Monday, February 25, 2019

Preparation H Totables Irritation Relief Wipes 10 Each (Pack of 3) WLM

How to prevent hemorrhoids

It may not be a very fun topic to deal with, but hemorrhoids have become commonplace in our lives. They are a normal feature of our antimony, we all have them, but they become a problem when they start to itch, hurt or bleed. Fortunately, there are a large number of simple alternatives that help avoid this terrible hemorrhoid symptoms .

At Clinic Internacional , we share simple strategies that will help you prevent the pain caused by hemorrhoids from affecting your day to day.

Preparation H Totables Irritation Relief Wipes 10 Each (Pack of 3) WLM
Preparation H Totables Irritation Relief Wipes 10 Each (Pack of 3) WLM

Eat more fiber

Hemorrhoids are frequent in people suffering from constipation. One of the easiest and natural ways to be more regular in our bowel movements is to increase fiber intake, either in your diet or through supplements. It may generate flatulence, but it is a small price to pay for the benefits it generates. Try to consume 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day. Some foods rich in this plant component include:

  •     Legumes: peas, lentils, black beans and beans.
  •     Whole grains: barley, bran, cereals, oats and brown rice.
  •     Vegetables: lettuce, broccoli and artichoke.
  •     Fruits: pear, apple, banana and raspberry.

Take more water

This strategy is one of the simplest and cheapest, but only some do it. In addition to having a healthy diet based on fiber, drinking enough water helps prevent constipation and decrease tension. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day not only makes your digestive system work fluidly, it also benefits your entire body.

You have been exercising regularly

Physical activity can help keep your colon more regular. However, performing activities that increase abdominal tension can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. Keeping you active reduces the time you are sitting and puts pressure on the veins of your lower rectum. If you have a history with problematic hemorrhoids you may want to avoid lifting too much weight or other strenuous activities. Opt for routine exercises such as yoga, swimming or just go for a walk.

Be careful with laxatives

Laxatives can help you while you choose the right ones. The safest are those that work with your body, compared to those that stimulate a normal physiological activity. Some laxatives work by stimulating the intestinal contraction to move the contents. Osmotic laxatives that increase the amount of water in the intestines and reduce constipation are recommended.

Do not hold the desire

When you have to go, you have to go. This is the simplest way to avoid hemorrhoids. If you listen to your body when it tells you what it needs, the chances of having a problem decrease. If you listen to the people who shout at you, why not listen to your own body? When you wait to go at the moment you think is right, success will be less close and the effort will be greater.

Avoid making too much effort

The effort and increased pressure in the veins of your rectum is one of the most common causes of pain and bleeding from hemorrhoids. Other situations can also cause constipation, such as heavy lifting, chronic coughing or even pregnancy. If you have problems with hemorrhoids, you should be aware of the tension you are putting in your gut.

In International Clinic we have the specialty of Gastroenterology , where you can treat various problems of the digestive system and associated organs. If you want to book an appointment, you can do so through our Online Appointments section.