Sunday, September 15, 2019

Xenadrine Ultimate, Weight Loss Supplement Bonus, 120 Count

Fitness Program: Cardio Fat Burning

Xenadrine Ultimate, Weight Loss Supplement Bonus, 120 Count

The goal of almost anyone who is overweight is to lose weight and achieve a fit look with a good fitness program . Usually, the fitness program is transformed into a high-intensity cardio program to quickly achieve the weight loss goal. In fact, a fitness program to burn fat and to lose weight should include enough cardio workout along with weight exercises.

To burn fat faster, you must incorporate the cardio workout in your fitness program into all intensity levels in your workouts so that your cardio workouts are no longer routine, and movements are no longer a habit. If you want to burn fat faster, take a look at our article on how to do cardio in your fitness program .
HIIT Cardio
Close Your Fat by Doing Cardio in Your Fitness Program
Adjust your weekly cardio intensity in your fitness program:

There are three different levels of intensity for cardio . These; low intensity, medium intensity and high intensity exercises.

If you include only slow exercises in your fitness program (or stay in the 'fat burning zone'), you may experience slower weight loss. In addition, 40-50 minutes of exercise that you do before your body becomes accustomed and does not provide the desired effect. Working at a high level of intensity, your body burns more calories, as well as provide more endurance. On the other hand, exercising too intensely can cause burnout, overload and even injury.

When planning your weekly cardio intensity in your fitness program , include all three intensity levels in your workout. without overloading all your body's energy systems will be running.
Low Intensity Cardio Study

Low intensity Cardio workouts are 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. For example:
• Low speed cycling
• Walking
• Slow swim
• Light weight training

If you want your muscles not to wear while burning fat in your fitness program, you can choose to work low intensity. Low-intensity cardio also supports your muscle development, rests you.
Medium Density Cardio Study

This is 70-80% of your maximum heart rate. It should be done between 20-40 minutes. Examples:
• brisk walking
• Step aerobics, Zumba or other aerobic types
• Light running

It allows you to burn more calories in a shorter time and accelerates your fat burning. However, if your fitness program is geared towards muscle building , it increases the risk of muscle loss more than low-intensity cardio studies.
High Intensity Cardio Study

Exercises between 80-90% of your maximum heart rate. You need to have a tempo that is difficult to speak. Examples:
• Skipping rope
• High-paced Running / sprinting
• High intensity intermittent training (HIIT)
• High intensity circular training
• Tabata Exercises
To monitor your intensity, be sure to monitor your target heart rate or use a perceived effort table.

In a short time to burn too many calories, but the worst part is excessive fatigue. So if you are doing a fitness program for muscle development, it is not recommended to do too much to adversely affect.
HIIT Cardio (High Intensity Intermittent Exercise) Fitness Program
Weekly Cardio Program to Lose Weight

Below is a table for a cardio program for a person exercising six days a week. This table is an example of how different cardio training programs can be included in seven days a week. You can change workouts according to your fitness level, time constraints and preferences.

Day Density Time exercises
Monday High 20-30 Min. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
Tuesday Middle 45-60 Min. Fast walking or jogging in light tempo
Wednesday Low All day 10 Thousand steps
Thursday Middle 30-60 Min. Light tempo running
Friday Middle 30-45 Min. Bicycle
Saturday Low 30-60 Min. Walk
market Rest Rest Rest

Xenadrine Ultimate, Weight Loss Supplement Bonus, 120 Count