Monday, September 16, 2019

Heather's Tummy Fiber Organic Acacia Senegal for IBS, 16 Ounce Canister

Second brain effecting intestinal microbiology on behavior and mental balance

Heather's Tummy Fiber Organic Acacia Senegal for IBS, 16 Ounce Canister
Gastroenterology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Tanoğlu: - "Negative changes in the intestinal microbiota, Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) causes restless bowel syndrome, autoimmune, allergic diseases, obesity, metabolic disorders and behavioral disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, autism and neurological or psychiatric problems" Health Sciences University Faculty Member Gastroenterology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Alpaslan Tanoglu, negative changes in the intestinal microbiota, autoimmune, allergy, obesity, metabolic diseases, psychiatric and neurological problems, such as many problems, including, "dietary food, probiotic, prebiotic and antibiotics, physical or mental stress microbiota positively or negatively Therefore, the intestines, like the brain, are a second brain that has an effect on behavior and mental balance . " said. Tanoglu, AA correspondent in a statement, the human body, resident and the number of trillions expressed in the presence of a crowded microscopic living community, said that the community "microbiota," he said. 18 different regions of the body and the content of different microbiotic organisms consisting of expressed microbiota Tanoğlu, intestines, the specific content here and the most populous state of the microbiota is told. Assoc. Dr. Alpaslan Tanoğlu, intestinal microbiota during the birth of the mother and the environment consists of bacteria, expressed by expressing the following: " This microbiota is specific to individuals and its content is influenced by many factors, particularly normal birth or caesarean section, and feeding. The effect of intestinal microbiota on immune system, brain development and behavior has been the focus of interest in recent years, and scientific studies have focused on these issues. interactions, especially autoimmune diseases, neurological, psychiatric and metabolic disorders and diseases are thought to cause. With scientific studies based on α and research on experimental animals, there is evidence that there is a strong connection between brain and intestine. This connection begins when the baby is still in the womb and continues to affect all life after birth. " - "Negative changes in the intestinal microbiota invite diseases" Assoc. Dr. "Negative changes in the intestinal microbiota, Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) restless bowel syndrome, autoimmune, allergic diseases, obesity, metabolic disorders and behavioral disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, autism, such as neurological or psychiatric problems. With probiotics, prebiotics and antibiotics, physical or mental stress affects the microbiota positively or negatively.The microbiota interacts with the brain with the 'Enteric Nervous System', and this interaction affects behaviors. is a second brain found. " he said. Intestinal, brain, the central nervous system that provides the relationship with the " Enteric Nervous System i" in the millions, indicating the presence of nerve fibers called neurons Tanoglu, " Brain-nervous system with similar features Enteric Nervous System, can work independently as well as signals sent to the brain via vagus nerve through, "he said. In order to support the microbiota positively and create a healthy microscopic environment, Tanoğlu added that prebiotics and probiotics that will be taken as diet and supplements are effective in a positive way. "Due to the importance of the human microbiota, in 2008 a study called" Human Microbiome Project "was initiated in the USA and the first step of the study was completed in 2013. With this project, microbiota in different anatomical regions of the human body and their genetic diversity (microbiome) can be understood, "The role of microscopic organisms in microbiota in disease and health has been tried to be determined. This highly costly project, which is still under investigation, shows once again the importance of microbiota." 22AXX
Heather's Tummy Fiber Organic Acacia Senegal for IBS, 16 Ounce Canister