Monday, September 16, 2019

Metamucil - MultiHealth Fiber Singles Orange Smooth Sugar-Free, 0.21 Ounce, Pack of 30

Intestinal Microbiota

Metamucil - MultiHealth Fiber Singles Orange Smooth Sugar-Free, 0.21 Ounce, Pack of 30
Prof. dr. After graduating from TED Ankara College and Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Metlem Yalınay completed his Ph.D. program in Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, specializing in Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Medical Biology and Genetics. She is interested in Molecular Microbiology. He is the director of Molecular Microbiology Laboratory of Gazi Hospital. Klimud serves as the Chair of the Diagnostic Molecular Microbiology Working Group. In the field of clinical microbiology, he is working on intestinal microbiota and microbiome analysis and weight control and healthy life support. Since 2005, the Faculty of Medicine has developed a program of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving. He lectures on this subject and Communication Skills. Since 2005, he has been the Chairman of the Critical Thinking and Art Committee. In 2007, she received an international certificate in Clinical Regression Therapist from World Regression Institute and trainings on thinking therapy. She works with regression therapy and schema therapy techniques. He is currently working as a faculty member at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine and continuing his doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology in an international program. Prof. dr. What is the microbiota of the lean gut? How does this group of microorganisms affect our health? How does it relate to diseases? Can microbiota be shown? How can we protect ourselves? He answers the questions Sor What is intestinal microbiota? Intestinal microbiota is a collection of microorganisms living in the intestine with us. Intestinal microbiota is the most researched topic in recent years. Intestinal microflora is a dynamic system with individual differences in both number and species of microorganisms. After birth, our intestines colonize rapidly with bacteria, fungi, viruses and other organisms. The number of organisms in the intestinal microbiota is 10 times the number of cells in the human body. It is possible to think of human beings as a major macroorganism with such a large population of microorganisms, and understanding this great metabolic association requires a lot of complex medical examinations. How do these microorganisms affect our health? Intestinal microbiota is important for human health and disease. Intestinal microbiota of vitamin synthesis, fatty acid metabolism, triglyceride metabolism, such as the normal body functions are very important effects of Prof.Dr. Yalınay stressed that some of the metabolic products of these bacteria affect the effect of many metabolic diseases and also on the mood of our intestine via the secretions called neurotransmitters. What is the relationship between intestinal microbiota and diseases? All diseases start in the intestine Prof. dr. Yalinay in his statement pointed out that the rates of bacteria vary from person to person, and various studies have shown that the relationship of these bacteria with various diseases. The analysis of the microorganism community in the intestine, which we emphasize, is actually an issue that has been emphasized since the time of Hippocrates. Hippocrates has a saying; “All diseases start in the intestine,” he says. Studies on cancer processes, aging, hypertension, depression, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, which cause obesity, which is one of the most important diseases of today, are related to the change in the rates of bacteria in the intestine. It shows that the imbalances in the population of the intestinal normal flora can pave the way for the aforementioned diseases. Can microbiota be shown? Prof. dr. Yalınay, microbiota in the demonstration of classical culture methods, these bacteria are often inadequate because they are anaerobic and current technologies in the field of molecular biology allows some studies on the genomes of these bacteria, he said. Prof. dr. Yalınay, in the description of the field of molecular microbiology in order to show the importance of microorganisms in the community, he noted. He emphasized that intestinal microbiota can be shown as microbiome (genome of microorganism) by molecular microbiological methods will constitute an important step in the field of personal medicine. How is it supported? He pointed out that probiotic and dietary support approaches that focus on supporting bacterial ratios are exciting. Yalinay intestine flora to determine what is good for the flora to support prebiotic and probiotics and providing healthy flora to create a healthy lifestyle condition first emphasized that the best approach. Today, with the support we call probiotic and prebiotic, we are currently contributing to treatment. Probiotic, formulated by the preparation of selected bacteria at a certain concentration formulas, Prebiotics; these are a number of fibrous preparations that will allow bacteria to multiply. It can also be taken naturally through foods. Prebiotic, so that it forms a fibrous substrate in the intestine so that the probiotic bacteria beneficial to human health that we love multiply. There is no disease Does the determination of the microorganism rates bring treatment for that person? Everyone has their own genetic sequence, the proportion of bacteria in their body, and their overall immune system. However, we offer patients a lot of treatments, we give antibiotics, but now medicine has a direction, personal medicine. The step-by-step point is to decipher the person and propose appropriate nutrition and medicine. It seems that in the next decade, we will be able to analyze the intestinal microbiota, see the proportion of bacteria in the intestine, and predict which diseases are likely to be exposed to the intestinal flora, so that we can learn about the course of many diseases. As to the contribution of this to treatment, when these rates are determined, we will be able to determine how we can support the person by playing on bacteria, and what diseases this profile can lead to, in order to strengthen the pre-diagnosis. Actually, We Are What We Eat How does proper nutrition contribute? In fact most of these systems exist in nature. Foods such as cabbage, onions, garlic, such as the positive contribution of nutrients, there are effects to increase the population. But we need support because we have difficulty eating properly. At this point, I would like to mention the concept of nutrigenomics; that is, the genetics of food, the effect of genetics on food. As our cells proliferate, our DNA gets tired, studies are being done on how to protect DNA and reduce fractures and DNA repair mechanisms. In this sense, there are some proven foods that prevent cancer; green tea, broccoli, red wine, tomatoes, pomegranate, black cabbage etc. like. But of course, whatever we do we have to do in balance. As the leaves darken, the antioxidant effect increases. Toxic oxygen radicals are formed as our cells divide or multiply during the disease, a product of disintegration. A form of oxygen that has the potential to harm us, our healthy cells. Antioxidants have a neutralizing effect. Keeping these foods provides protection. Vitamin C has such an effect. Some supplements such as vitamin C, selenium need to get into the system. A normal healthy system heals itself. Therefore, it is actually sufficient to ensure a balanced diet. What good is that? Fibrous foods, like a cover, make it easy to hold good bacteria in the intestine. Probiotic bacteria can be called beneficial to human life. You know, there are also those who have joined yogurts. Of course, due to personal differences, it is not yet clear how much beneficial effect we can have, as you do not know which bacteria in the intestines are more or less. At least during pregnancy, the mother should pay more attention to what she eats and drink, and to pay attention to this after the baby is born, contributes to the formation of the baby's intestinal flora properly. It is also a fact that prebiotic support will be much more beneficial to start in this period and thus it will be easier for healthy bacteria to settle in the intestine of the baby. The ultimate goal is personal medicine. The current approach is to reveal the profile of the person and to apply personal diagnosis and personal treatment. 37AXX
Metamucil - MultiHealth Fiber Singles Orange Smooth Sugar-Free, 0.21 Ounce, Pack of 30