Monday, September 16, 2019

Now Supplements, Colostrum 500 mg, Naturally Occurring Immunoglobulins and Lactoferrin, 120 Veg Capsules

How does intestinal bacteria rule the brain?

Now Supplements, Colostrum 500 mg, Naturally Occurring Immunoglobulins and Lactoferrin, 120 Veg Capsules
'' All diseases start from the intestine. If the intestine is sick, the rest of the body is sick. 'The owner of these words is Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine. To what extent does modern medicine care about the relationship between intestinal flora disorders and diseases? The intestines have approximately 100 trillion microorganisms. This is 10 times the number of cells in our body. In a healthy human body, our intestinal bacteria weigh about 1.5 kg. Intestines produce some neurochemicals in our brain. These are substances that are effective in regulating the learning, memory and mood of the brain. 80% of ”serotonin bilinen known as happiness hormone is produced in the intestines. Serotonin is a hormone that gives people a feeling of happiness, vitality and vitality. According to recent studies, we can change the level of serotonin by making improvements in our intestinal bacteria and thus we can affect conditions such as depression and anxiety. One of the diseases caused by serotonin deficiency is depression. Today's medicine gives a person diagnosed with depression a drug that increases serotonin for treatment. Isn't the real question here why serotonin is missing in the body? If the serotonin hormone, which we take as a drug, is offered to us as a treatment, will the symptoms of the disease not repeat after stopping the drug? However, correcting the intestinal flora is to correct the problem at the origin of the disease and not need to use medication continuously. As you can see, our intestines are of great importance for the healthy functioning of our brain. In recent years, it has been stated that the intestine and the brain almost talk. Today's research; autism, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, such as if we can increase the number of healthy bacteria in our intestines, our brain will function better. According to experts, this strong communication between the intestine and the brain is an unknown equation that will allow a thorough understanding and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. The health of an individual's intestinal flora is as healthy as his brain. ' What are intestinal friendly bacteria? The most important factor that feeds the intestinal flora is the foods we eat and consume. When bacteria are mentioned, bacteria are always harmful to our memories, but some of the bacteria in the intestine are incredibly beneficial for them. The beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the consumed foods, break them into building blocks and prepare them for absorption from the intestinal wall. They increase the synthesis of digestive enzymes. In our daily life, we consume many pesticides, toxins, carcinogenic substances, fungi and heavy metals in our bodies without being aware of the many nutrients we eat and drink. The more healthy our intestinal flora is, the more healthy it is to expel these harmful substances from our body, because our intestines serve as a filter. In the event that the intestinal flora is defective, the intestinal permeability will also be impaired, in which case the absorption of substances that are extremely unhealthy for our body will be achieved and transferred to the blood. This situation will cause many diseases, supporting our intestines with healthy bacteria is extremely important for our body. An important part of the bacteria is found in the colon, which is the longest part of the intestine, and all of these are called intestinal flora. The more we increase the good bacteria in the gut, the less the effect of bad bacteria on us. good bacteria are commonly called iyotik probiotics iyotik. Probiotics are living microorganisms and, when they are present enough, are very beneficial to the body they live in. They help maintain and restore the natural balance of good bacteria in the intestinal tract. According to research, there is strong scientific evidence that they help strengthen intestinal health and immune system. Probiotic bacteria facilitate the digestion of certain foods, synthesize vitamins, increase permeability to protect the intestinal wall from harmful substances, regulate the digestive system. The disease, stress, malnutrition, anxiety and intestinal flora deteriorate especially in antibiotic use. Unlike probiotics, prebiotics, which can be called another useful nutrient, are food ingredients that increase the number of good and beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Prebiotics; It positively affects the composition and activity of intestinal flora, regulates bowel movements and increases the absorption of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. It prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms which can cause diseases that are harmful in our body. Probiotics and prebiotics are bacteria that work together in our bodies. We should not neglect the consumption of fruits and vegetables for a healthier flora to increase the effectiveness of these bacteria in our intestines. Products that we can buy probiotic foods directly include kefir, cheese and yoghurt. Prebiotic foods are found in foods such as onions, garlic, leeks, bananas, oats, legumes and rye. What should be considered for a healthy intestinal flora? Today, the most widely prescribed drug is antibiotic, we should avoid unnecessary antibiotic use. Antibiotics have a destructive effect not only on the intestine but also on the beneficial bacteria living in other organs in the body. What we eat has a direct effect on the intestinal flora. While modern diets have a devastating effect on the intestinal flora, we need to be more conscious and shape our eating habits correctly. Breast milk in infants is extremely important for the intestinal flora should be supported with breast milk in sufficient time. Yogurt, which is a probiotic, should not be consumed from dyed, flavored and sugary yoghurts sold in the market and should be made at home. Kefir is a very healthy probiotic should be consumed. We should be more aware of the food terror that is happening today and pay more attention to the foods we consume. Fresh, organic products should be consumed as much as possible. Carbohydrates found in foods such as vegetables, fruits, rind brown rice, quinoa contain high amounts of fiber and intestinal flora is the most important food source for good bacteria. The indigestible fibers of vegetables provide the raw material needed for fermentation of good bacteria in your intestines. Many kinds of vegetables should be consumed during the day. 39AXX
Now Supplements, Colostrum 500 mg, Naturally Occurring Immunoglobulins and Lactoferrin, 120 Veg Capsules