Thursday, March 7, 2019

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How to Grow Hair SUPER Fast for Women and Men

Home Remedies to make your hair grow much faster in a few days. I tried it and it worked

If you suffer from hair loss problems, do not worry because the same thing happens to me.

Luckily my mother knew several homemade recipes that helped me in a natural way to be able to recover volume and thickness of my hair although it is not a simple task you can have the hair we had again.

Everything depending on the problem that we have that only that can be defined by a specialist doctor that always the best thing is for a dermatologist to follow you up.

But with these recipes you can recover your hair if you suffer from stress or many nerves for different situations in life that affected you.

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Advanced Biotin with Keratin (2-Pack) | 10000 mcg Biotin – 100 mg Keratin – Promotes Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Helps Convert Food Into Energy - Time Released – 120 Tablets

For example, I am very affected by losing my job in one period and in another losing a close family member, which affects my nerves and hence my diet.

That went straight to my head losing strands of hair and I did not know why it happened to me.

Then another very important factor is due to different mistreatments we make to the hair with dyes, such as when we dye a red color that is one of the strongest dyes that affects the hair of our head.

Also the salty sea water is very bad or the chlorine that has the water of the pools so there is always a factor that can mistreat and damage our hairstyle.

The sun's rays are another factor that many times we do not consider but that are currently very harmful and that can be avoided by using different hair masks that naturally protect the strength and nutrition of the hair.

The good thing about these recipes was that I recommended them to my husband as well as to my friends from the Club and they started to implement them and they worked so it works for men as well as for women as long as you accompany this growth with a healthy life.

I mean a healthy life to eat light and without so many condiments or dressings that can do us wrong, suppressing red meat and mainly eating many vegetables and fruits that are what our body needs.

Suppressing bad habits such as smoking or sedentary life since exercise is important for blood supply.

As my dermatologist says, capillary massages serve to irrigate blood and power our scalp as if we were going to the gym for our body but perseverance should be important if it is not worth anything.

Another factor that can happen to you as happened lately is that you cut your hair in the hairdresser because you wanted a fashionable haircut but after a few months you got bored and now you need to grow much faster to be able to do the simple hairstyle and easy that you like so much

So now I'm going to give you the solution with which your hair will grow quickly and you will be surprised at the speed that your hair grows if you implement all these tricks and secrets that I have for you.

How do you have to do to grow your hair

The first thing is to think that your lifestyle has to change, both your habits of healthy eating should be imposed on the practices that you are doing.

There must be a break between good nutrition and the different types of actions you must take to be in better health.

The only way that your hair grows is to eat healthy foods for our body between them we have a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables , fish to balance our diet and include everything that is lean meats .

Local massages are another action that favors the growth of hair.

Both in men and women their great regret is that they do not grow their hair as they wish and many times it takes a long time to grow enough so that they can have the ideal hairstyle.

You have to calculate that the hair grows between a centimeter and a half per month but for the different reasons that you name previously this does not happen many times.

Home Remedies for Hair to Grow Much Faster

Let's start with the gifts that nature offers us and that is the least invasive for our health, which are the preparations of different fruits, teas, oils that you can prepare and apply to your hair.

These homemade preparations can be applied directly to the hair or consumed (although the taste is often not the most delicious)

The properties of green tea benefit health

I recommend consuming this infusion so important for all people as it benefits within all its characteristics and contributions to the health of hair growth so that it can grow in a healthy way and get the strength it needs to not fall.

You can take it as many times as you want during the day as a daily routine in addition to being delicious for its taste and pleasant for its aroma, in addition to easily obtained in any type of natural products store.

Aloe Vera and Honey benefits the Hair

Whenever you use the aloe vera or the pulp of Aloe Vera plants for any part of the body benefits from curing acne on the skin or healing a wound, so it will not be less to use to make hair grow faster.

Extract a bit of your pulp and then mix with 2 tablespoons of honey until it becomes a homogeneous creamy liquid to apply on the head for 25 minutes, then remove it with plenty of water and wash your hair with your shampoo.

Olive Oil with Rosemary

The two ingredients allow you to promote the growth of your hair in a healthy and strong way that is something you need to have that vigor so important and thick so that it does not fall.

What you have to do in a cup is to mix the two ingredients adding half a cup of oil and add 2 tablespoons of rosemary.

Now you have to put the cup in the microwave to warm up for 2 minutes.

Then you remove it and leave it covered with a towel for three days to be able to use it.

To apply in an easy and simple way when you go to bathe and before applying the shampoo you put this natural recipe massaging the scalp to finish with the conditioner and you apply more massages with this preparation.

Egg Shampoo for hair loss

Where else you get vitamins for the hair is in the egg yolk why this shampoo is so famous and used to strengthen as well as to make it silky giving natural shine to your hair or hairstyle that you do.

To make this mixture you have to get 3 egg yolks to apply to the hair and then leave it for 15 or 20 minutes depending on the volume you have and the amount of hair.

After this time with plenty of warm water you take out all this pasta that you have left and then you can wash it as usual so that you do not have egg traces.

Remember that you have to do this often every time you wash your head.

Dried Fruits and Natural Oils

From these ingredients of nature we can get both vitamin B and vitamin E which are very good for the human being both for the body and for the growth you need.

These vitamins can be obtained naturally from all types of oils that are of natural origin such as sunflower oil, corn and olive oil, varying its value depending on the pressed quality and brand, it will be purer or less pure.

You also get it from the vegetables that I recommend adding to your daily diet and nuts.

In my case every day in the morning like three nuts and two almonds to give that natural vitamin that the body needs giving a lot of energy to the morning, although I am aware that they are expensive products, we can derive part of the budget in this type of healthy diet.

In addition, avocado is an excellent source of Vitamin E and B.

Curative Use of Nettle

I can not stop recommending you to use nettle that you've probably heard her name or used for some home remedy.

Very well then for the hair you will know that it is very good to implement in the fall that you may be suffering.

The effectiveness of the nettle is verifiable with different pharmaceutical products that you will see in lotions and creams that are made based on this product of nature.

To use I recommend putting in the amount of shampoo that you put on your hair half and mix rubbing on the scalp every time you bathe and wash your head you will notice a much faster growth in a few months.

Potato water for hair growth

In my country we call it potato but in other countries it is called potato which is exactly the same and once you boil to make some baked potatoes or french fries, the water that you have left is the one that you will use warmly to wash yourself head.

This treatment helps but is not as effective as stinging nettle, for example, but it serves to leave the hair stronger, which you can not stop trying for a while.

Although do not forget to use your usual shampoo to leave a good aroma to your head more perfumed.

Onion so that the hair grows fast

The smell is not pleasant but the strength that gives our hair is incomparable which begins to prepare onion salad because you use it very often.

You take your usual shampoo that you use and you open it from the container.

Picas a medium onion and add it inside.

Let it sit for 15 or 20 days so that all of its liquid mixed with the shampoo will settle well.

Use normally and you will notice a higher brightness helping your growth faster.

Bananas for Potassium

I eat a banana or banana per day to cover my share of potassium, so that it does not cause cramps in my legs but also has a benefit for hair treatment but externally.

You have to step on a banana on a plate, then mix it with honey so that you have a thick homogenous cream.

Apply from the root to the ends of each strand of hair.

Benefits of grape seed oil for hair

This is very simple getting the oil from the grape seed. The only thing you have to do with a small amount is to rub the scalp, leave it on for 10 or 20 minutes, regardless of how long you let it work and then wash it with plenty of water.

This is a complement to any treatment you do to recover hair or to grow with more strength, vigor and power your hair.

Breakfast with Proteins

As I told you before, you will have to change your lifestyle, your feeding routine to be able to effectively grow your hair.

And this includes having breakfast with the best amount of nutrients that have proteins, which I advise you to take

  •     Soy lecithin
  •     Beer yeast
  •     Honey
  •     Wheat Germ

All these ingredients mix with a Yogurth of the taste that you want and you will see how after a few weeks it will not only make a great benefit for your hair but also your body will feel much more relaxed and you will have more desire to do things .

Milk with Olive Oil

Since we are learning what to eat and take on an empty stomach I advise you that if you drink milk and you like it, you add a spoonful of olive oil, which is very advisable for a healthy diet.

The milk failing that is warm to eliminate the cold of the refrigerator.

Tips to grow hair in a week

Make your hair grow fast fast !!!

Please, if you think this is magic, stop reading this article.

Remember that all these home remedies I recommend because I tried and work to a greater or lesser extent which there is no treatment that I advise you have not tried.

Since I went through the same thing of losing hair or that I never grew after a long treatment of natural products and I could combine these recipes and be able to solve it.

There is a logical question if you are skinned it is obvious that you will not grow your hair but if you are going to do very well for your health the feeding tips.

When I say 1 week is true, everything depends on the dedication and as the months go by you will really see that growth with more determination.

The change of habit in your life is the key to recovery.

Be delicate with your hair

By this I mean do not use aggressive dyes such as red or any other that makes a radical change.

If you notice that the hair is dry, act with a mask to nourish.

Do not iron or use a hairdryer that could further damage the strength of your head.

Do not use hair gums that can squeeze and break it when you tie it.

Appropriate way to comb your hair

Surely you will be surprised with this tip so simple but there are many women who still do not know how to comb their hair and this can not be your case as I will explain the correct way.

You must always turn your hair to comb your hair, always starting from the root to the tips, without being tugging in a delicate way taking care of the hair.

Always choose combs or brushes with wide bristles so as not to hurt and do not get caught.

The benefit of this type of hairstyle is that we are going to motivate the sanguineous irrigation daily increasing the growth of the hair.

This was recommended to me by a trichologist that is the doctors who study the hair of the human being.

Do not use very hot and less boiling water

I know that bathing under the shower is the most pleasant thing for our body and when we have many back contractures a few minutes that we get the hot water with steam is something very pleasant.

But putting your head under that shower of hot water may be the worst for our hair because the power of water drags and plucks hair and the hot thing loosens the hair follicles.

On the other hand, if I recommend you use lukewarm and lukewarm water.

Capillary secrecy: if after washing your head you apply cold water you benefit that the hair follicles are closed and also you give the hair more shine.

Cutting the ends of the hair makes it grow

This is like the grass the relationship that you have to more maintenance more strength will have.

There is also a myth that does not stop you from recommending that is to cut your ends when the moon is growing.

This will give you greater strength of growth quickly until the next lunar period.

Eat Vitamins E and Vitamins B

Legumes, fish, nuts, bananas, avocados, apples and many others that are good for your health.

I hope that you have enjoyed the most complete guide that you will be able to find on the Internet and I invite you to share it on Facebook with your friends that always recommendations to be more beautiful are very grateful.