condition of our hair worse.

As you can see, growing hair quickly and looking radiant is possible by following just a few simple habits and applying our mask made with olive oil . If you want to discover more about the benefits of olive oil on your hair , do not forget to read this other article on our blog.

Why use olive oil in hair care?

There are many reasons why it is recommended to use olive oil in the care of our hair. And not only because it makes hair grow fast , but also for many other benefits. That is why from Aceitel we want to tell you another 5 benefits of the use of olive oil in hair care:

  •     It helps us to take care of our hair from external agents such as solar radiation. This is mainly due to the fact that olive oil has a high content of polyphenols and vitamin E, which as we all know are substances with a great antioxidant power.
  •     When we apply olive oil on our hair, we are protecting it against feared invaders such as lice, as it suffocates them. There is no more natural and careful treatment for it.
  •     Due to its powerful softening and emollient effect, olive oil is very suitable for combating a large number of pathologies of the scalp characterized by itching, irritation, or even the presence of wounds.
  •     Its nutritional properties also help keep hair shiny. And is that olive oil is possibly the best food for our hair.
  •     Its great moisturizing power prevents the possible evaporation of water, while providing essential lipids for our hair.

As you can see the benefits of olive oil for the care of our body are innumerable, and not only in what refers to grow hair fast . For this reason we recommend your use on a regular basis. Only then will you get all your benefits.