Sunday, September 15, 2019

Nutrex Research Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate | Thermogenic Energizing Fat Burner Supplement, Increase Weight Loss, Energy & Intense Focus | 60Count

Fat and Metabolism

Nutrex Research Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate | Thermogenic Energizing Fat Burner Supplement, Increase Weight Loss, Energy & Intense Focus | 60Count

HOW THE BODY FAT BURNS - The Science of Weight Loss

Generally, the logic of the public “If you eat less you lose weight if you eat more al logic is accepted. Sometimes this is true, but often wrong. Even if the word y eat fat “is partially true, we cannot fully accept it. Irsak If we work the abdominal muscle, the abdominal fat will melt ”” Yeah, that's not exactly true.
Now we're going to tell you about the science of oil destruction.

If you want to lose weight, wear more fit clothes, you must burn fat. The body needs to enter an energy need according to the current body mass in order to break down the fat. When a cell needs energy, a complex chemical process converts oil from fat cells to a usable energy source.

Oil demolition process:
Body fat stores adipose tissue - made from fat cells - as triglycerides. This structure is not immediately available for energy. When the body needs energy, an enzyme called hormone-sensitive lipase in this tissue breaks down triglycerides, helping fatty acids and glycerol to enter the bloodstream.

Cells in need of energy absorb these compounds and convert them into usable fuel, plus carbon dioxide and water.
This explains why you cannot “reduce ağı the fat in a specific area with exercise focused on that point only.
Fat cells all over your body respond to an energy deficit.

So where does the burned fat go?
The oil forms carbon hydrogen and oxygen. When triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids, carbon dioxide and water are formed.
As fat cells close to fat, their volume shrinks but does not disappear completely. If you break the diet and get more energy than you will spend, fat cells begin to store fat again.

What are we burning other than fat
Fat provides high levels of energy to the body but cannot meet all energy needs. The brain needs red blood cells and nerve cells to work.
450 grams of body fat averages 3,500 calories.
If you do not exercise, approximately 25% of the weight you lose is lean body mass.

Increasing fat loss
Performing exercises that run all muscle groups twice a week can send your body the signal that those muscles are necessary for the body.

One of the most important issues is nutrition.
You should get enough calories, enough carbohydrates and enough protein. Random and unconsciously done, carbohydrate over-reduced diets usually do not give good results in the long run.Because the body needs carbohydrates.

The biggest mistake - hurry up

A person who starts diet and sports can take the wrong steps to get quick results. A low-calorie or unbalanced diet, extreme sports and stress can make the body worse than before.
First of all, accept that your body is unique and do not compare yourself to others.
Remind yourself that the important thing is to lose weight, not speed.

Nutrex Research Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate | Thermogenic Energizing Fat Burner Supplement, Increase Weight Loss, Energy & Intense Focus | 60Count