Sunday, September 15, 2019

Burn XT Black Thermogenic Fat Burner - Weight Loss Supplement, Appetite Suppressant, Nootropic Energy Booster W/TeaCrine - Premium Acetyl L-Carnitine, Green Tea Extract, Capsimax - 90 Veg Diet Pills

Weight loss is not important to lose weight

Burn XT Black Thermogenic Fat Burner - Weight Loss Supplement, Appetite Suppressant, Nootropic Energy Booster W/TeaCrine - Premium Acetyl L-Carnitine, Green Tea Extract, Capsimax - 90 Veg Diet Pills

Losing weight, getting fit, is a common problem for many of us, especially in the summer. Weight loss should not be perceived as weight loss. Never attempt to use "low-calorie" or single-diet "diets" to remove water from your body.

In spite of the warnings of dietitians, many people are trying to weaken with ear-filled information. Diet legends are putting health at risk, while weight gain is getting too much back.

The most healthy and lasting way to get rid of excess weight is undoubtedly a conscious diet program accompanied by a dietitian. However, many people try to lose weight with dietary lists or ear-stuffed information from friends. However, many myths about the diet are widely known in the society that puts the health risk at the same time and causes excess weight gain.

To lose weight; High protein? Low carb?
When the calories are reduced too much to lose weight, the body becomes conscious of scarcity, slows down the metabolism by protecting itself. Again, if you get less calories than the energy needed for your body, the body provides the calories you need from the glucogen store in your liver and then from the sugar in the muscles, which leads to muscle loss in a long time. High-protein low-carbohydrate-containing low-calorie diets accelerate metabolism to provide rapid weight loss, but the fat loss seen in the scale is more muscle and water loss. Similarly, high carbohydrate and low protein form the type of diet that causes muscle loss. Because the muscles are in protein structure, sufficient protein must be provided. When you lose muscle, your metabolism will start to work even more slowly. Your body will tend to sag. The important thing is how much of your body weight is fat. The amount of muscle and water in your body determines your ideal weight. Again, the total amount of fat in the body as well as where it is stored is important. Fat accumulating around the waist and abdomen poses a risk to your cardiovascular health, inviting insulin resistance and diabetes.

The body needs a certain calorie value, carbohydrate - protein - fat balance, vitamins and minerals to maintain its vital functions, and should be prepared in an individual way while the nutritional program is formed and should contain all the nutrients and necessary vitamins & minerals.

How are fats stored in the body? What increases storage?
It is impossible to burn fat when insulin is high. As the amount of carbohydrate consumed increases, the proportion of fat in the body increases. The high level of insulin, which allows the entry of glucose, amino acids in fats and proteins into muscle and liver cells, increases the storage of fats. When the rate of circulating glucose increases in the blood, insulin is secreted from the pancreas, thereby reducing liver glucose production, but this time glucose is stored in the muscles and fat cells. With insulin secretion, the process of breaking down and using the previously stored oils to convert them into energy is prevented, and the fat burning slows down as the stored oils cannot be converted into energy.

You should lose weight, not fat ...
Does it matter to you how your weight falls after you have lost the fat, in fact, your lack of weight is an indication that you are risking your health. Although your scale shows that you have lost weight, you are still in the wrong way if your body size is not slimming or shrinking. When you try to lose weight in an uncontrolled way, you can cause the muscles in your body to melt. Then the burden on your bones and joints increases and if you experience joint problems, your knee pain may increase and your quality of life may decrease accordingly.
Keep in mind that proper weight loss happens with a decrease in body fat. This means maintaining lean tissue mass, ie muscle weight. Basal metabolic rate is proportional to fat and lean tissue in our body. As your muscle mass decreases, so does your fat burning capacity. Fat loss can only be achieved through regular sports with an adequate and balanced nutrition program.

How do we determine where the lost weight comes from?
Classic scales found in homes can only measure weight. On the other hand, according to the World Health Organization, obesity is a health problem that arises from the accumulation of excess fat in the body and must be treated. So the criterion in obesity is not weight, but the harmony between fat and muscle in the body. Starting from this point, devices that measure with BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) technique have been developed. Thanks to these practical devices, you can learn your weight, fat ratio, body fluid ratio, muscles, weight of your bones, physical activity degree, daily calorie amount and metabolic rate with a 10 sec - 1 minute analysis. At the same time, the results of your analysis with these body analysis scales reveal whether you burn fat, lose fluid or muscle while losing weight. You can observe what kind of changes your body has undergone while losing weight, what is the change in your metabolic rate and how weight loss affects your body by learning your biological age. ”

Slimming programs must be supported with sports
Diet must be supported with sports. Because the fat tissue of the person who is exercising disappears more quickly. There may not be a significant reduction in body weight at the onset of sports because fat tissue decreases and lean body mass, especially muscle mass, increases. Weight loss may be low due to increased muscle mass but healthy slimming is provided. The frequency, type, speed, severity, duration and number of repetitions of the sport are important. However, before starting sports, the patient should undergo a health check and the sport that will be offered individually. You should choose sports activities that you can easily do instead of sports that you cannot sustain, this can even be a brisk walk.

Some correct known mistakes

WRONG: If I eat bread I will gain weight
TRUE: Bread is the most important and right source of carbohydrates for us. A diet without bread is unthinkable. Whole wheat, rye and whole grain breads help to provide glycemic control and meet our energy needs. According to the energy to be taken, the amount of bread to be consumed by paying attention to weight gain, will contribute to a healthy diet.

FALSE: Lemon / vinegar drinking water weakens
RIGHT: Unfortunately, there is no nutrient that we can say ”If you eat it, you lose weight, if you eat it, your body burns fat yağ. Drinking lemon / vinegar water has a basic effect and helps to remove acids in the body. Neutralizing acids helps release oils. However, these fats can be burned only by diet and exercise.

FALSE: A meal is profit if I skip
TRUE: The idea that the less diet I eat, the more quickly and I lose weight. If you think that you can manage and skip meals, you can finish more than you can eat in one hour at the most in an hour. In addition, it is best to eat less and less frequently in small portions, without keeping the meals between too long, so that the metabolism does not lose its speed.

FALSE: I could eat unlimited fruit
RIGHT: We think that we can consume plenty of fruits and raw vegetables during the diet. ”After all, we say no calories”. The same does not apply to fruits, while there is no restriction for raw vegetables. Because fruits contain simple sugar (fructose). Depending on the calories you need to eat, you can consume an average of 3-4 portions of fruit per day. 1 serving of fruit; 1 small apple, 1 medium tangerine, 1 medium kiwi, 4 dried apricots or 1 dried figs. In particular, low glycemic index (low sugar) fruits, taking into account the amount of meals you eat the most healthy choice.

FALSE: I must cut the oil completely
TRUE: It is not right to cut fat, carbohydrate or protein completely during diet. Cutting the fat completely causes the body to start storing it. If we remove the fat from our diet, our body protects them instead of using oil stocks. Of course, this does not mean that we consume very fatty, fried or fast food foods. But we should not forget that oil is necessary for us. Cooking dishes with olive oil, paying attention to the amount; consuming nuts such as hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts in snacks completes the pattern of our diet by providing us with useful oil.

Burn XT Black Thermogenic Fat Burner - Weight Loss Supplement, Appetite Suppressant, Nootropic Energy Booster W/TeaCrine - Premium Acetyl L-Carnitine, Green Tea Extract, Capsimax - 90 Veg Diet Pills