Monday, September 16, 2019

Dr Tobias Colon 14 Day Quick Cleanse - Supports Detox & Increased Energy Levels (28 Capsules)

7 ways to keep your bowel flora healthy

Dr Tobias Colon 14 Day Quick Cleanse - Supports Detox & Increased Energy Levels (28 Capsules)
Day by day, many diseases are caused by a damaged intestinal flora. Healthy intestinal flora means a healthy immune system. The most natural way to improve intestinal flora is to make changes to your diet. Here are 7 tips for bowel health. Carbohydrate selection carefully one Complex carbohydrates found in foods such as vegetables, fruits, brown rice, quinoa contain high amounts of fiber. Fiber is the most important food source for good bacteria that make up the intestinal flora. Eat natural probiotic foods like pickles, kefir 2nd Pickles, kefir, yogurt, natural source of probiotic bacteria are very useful for the intestinal flora . Try to consume some natural probiotics every day. Eat more vegetables 3 The indigestible fibers of vegetables provide the raw material needed for fermentation of good bacteria in your intestines. In addition, consuming a variety of vegetables ensures that the intestinal flora is also varied, so eat many kinds of vegetables during the day. Be careful and careful if you consume meat 4 It is very important that the nutrients that help the intestinal flora take up enough space on your plate. So consume vegetables as the main meal. If you are consuming meat, have a small amount with the vegetables. Make sure that the meat you eat comes from free-flowing, natural grass-fed animals. Because meat from antibiotic-fed or corn -fed animals produces bacteria that can damage the intestinal flora. Eat foods as fresh as possible, even on the soil 5 Today, it travels thousands of kilometers before the products arrive. The enzyme activity and nutritional value of vegetables and fruits begin to decline as soon as they are removed from the soil. For the highest nutritional value, choose freshly picked organic or local products. You even get on the land if possible. The more fresh you feed, the better for your intestinal flora. Say no to sugar 6 Sugar is a source of food for bacteria in the gut - but not the kind of bacteria you want in your gut. According to research, high-sugar diet , yeast bacteria and other harmful bacteria cause an increase. Whether you reduce it or detoxify it, the number of harmful microbes that feed on sugar will decrease as a result, and you will not suffer. Train your sense of taste 7 You can think of a healthy intestinal flora as a health insurance that you need to invest in every day. 1AXX
Dr Tobias Colon 14 Day Quick Cleanse - Supports Detox & Increased Energy Levels (28 Capsules)