Sunday, September 15, 2019

Nobi Nutrition Night Time Fat Burner, Sleep Aid an Appetite Suppressant - Stimulant-Free PM Weight Loss Pills & Metabolism Booster for Men and Women - Healthier Diet Pills - 60 Capsules

Fat burning science

Nobi Nutrition Night Time Fat Burner, Sleep Aid an Appetite Suppressant - Stimulant-Free PM Weight Loss Pills & Metabolism Booster for Men and Women - Healthier Diet Pills - 60 Capsules

Actually, technically, we burn fat every minute. But now let's talk about how to burn more fat in the weight loss process.
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Actually, technically, we burn fat every minute. But now let's talk about how to burn more fat in the weight loss process.

They claim that they provide the best products, pills, tea, dietary fat burning, and they are added every day. After this article, you will learn how to burn fat in the most effective and healthy way.

Why insulin plays a key role in fat burning

All experts agree that controlling insulin levels is key to fat burning. Creating a hormonal environment that does not raise insulin is the main secret of fat burning.

Insulin and carbohydrates are soul mates and are created for each other, insulin increases when blood sugar increases. When you eat a slice of pizza or carrot cake, insulin comes in immediately. And insulin does something very well: Storing fat.

This important hormone does not increase when it eats fat and protein, whereas carbohydrates cause insulin to rise. The more carbohydrates are processed, the faster your blood sugar rises, and as a result, insulin increases. However, protein has little to do with insulin and increases the level of Glucagon, which is the sister of insulin and facilitates fat burning. Diets restricting carbohydrate and weighting animal protein (eg Atkins, Dukan, South beach, Karatay) go to extreme extremes in reducing carbohydrates and fill a large portion of the diet with animal foods and saturated fats.

The coin also has a dark side. It is difficult to maintain high-protein diets with low carbohydrates, and even when you eat a little bit of carbohydrate (sugar and insulin secretion), the animal proteins and fats you eat actually cause you to gain weight immediately because they are high calorie. If you remove all the healthy and unhealthy carbohydrates and replace them with animal protein and animal fats, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases in the long term, the body is thrown into a fire called inflammation and the risk of cancer may increase. Since it takes time for all of this to take place, you believe you are not hurt at that moment. Another disadvantage of these diets is that they increase the foods that can be harmful, as well as limiting legumes, fruits, healthy carbohydrates and fiber sources, which are the source of antioxidants and vitamins from diseases, and resulting in wrong results as they are obese.

However, there are healthier ways to burn fat. Instead of animal protein and saturated fats, nuts, walnuts, nuts, almonds, avocado, coconut oil and vegetable protein by eating healthy way to burn fat again.

How carbohydrates affect the fat burning process

You have now learned that sugar and insulin are soul mates, and that insulin's duty is to store and fatten fat. If you have any doubts about it, open and read all the books of biochemistry and endocrinology written all over the world, all of which says that the task of insulin is to put the fat in the cell. It not only lubricates your belly but also your veins.

So if you really want to burn fat, you need to control insulin secretion. Limiting carbohydrates is the key to doing so.

A low-carb diet allows you to burn fat by reducing insulin. When your insulin level is high, your fat cells are locked so that you don't lose fat and weight loss becomes metabolically difficult. When the insulin level decreases, the fat cells are unlocked.

Your insulin level determines the quality and quantity of carbohydrates you eat. Processed carbohydrate sources, such as sugar, flour, sweets, raise insulin at rocket speeds.

The role of vegetables in fat burning

After controlling your insulin levels, vegetables help you in two ways to burn fat. First, eating large amounts of green leafy vegetables reduces the feeling of hunger. It is filled with micronutrients (vitamins, antioxidants, phytochemicals, minerals) to keep you and your body saturated. You also experience less sweet crises when your consumption of vegetables increases.

Second, most vegetables, for example fungi, prevent the formation of new vessels. Tumors need more blood to grow and create new vessels for this.

Interestingly, adipose tissue also creates new vessels to grow. When you increase your consumption of vegetables, especially broccoli, mushrooms, onions, greens and strawberries, prevents the formation of new vessels to reduce the amount of fat.

Researchers are currently investigating new therapeutic options that may affect pharmacological effects of adipose tissue for the treatment of obesity and associated metabolic diseases. They try to turn these properties of vegetables into medicine.

Other factors involved in fat burning

Eating small amounts of protein at each meal will help you burn fat. A smoothie containing vegetable protein, an oat with strawberries and nuts, and an omelet with vegetables are healthy ways to start the day by balancing it without raising your sugar in the morning.

There are two other hormones that regulate appetite: Ghrelin and Leptin. When Ghrelin tells you to eat, Leptin says no more.

Scientific studies show that having a protein breakfast in the morning reduces the level of ghrelin more than a carbohydrate breakfast.

If you lower Ghrelin levels, your blood sugar will be better balanced and less hungry.

By eating a small amount of animal protein and vegetable protein in your meals, the more you eat healthy fats such as nuts, avocado, coconut oil, vegetables and salads, the faster you will be able to burn fat.

Also drinking green tea helps you burn fat.

Calorie restriction and fat burning

It should be said that calorie restriction, that is, eating less, plays a key role in the fat burning process. There is a lot of research showing that when you limit calories, the total amount of fat is reduced.

But the problem with this is that you cannot cope with hunger and eventually have to quit and cause health problems because it does not meet the body's nutritional needs. Eating low-calorie but high nutritional value vegetables and salads is a more accurate way to both reduce calories and meet the needs of your body.

Effect of fiber on fat burning

Fiber plays a role in fat burning in three ways. By reducing the level of ghrelin, it provides a feeling of fullness and saturation in the stomach and prevents the rapid rise of insulin by allowing the incoming healthy sugar to mix slowly into the blood.

A scientific study has shown that when consuming 14 grams of fiber per day, it is possible to lose an extra 2 kilos per month. Add healthy fiber to your diet from healthy sources.

Some fats burn more fat

Omega 3 fats and nuts, avocados and fats in kernels unlock the stored fat cells and increase the levels of carnitine produced by your own body. It accelerates your metabolism in a healthy way. It also gives you energy and increases serotonin levels and prevents sweet / hunger crises.

Using them as a pill alone does not help you lose weight. However, when combined with a low amount of healthy carbohydrate diet and exercise, your fat burning will accelerate.

How much exercise is needed to burn fat?

Exercise has positive effects on cardiovascular, immune system and all health. But let's be honest, how many people among you do not exercise for these health benefits, but to burn fat?

Aerobic exercise does not contribute much to fat burning, resistance exercises and intensified exercises will help you burn fat more effectively. For example, walking for 20-60 seconds and raising your pulse and then walking again will burn more fat than just walking.

Studies have shown that the intensity of this exercise is increased from time to time to burn more fat.

Exercise on an empty stomach burns muscle instead of fat so be careful.

How does sleep and stress affect fat burning?

You've done everything, but if you're sleeping less than 5 hours, all your efforts can be wasted. Insomnia and stress can sabotage your fat burning effort by causing you to eat as much as you can never spend.

An average of 7 hours per day is necessary to burn a good quality fat. When you sleep less, the hormone ghrelin increases, which triggers you to eat more, so your insulin level increases and as you eat you enter the vicious cycle of eating. Leptin hormone, which reduces your appetite and reduces fat, is reduced due to less sleep. This makes you eat more during the day.

Excessive stress increases the level of cortisol and causes fat deposition. Stress relief may be difficult, but you can learn how to handle it completely. You can experience less stress by changing your approach to events, or approaches such as prayer, yoga, meditation, suggestion, EFT, NLP can help you manage stress and be less affected.

Which vegetables burn fat?

All aluminum group vegetables (whole onions and family)

Strawberry and the whole family

Black rice



Citrus fruits

Broccoli and cauliflower

Cabbage and family

Flax seeds


Green tea


Omega 3 oils







What is interesting on this list is that all these vegetables are also vegetables that fight cancer growth. From a scientific point of view, this information seems useful for burning fat. Be open-minded and follow what works for you.

Nobi Nutrition Night Time Fat Burner, Sleep Aid an Appetite Suppressant - Stimulant-Free PM Weight Loss Pills & Metabolism Booster for Men and Women - Healthier Diet Pills - 60 Capsules