Monday, September 16, 2019

Renew Life Adult Fiber Supplement - Triple Fiber - Dietary Fiber - Dairy & Soy Free - 150 Vegetarian Capsules

9 Signs and Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Renew Life Adult Fiber Supplement - Triple Fiber - Dietary Fiber - Dairy & Soy Free - 150 Vegetarian Capsules
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects between 6-18% of people worldwide. This includes changes in frequency and shape of bowel movements and lower abdominal pain ( 1 ). Changes in diet, stress, insufficient sleep and all trigger symptoms of intestinal bacteria may. However, triggers are different for each person, making it difficult to name anyone who has the disorder (or certain foods to avoid ) 2 ). This article will discuss the most common symptoms of IBS and what to do if you suspect you have it. 1. Pain and cramping Abdominal pain is the most common symptom and an important factor in diagnosis. Normally, working together the intestine and brain to control digestion. This happens through hormones, nerves and signals released by good bacteria that live within you. In IBS, these cooperative signals become skewed, which led to uncoordinated and painful tension in the muscles of the digestive tract ( 3 ). This pain usually occurs in the lower abdomen or the entire abdomen, but here it is more likely to have only the upper abdomen. Pain usually reduces a bowel movement (following 4 ). Dietary modifications such as low on diet can improve FODMAPs , pain and other symptoms ( 5 ). Other treatments include intestinal relaxants such as peppermint oil, cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy ( 6 ). If pain does not respond to these changes, it can help a gastroenterologist find a proven medication to alleviate the pain of IBS in particular. Summary: The most common symptom of IBS is a less severe lower abdominal pain after a bowel movement. Dietary modifications, stress-reducing therapies, and certain medications can help reduce pain. 2. Diarrhea Diarrhea-predominant IBS is one of three basic types of disorder. It affects about one-third of patients with IBS ( 7 ). In a study of 200 adults found that diarrhea were those with dominant IBS, on average, 12 bowel movements per week - an amount more than twice that of adults without IBS ( 8 ). Accelerated bowel transition to IBS can also result in a sudden, sudden urge for a bowel movement. Some patients even describe this as an important source of stress, avoiding certain social situations for fear of sudden onset of diarrhea ( 9 ). In addition, the predominant type of diarrhea tends to be loose and watery and may contain mucus ( 10 ). Summary: Frequent, loose stools IBS is common and has a predominant type of diarrhea. The stool may also contain mucus. 3. Constipation While it may seem contrary to logic, IBS can cause constipation as well as diarrhea. Constipation predominantly IBS is the most common, affecting about 50% of IBS ( 11 ). Altered communication between the brain and intestines can speed up or slow down the normal transit time of feces. The transition time slows, the intestinal stool absorbs more water, and it becomes more difficult to pass ( 10 ). Constipation is defined as having at least three bowel movements per week ( 12 ). “Functional” constipation describes chronic constipation that cannot be explained by any other disease. This is not related to IBS and is very common. Functional constipation differs from that of IBS which is usually not painful. In contrast, IBS also includes abdominal pain, which facilitates constipation with bowel movements. Constipation at IBS also causes a sensation of a bowel movement that is often missing. This is unnecessary filtering (path 13 ). Along with taking the limited use of IBS, the usual treatments for exercise, drinking excess water, eating soluble fiber, probiotics and laxatives can help. Summary: Constipation is very common. However, after passing a bowel movement and feces are signs of IBS abdominal pain that develops after a sensation of incomplete bowel movements. 4. constipation and diarrhea Mixed or constipation affects approximately 20% of patients with alternating diarrhea and IBS ( 11 ). IBS includes diarrhea and constipation, abdominal pain, recurrent chronic. The most important clue to changes in bowel movements that are not related to pain diet or common, mild infections ( 4 ). This type of IBS tends to be more frequent and intense symptoms (more severe than others 14 ). Mixed IBS symptoms may also vary more from one person to another. Therefore, this is more likely to be a ”one-size-fits-all” recommendation (requires a more personalized treatment approach 15 ). Summary: About 20% of patients with IBS experience varying periods of diarrhea and constipation. Throughout each stage, they continue to experience pain relieved by bowel movements. 5. Changes in Bowel Movements Slow-acting feces in the intestine, usually dehydrated as the intestine absorbs water. In contrast, this creates a stool that can exacerbate the symptoms of constipation ( 16 ). Prompt movement of the stool from the bowel leaves little time for water absorption and results in characteristic loose stool diarrhea ( 10 ). Mucus in IBS can cause accumulation of feces, which is not usually associated with other causes of constipation ( 17 ). Another sign of blood in the stool may be a potentially serious medical condition and may deserve a visit to a doctor. Blood in the stool may appear red but often a tarry consistency (it may appear too dark or black 12 ). Summary: IBS changes the length of time the feces remain in the intestines. This changes the amount of water in the feces, giving a fixed and dry, loose and watery range. 6. Gas and Bloating Altered digestion at IBS leads to more gas production than digestion. Uncomfortable bloating, which can cause this ( 18 ). IBS has identified bloating as one of the most stubborn and relaxed symptoms of many diseases ( 19 ). In a study of 337 IBS patients, 83% reported bloating and cramping. Both symptoms were predominant in constipation in women and mixed types of IBS or IBS ( 20 , 21 ). Avoiding lactose and reducing bloating may help other FODMAPs ( 22 ). Summary: Gas and bloating are some of the most common and frustrating symptoms of IBS. Low FODMAPs can help reduce bloating after diet. 7. Food Intolerance With the IBS report, up to 70% of individuals have triggered symptoms of certain foods ( 23 ). Two-thirds of IBS patients actively avoid certain foods. Sometimes these people do not include more than one foods in the diet. It is unclear why these nutrients trigger symptoms. They are not allergic to food sensitivity, and trigger foods do not cause measurable differences in digestion. While trigger foods are different for everyone, some common ones produce gas foods such as FODMAPs, as well as lactose and gluten ( 24 , 25 , 26 ). Summary: Many people with IBS report specific trigger foods. Some common triggers include stimulants such as caffeine and FODMAPs. 8. Fatigue and sleep problems IBS report fatigue (more than half of people 27 ). In one study, 160 adults diagnosed with IBS described low endurance, limited to physical exertion of work, leisure and social interactions ( 28 ). Another study of 85 adults found that the severity of symptoms predicted the severity of fatigue ( 29 ). IBS also involves difficulty, waking up asleep and feeling unrested in the morning (insomnia is related to 30 ). In a study of 112 adults with IBS, 13% reported poor sleep quality ( 31 ). 50 women and men Another study found that IBS felt less refreshed in the morning than those who had not yet slept for about an hour than IBS ( 32 ). Interestingly, poor sleep predicts more severe gastrointestinal symptoms the next day ( 33 ). Summary: IBS reports that those who are more tired and have a less refreshing sleep than without it. Fatigue and poor sleep quality are also associated with more severe gastrointestinal symptoms. 9. Anxiety and Depression IBS is associated with both anxiety and depression. It is unclear whether the symptoms of IBS are an expression of whether mental stress or the stress of living with IBS makes people more susceptible to psychological difficulties. Whichever comes first, symptoms of anxiety and digestion IBS reinforce each other in a vicious circle. In a large study of 94,000 men and women, people with IBS were more likely to be over 70% of anxiety disorder and over 70% more likely to have a mood disorder such as depression ( 34 ). Another study compared stress hormone levels in patients with and without cortisol iBS. When given the task of speaking in front of a community, IBS suffered greater changes in cortisol, suggesting greater levels of stress ( 35 ). In addition, another study found that anxiety reduction therapy reduced symptoms of stress and IBS ( 36 ). Summary: IBS can produce a vicious cycle of digestive symptoms that increases anxiety and anxiety that increases digestive symptoms. Fighting can help reduce other symptoms of anxiety. What to Do If You Consider Having IBS If you have symptoms of IBS interfering with quality of life, visit your doctor who can help detect IBS and rule out other diseases that mimic it. IBS is diagnosed with recurrent abdominal pain for at least 6 months along with a combination of intestinal movements and relieved pain in changes in frequency or bowel movements as pain for 3 months per week. Your doctor may refer you to a gastroenterologist, a specialist in digestive diseases, which can help you identify triggers and discuss ways to control your symptoms. Such lifestyle changes, drinking, stress throwing, exercise , low FODMAPs can help with plenty of water and over-the-counter laxatives in the diet . Interestingly, low FODMAPs are one of the most promising lifestyle changes in diet alleviating symptoms ( 37 ). Identifying other trigger foods can be difficult, as this is different for each person. Daily keeping with dishes and ingredients can help identify triggers ( 38 , 39 , 40 ). Probiotic supplements can also reduce symptoms ( 37 ). Moreover, avoiding digestive stimulants, such as caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks, may reduce symptoms in some people ( 41 ). If symptoms do not respond to lifestyle changes or over-the-counter treatments, there are several drugs that are proven to help in difficult situations. If you think you have IBS, consider keeping a diary of food and symptoms. Then, the doctor receives this information to help detect and check the condition. 41AXX
Renew Life Adult Fiber Supplement - Triple Fiber - Dietary Fiber - Dairy & Soy Free - 150 Vegetarian Capsules