Monday, February 25, 2019

Preparation H Cooling Clear Gel

How to avoid hemorrhoids because of the bike saddle

Despite suffering in silence there they are, and although sedentary life is one of the reasons that causes the sport can be equally treacherous.

Dr. Javier Jiménez Miramón, Head of Coloproctology Section of the General and Digestive Surgery Service of the University Hospital of Getafe, is clear: "In general, sedentary life favors constipation and congestion of the pelvic area, so that the Sports practice is good to prevent the development and symptoms of hemorrhoids. "

Preparation H Cooling Clear Gel
Preparation H Cooling Clear Gel

However, he adds, that competitive sport has detrimental effects on the organism, which can be counteracted with a very refined training and technique. In short, sports such as running or swimming, can be used as an alternative.

It also advances that there are other sports, such as cycling or horse riding, which are less advisable, although they are not the worst because they do not favor the appearance of hemorrhoids, although their irritation due to repeated trauma. If you have to look for one that can originate them, you have to get off the bicycle or the horse:

"The hemorrhoidal tissue is a zone of the rectal mucosa rich in vessels, it constitutes a ring, like a cushion inside the anal canal that contributes to continence." Efforts, such as coughing, difficult defecation, lifting weights, pregnancy , causes the sliding of this tissue out of the anus, when the effort ceases they return to their initial position.When this is forced, the hemorrhoidal tissue can remain permanently outside, facilitating its trauma "explains the doctor giving the key of the sports that favor its appearance.

Sports that require great efforts contribute to the development of hemorrhoids

If they are already there and the inconvenience is bearable, we can follow some tips to make them compatible with our sports practices:

"In cycling, most of the symptoms do not come from hemorrhoids, but rather from the local trauma caused by the seat , they can be avoided by using quality and appropriate seats and clothing for each athlete Lubricate the anal area with Vaseline, prevent and relieve In general, a diet rich in fiber and abundant water is recommended to prevent constipation, and when the symptoms are severe, you should stop practicing sports temporarily, "explains the doctor.

Home remedies are for mild cases , if there is permanent perianal bulging or intense pain Jiménez Miramón recommends to be in the hands of a specialist. With health you do not play, especially when we know that bad news does not end here.

"These sports produce equally traumatism of the prostate , prostatis, and even impotence have been described in relation to the practice of cycling for long periods, no relation has been found with prostate cancer," he concludes.

One of lime and one of sand, in any case it seems essential to choose a bicycle with a seat that does not compress the perineum. Less pressure and less effort for a life without hemorrhoids.