Sunday, February 17, 2019

Magna Vita | Women's Probiotic Supplement with Cranberry Powder for Urinary, Vaginal, Digestive Tract and Immune Health, 10 Billion CFU, 5 Strains, 100% Made in The USA, 1 Month Supply

Lactobacillus : The Healthy Benefits of Probiotics

Thanks to advances in the understanding of the human body and bacteria, the incredible list of benefits that probiotics offer has come to light! Knowing if probiotics are right for you specifically can be a challenge, but knowing a little more about the lactic acid family (including the individual strains) you will get the best results. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a strain that you have probably seen in commercial yogurt and in probiotic supplements. It turns out that its health benefits are numerous and promising, especially in the areas of lactose intolerance, cardiovascular health, digestion and immune health. [ 1 ]

Lactobacillus acidophilus: The Healthy Benefits of Probiotics

One of the best strains of probiotics that exist is Lactobacillus acidophilus. Like Lactobacillus brevis, this probiotic strain occurs naturally in the body. It not only promotes the health of the digestive tract and the immune system , but also helps in the production of lactase. [ 2 ] This could offer some benefits to people with lactose intolerance. Some research suggests that L. acidophilus can also be beneficial for cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol. [ 3 ]

Magna Vita | Women's Probiotic Supplement with Cranberry Powder for Urinary, Vaginal, Digestive Tract and Immune Health, 10 Billion CFU, 5 Strains, 100% Made in The USA, 1 Month Supply
Magna Vita | Women's Probiotic Supplement with Cranberry Powder for Urinary, Vaginal, Digestive Tract and Immune Health, 10 Billion CFU, 5 Strains, 100% Made in The USA, 1 Month Supply

It also helps maintain a healthy balance of the bacteria in your digestive tract by producing vitamin K, lactase, acidolphine, acidolin, bacteriocins and lactocidin. In this way, Lactobacillus acidophilus helps your body naturally break down lactose into simple sugars. It even modulates the function of the immune system. [ 4 ] Some studies even suggest that it may offer some help with urinary tract infections, irritable bowel syndrome and bacterial deficiencies caused by antibiotics.

Sources of Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus acidophilus can be found in a variety of food sources, from yogurt and kimchi to sauerkraut and kombucha. A good quality probiotic supplement usually offers several probiotic strains, including L. acidophilus. To maximize the effectiveness of a probiotic supplement, look for one that contains prebiotics. Prebiotics are found in fiber-rich foods such as asparagus, beans and garlic. They act as food for probiotics and promote good health and the growth of any probiotic in your body.

Lactobacillus salivarius: The Healthy Benefits of Probiotics

The benefits of probiotics have received a lot of attention lately and for good reasons! On the one hand, they are remarkable organisms that play a role in a wide variety of health problems. If you're not completely sure what probiotics are, do not worry. They are simply microorganisms that can offer healthy benefits when consumed. [ 1 ] All types of bacteria - good and bad - live in your intestine and you are interested in maintaining the balance between the two parts. Sometimes, because of the way you eat and the modern lifestyle-taking too many antibiotics can be a major cause-good microorganisms start to disappear. Today, we are going to talk about an important strain of beneficial bacteria: Lactobacillus salivarius . [ 2 ]

The Benefits of Probiotics: Lactobacillus Salivarius

Lactobacillus salivarius is just one of the many strains of probiotic bacteria that play an important role in human health. There are a lot of studies that suggest that taking this strain, along with others, can help with many gastrointestinal problems - especially diarrhea caused by antibiotics - and people who are lactose intolerant often use probiotics to help digest the products. dairy products. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] There are even studies suggesting that probiotics could lower cholesterol and blood pressure. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] If you are a healthy person, but your immune system is a little weakened, using probiotics could help with this as well. [ 7 ]

Salivarius is found in the mouth and in the small intestine. Not only could it be useful for maintaining good dental health, but some studies also suggest that it could help improve gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. [ 8 ] [ 9 ] Much of your immune system resides in the intestine and, this strain, actually maintains balanced bacterial levels in the small intestine. [ 10 ] Because of this, like many other strains, it is believed that L. salivarius plays an important role in the stimulation of the immune system.

How to Get Lactobacillus Salivarius

You can find probiotics, including L. salivarius, in many foods. Maybe you already know the yogurt that is advertised with live and active cultures, but this is just one of the many options. You can also include a high quality probiotic supplement in your diet. Something like FloraTrex, a probiotic supplement with a combination of probiotics and prebiotics, which can be useful for many people.

If you take probiotics for your health, what positive changes do you notice in your life? Tell us in the comments below.

If you are familiar with probiotics, you may also be familiar with the fact that there are many different strains of beneficial bacteria. But you may not be so happy with this strain, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, which, however, has some very impressive health benefits. This strain, among all the others, exists in what is called our "mircobioma" which basically consists of the microbial genes that reside in your system. Good and bad bacteria live here, but it is the useful ones that keep the variety of harmful bacteria at bay.

The benefits of Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Studies with the strain of Lactobacillus bacteria suggest that their supplementation may decrease feelings of anxiety or relieve symptoms of depression. The combination of these probiotics with prebiotics also has important benefits in terms of mood. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] One study suggests that taking L. rhamnosus could counteract weight gain and diabetes, and there are a lot of studies examining the benefits of using them as a treatment for gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. [ 3 ] Another study suggests a relationship between good bacteria and seasonal allergies, in particular, with hay fever. [ 4 ]

Now, something curious about L. rhamnosus, is that he likes hard conditions. Anyone who has had acid reflux knows that stomach acid can cause discomfort. Well, this probiotic strain really thrives on an acid stomach. [ 5 ] If you are looking for something to strengthen your overall immune function, L. rhamnosus could help you. A promising study suggests that this strain could be as useful as an antibiotic for the treatment of urinary tract infections. [ 6 ]

How to take Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Taking a probiotic supplement containing L. rhamnosus can be very beneficial. It is even better if it is a formula that contains prebiotics. Prebiotics are something like the "food" that probiotics need to thrive and grow. Floratrex is an advanced probiotic supplement that contains a blend of the 23 best strains of probiotics and prebiotics - you will not find a better product.

Do you take probiotics? What changes have you noticed in your health?

Do Probiotics Combat Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is one of the most common food intolerances; Symptoms range from mild discomfort to extreme intestinal pain. Avoiding dairy products altogether is perhaps the easiest way to avoid these problems, especially for young children. However, it might not be the only option. According to a recent study, when given a specific probiotic strain to children with lactose intolerance, they were able to tolerate lactose and even reverse the allergy to cow's milk.

Does Lactobacillus rhamnosus Combat Lactose Intolerance?

The specific strain that promises results in lactose intolerance is Lactobacillus rhamnosus , a Gram-positive anaerobic probiotic bacteria. When administered to lactose intolerant infants, the bacteria colonized the intestinal tract and produced positive changes within the gut microbiota. [ 1 ] These changes helped the babies assimilate the formula of cow's milk without problem. Could these findings be transferred to people of all ages?

We have known for years that probiotics help digestion and improve nutrient absorption, so it should come as no surprise that a specific strain helps with lactose intolerance. [ 2 ] It has been reported that environmental contaminants and pesticides have a connection to the depletion of probiotics in the intestinal microbiome , which could explain the correlative increase in cases of lactose intolerance. [ 3 ] The use of antibiotics has also increased and has become a major health problem that is probably associated with a decrease in probiotic levels in the population. [ 4 ]

How to Use Probiotics for Lactose Intolerance

Although this study is great news, each person's body is different and there is no guarantee that all lactose intolerant people on the planet will show the same results. That said, you should be cautious before using probiotics for lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance or other food allergies. If it's something that interests you, you can find this strain, among 23 others, in our new probiotic Floratrex ™ formula.

Have you noticed any improvement in the symptoms of lactose intolerance after taking probiotics? Share your experience in the comments with us!