Sunday, September 15, 2019

MusclePharm Shred Sport Thermogenic Fat Burner Weight Loss Supplement, 60 Count

Where Does Fat Burned in the Body Go?

MusclePharm Shred Sport Thermogenic Fat Burner Weight Loss Supplement, 60 Count

Where does the fat burned in our body when we lose weight? As the famous cartoonist Yigit Ozgur has drawn in a humorous way, if we suddenly get up from where we sit, do we really continue to sit on the seats? Or does it suddenly turn into energy or heat as puff! Or is it broken into small pieces and excreted through the feces ? If none of this is true, then, in fact, how does our oil say goodbye to us? It seems that most of them are breathing into our air!

Our body stores the excess amount of protein or carbohydrate we receive with food in fat or, in technical terms, as triglyceride molecules. These molecules consist of three atoms: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. In order for fat burning to occur, triglycerides have to be broken down by a process known as oxidation.

While many oxygen molecules are used in the oxidation (combustion) process of triglycerides, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are released as waste products. In fact, this information is already known. But researchers from Australia's University of New South Wales, Ruben Meerman and Andrew Brown, did the work. (Their work was published in the British Medical Journal on December 16, 2014.) According to the calculation, 84% of fat is converted to carbon dioxide during weight loss through the lungs and the remaining 16% is converted into water, urine, feces, sweat, breath, tears or other body fluids are excreted from the body. With an example, when 10 kg of fat is burned, 8.4 kg of carbon dioxide and 1.6 kg of water are released at the end of the process.

One of the results of this study is that the lungs are a major excretory organ in weight loss. Another result is to be vigilant against the claims made with the guarantee of verme losing weight in a short time erek knowing the limit of our physical reality. On this subject, respectively, Prof.. Let's hear from Andrew Brown and co-author Ruben Meerman:

There is a limit to the amount of weight we can lose on a daily basis. This limit is determined by how much carbon dioxide we breathe during the day. The weight loss industry makes ridiculous claims about excess weight loss. Which is not possible for most people. Fortunately, our research will allow us to understand why we cannot lose 15 kilos in one day.

For those who do not know the subject, since the oil molecules are hydrophobic, they will not mix when you put oil and water together. In fact, this feature has a critical role in the evolution of life from inanimate.

Although the weight loss process is painful, the formula itself is simple to get rid of excess weight: either we'll consume less carbon-based foods or we'll do more exercise to remove the excess carbon accumulated in the body.

MusclePharm Shred Sport Thermogenic Fat Burner Weight Loss Supplement, 60 Count