Monday, February 25, 2019

Hemorrhoidal Hygiene Pads 100 3/PK

How to avoid hemorrhoids and their discomfort in summer

The arrival of summer and high temperatures favor the predisposition to suffer from hemorrhoids , since heat is a vasodilator factor: This pathology involves the inflammation and dilatation of the pads formed by the blood vessels that are located around the rectal channel and that cause the appearance of this condition. Hemorrhoids affect the quality of life of those who suffer from them by being very annoying and painful, as well as being very frequent among the adult population, since it is estimated that between 30 and 50% have suffered them at some time in their lives.

Hemorrhoidal Hygiene Pads 100 3/PK
Hemorrhoidal Hygiene Pads 100 3/PK

In addition, changes in the rhythms and eating habits of the summer season favor the development of pathologies of the intestinal tract . In this line, another of the main cause of hemorrhoids at this time of year is constipation. Other factors that predispose to suffer from this condition are genetic inheritance , overweight and sedentary lifestyle . It also increases its appearance during pregnancy and childbirth.

The symptoms associated with this condition depend on each case, although among the most common are pain, bleeding and pruritus. To improve the symptomatology, there are a series of recommendations related to diet, hygiene and exercise.

Most patients can improve the discomfort with certain hygienic-dietary measures. Therefore, to promote intestinal transit, it is advisable to take a diet rich in natural fibers and plenty of fluids and avoid irritating and vasodilating substances such as spicy, spices, alcohol, excess salt, chocolate, acids or coffee.

Another measure to relieve the sensation of itching and local inflammation are the contrast baths, alternating cold and warm water . These are effective, along with proper local hygiene .

Likewise, it is advisable to regularly perform aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming or doing pilates , since it improves circulation and venous tone as well as intestinal transit. The intensity must match the physical condition and age and it is advisable to avoid certain practices such as cycling or horse riding, which are contraindicated, because they are activities in which the affected area is subjected to pressure which can cause more pain and inflammation.

Additionally, homeopathy is effective in relieving the symptoms of hemorrhoids in both ointment and suppository. The advantage of homeopathic medicines is that no relevant side effects associated with their use have been described and, due to their compatibility with other treatments, they are recommended to all types of patients, even in pregnant women. Homeopathic medicines offer a global effectiveness with an appropriate combination and avoid the appearance of local adverse effects such as allergic reactions, skin irritation and itching in the area and palpitations.