Monday, February 25, 2019

Hemorrhoids/Bleeding Piles Complex - Horse Chestnut, Cayenne, Witch Hazel and More - 450 mg (100 Capsules, ZIN: 517073) - 3 Pack

How hemorrhoids are prevented?

Although it is a taboo subject, hemorrhoids are quite frequent. These are swollen veins in the rectum or anus, caused by an increase in pressure in the veins of that area. They cause pain, itching and bleeding. But there are simple lifestyle changes that can avoid them. Know them.

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What is the origin
One of the main causes is the effort to evacuate. It happens if you are constipated or if you have diarrhea. It can also happen if you sit on the toilet for too long. Sometimes they are caused by obesity, lifting heavy objects or by an activity that causes tension, reports the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Hemorrhoids/Bleeding Piles Complex - Horse Chestnut, Cayenne, Witch Hazel and More - 450 mg (100 Capsules, ZIN: 517073) - 3 Pack
Hemorrhoids/Bleeding Piles Complex - Horse Chestnut, Cayenne, Witch Hazel and More - 450 mg (100 Capsules, ZIN: 517073) - 3 Pack

Why they come out and how hemorrhoids are prevented - How to avoid them?

How to avoid them?
Almost everyone has hemorrhoids at some time. However, to avoid having to suffer its annoying consequences, Dr. Massarat Zutshi of Cleveland Clinic, reveals 6 forms of care to prevent them that are within your reach:
Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Why they come out and how hemorrhoids are prevented

1. Go to the bathroom when you need
This sounds like common sense advice, but many people ignore it. If you delay in using the bathroom, your stool can harden and dry in the intestine, which makes it more difficult to evacuate. If you struggle to defecate, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases.
Everything is a matter of measure
But be careful, do not force a bowel movement when you do not need it. Excessive effort increases the pressure on the venous pads, which leads to hemorrhoids. In particular, the effort can turn internal hemorrhoids into external hemorrhoids.
How to deflate them?
Why they come out and how hemorrhoids are prevented.

2. The bathroom is not a reading room
Think of your time in the bathroom as a necessity, not as a prolonged escape. If your bathroom has many magazines or books available, consider taking them elsewhere. Do not bring your phone to the toilet area, do not explore Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter or participate in games.

The more time you spend on the toilet, the more likely you are to exert yourself to defecate. In addition, the sitting position increases stress on the anal blood vessels. Both factors increase the risk of hemorrhoids.
Why they come out and how hemorrhoids are prevented - 3. Change your diet

3. Change your diet
To prevent hemorrhoids, stools should be soft and slip easily. You can achieve the correct consistency by making smart diet choices and drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

Eat more fiber and drink water
Fiber can help you avoid constipation, a risk factor for hemorrhoids. If you are constipated, try to get more fiber by consuming green vegetables, fruits and whole grains 100%. If necessary, ask your doctor about taking fiber supplements, but start trying to get it through the diet. Drink plenty of water along with the fiber.

Foods with a lot of fiber
Why they come out and how hemorrhoids are prevented - 4. Listen to your body

4. Listen to your body

And so you can avoid the foods that irritate your intestines. For some people, lactose in dairy products is irritating. For others, it is gluten or too many refined foods.

5. Get moving
Exercise helps improve or prevent many intestinal and digestive problems, including hemorrhoids. When you are sedentary, everything slows down, to your intestines. Walking, running, anything goes: become active. If you have hemorrhoids, avoid weightlifting squats or similar movements with weights that increase abdominal pressure.
Why they come out and how hemorrhoids are prevented - 6. Visit your doctor

6. Visit your doctor
If you have symptoms of hemorrhoids, consult a doctor and evaluate your problem. Not all treatment options are surgical, and you may need tests to rule out other diseases. But keep in mind that there are simple lifestyle changes that can prevent this problem.