Sunday, September 15, 2019

BodyDynamix Slimvance Thermogenic, 30 Day Supply

How does our body burn fat? Why is the word ma burning for used for the loss of fat cells?

BodyDynamix Slimvance Thermogenic, 30 Day Supply

How does our body burn fat? Why is the word ma burning for used for the loss of fat cells?

In order to achieve a fit appearance, the amount of fat in our body is as important as getting rid of excess weight. If you've seen one of two people of the same height and weight appear to be more fit, the amount of fat in the body of the more fit-looking person is probably less than the other. So everyone wants to get rid of excess fat. Many methods are recommended for this: to make more cardio, weighting certain nutrients in the nutrition program and so on.

Have you ever wondered why the amount of fat in the body is reduced to fat burning? Is called? How does the fat burning process take place? Where does the burning oil go?
Fat Cells

Fat cells are fat storage areas of our body. In biology, these cells are called adipocytes . Excess lipid is stored in adipocytes. Lipids are molecules made up of fats and oil-related compounds.

If you observe the fat cells under the microscope, you will see them look exactly like you imagined. Just like other cells in the body, the fat cell has a nucleus and a membrane, but most of the fat cells are made up of stored triglyceride droplets.
As you can see, most of the adipocyte cell is filled with fat - triglycerides.

The essential component of the oil is triglyceride, glycerol and an ester derived from three fatty acids. Simply put, the fat molecule consists of four parts: three fatty acid molecules and one glycerol molecule.

Fat storage in the body

The purpose of fat cells is to store fat. However, today we do not have to make great efforts to reach high-calorie foods like our ancestors, so fat storage is an unpleasant situation for modern man and even catastrophe for those struggling with obesity. However, in the times when our ancestors had to hunt for survival, the body's ability to store fat was extremely important and useful.

The nutrients we consume enable us to perform physical activities, while excess energy is stored as molecules called fatty acids. When they are deprived of food, they are released into our circulatory system to meet our energy needs. Now that we have explained the basic properties of the oil, we can return to our basic question.
How to burn fat?

When we begin a regimen or exercise program, we begin to use our fat reserves and, unlike in the past, store less fat.

When we exercise hard, our brain instructs the fat cells to release the fatty acid molecules into the bloodstream (to provide the energy we need to exercise). Our muscles, lungs and hearts; it collects, breaks up these fatty acids and uses the energy in their bonds to perform physical activities. At this point, fat cells become “empty ve and die on their own.

Fat molecules are organic compounds, ie carbon atoms. Oxygen is oxidized to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). These two things are excreted from the body through respiration and excretion. A small portion of this waste is excreted in perspiration and a large portion is excreted as carbon dioxide.

Cellular respiration is actually a highly controlled combustion reaction. Therefore, it is not wrong to use the word “burning için for the loss of fat cells. But there is no burning process in the sense that we understand in everyday language. As a result; When we “burn fat at, most of the waste that is formed leaves our body through the respiratory tract.

BodyDynamix Slimvance Thermogenic, 30 Day Supply