Monday, September 16, 2019

Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement - Proven Proprietary Formula (120 Capsules with Aloe)

Colon Hydrotherapy - Natur-Med Purification

Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement - Proven Proprietary Formula (120 Capsules with Aloe)
Intestinal cleansing is a purification method used by human beings for thousands of years to treat their diseases. For example, the teaching of yoga, which has a history of more than 4000 years, emphasizes the importance of bowel cleansing for general health. Basti yoga teaches bowel cleansing, Jala Basti is the name of intestinal enema performed for this purpose. Throughout history, various forms of intestinal cleansing have been used to remove poisons in the body and treat chronic diseases. As written in Egyptian papyrus of pre-Christ times, human beings sought healing from time to time by giving natural foods such as horse milk, donkey milk, honey, vinegar, olive oil and garlic. Colon hydrotherapy is the most modern and effective form of bowel cleansing that has been known for thousands of years. Although the concept of bowel cleansing in the 20th century was used in all medicine, including universities, under the name “bowel bath bağırsak, the bowel bath began to be forgotten after World War II. In the 1970s, when chronic diseases such as sugar, weight, blood pressure, depression, rheumatic diseases, asthma and skin diseases increased, intestinal cleansing became the main treatment again. In the early 1980s, the concept of bowel bath was developed and started to be applied under the name of colon hydrotherapy. The large intestine is the channel through which solid wastes are discarded. Today, there is no discussion in the medical literature that there is a need for a clean intestine for the absorption of nutrients and the disposal of waste. A healthy working intestine is also a prerequisite for a healthy purification. It is normal to go to the toilet 1-2 times a day, but it does not indicate that the person does not need colon hydrotherapy and purification. An unhealthy diet and an unhealthy lifestyle weakens the large intestine, wastes begin to accumulate on the colon walls, causing unhealthy bacteria to grow. When the colon is filled with waste - feces, bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites and dead cellular materials - the result is that the intestine absorbs its own poison. This causes inflammation and swelling of the colon surface, and normal absorption of nutrients, secretory function and normal contraction functions of the colon are impaired. These also create an environment for other health problems. Colon hydrotherapy, accompanied by an experienced and knowledgeable therapist, is a very comfortable and effective application in purification programs. It provides the removal of mucoid plaque in the intestines. Colon hydrotherapy can be applied daily even during the purification program. If your bowels are not working well, their work will be on the other purifying organs. For example, some skin problems may be caused by this problem. Itching and redness of the skin in purification programs may also indicate that the body is experiencing an intensive purification process. In order to increase the effect of colon hydrotherapy, a large bowel massage is applied during the application. Thus, the water is reached to the deep folds of the intestine, and the emptying of the intestine is supported. People who have colon hydrotherapy find it more comfortable and comfortable than a simple enema. Because, in this method, the person does not need to be pushed or contracted and the intestine is automatically emptied with the hose system. Application of colon hydrotherapy In a colon hydrotherapy session, a tube is connected rectally to the person laid on a stretcher. This tube is combined with a device that adjusts the temperature, volume and delivery frequency of the water, and the person's gut is filled and emptied several times for about 30-35 minutes. Colon hydrotherapy is a comfortable application with disposable consumables and in a highly hygienic environment. Bowel washing is usually done with 37-38 degrees of water and occasionally with 25 degrees of water given for short periods of time. In this way, the intestine is stimulated to prevent flattening and swelling, as well as increasing the circulation of the intestine, increasing the contractile strength. Colon hydrotherapy with the collected water in the intestinal folds of waste materials are emptied and cleaned. Thus, a medium is prepared for the formation of a healthy intestinal flora. The colon is completely cleared by hydrotherapy. Applications such as Enema, only sigmoid cleans the colon, which is the first 20-30 centimeters of the intestine. Before colon hydrotherapy, it is recommended to eat light and less. Ideally, colon hydrotherapy should be administered during the Natur-Med purification diet. After the session, it is recommended to drink nutritious foods and beverages - vegetable soup, fruit and grape juice. In order to increase the effect of colon hydrotherapy, it is recommended that ozone therapy, massage, exercise, magnetic field therapy be applied together. Colon hydrotherapy is used not only in intestinal diseases but also for purification and for strengthening the immune system. Other than conditions such as digestive problems, gas and swelling, constipation or irregular defecation, which are directly related to the intestine, colitis ulcerosis, crown disease, infectious and non-infectious colitis, noninflammatory diverticulums are highly benefited from colon hydrotherapy. In cases of frequent infection, headache, migraine and depression, colon hydrotherapy is an important supportive treatment. According to a scientific study conducted in the USA, intestinal dysfunction has been identified as the leading cause of depression. All kinds of allergic conditions, skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, liver fats and liver dysfunction, allergic asthma bronchial, rheumatic diseases, calcification (arthroses) benefit greatly from colon hydrotherapy. A bowel loaded with toxic wastes and not working properly can be the cause of many diseases. Colon hydrotherapy, which is used to relieve chronic acidosis and maintain acid-base balance, provides significant benefits in combination with other natural therapies such as movement treatments, healthy nutrition programs and ozone oxygen administration in the fight against obesity. In addition, alcohol, drugs and nicotine dependence in the intestine by reducing the receptors in the intestinal dependency contributes to get rid of. Cases where colon-hydrotherapy is applied Colon hydrotherapy is used both as a preventive treatment and for the treatment of certain conditions. Colon hydrotherapy alone cannot be sufficient for purification, nor can it be mentioned without colon hydrotherapy. Colon hydrotherapy has many benefits, both physically and mentally. A person without any discomfort, as a purification application, can take colon hydrotherapy to take advantage of the following effects: In particular, animal, floury, sugary and additive product mainly consists of fed and non-digestible waste accumulation by cleaning the column functions are restored. Thus, it performs an important purification function by preventing toxin accumulation in the body. It makes the digestive system work more effectively. Increases physical and mental energy. Revitalizes, beautifies the skin. Increases concentration. Vitamins increase the absorption of minerals and essential fatty acids. Supports weight loss program. Provides a healthier sleep. It is an important purification and cleansing application for drug, alcohol and smokers. It feels good by giving the person a feeling of lightness, vitality and comfort. Frequently asked questions about colon hydrotherapy: Is preparation necessary before treatment? As with any purification application, it is necessary to know how and for what purpose colon hydrotherapy is applied. It is recommended that you be on a cleansing diet to increase the benefit from colon hydrotherapy and for real purification. On the day before and on the day of therapy it is useful to eat light. Manual massage or vacuum massage before colon hydrotherapy will increase the effect of colon hydrotherapy. Another factor that increases the effect of colon hydrotherapy sessions is that it is taken in the same cure period as oxygen-ozone therapy. How long does a colon hydrotherapy session last? About 30-35 minutes. Water is given to the intestine several times and accompanied by abdominal massage. Does colon hydrotherapy harm the intestinal flora? A healthy flora is firmly attached to the intestinal wall and is largely unaffected by water. However, flora in the feces and free intestine decreases. This is intended. Colon hydrotherapy is performed to clean the already unhealthy intestinal flora and prepare the environment for the formation of a healthy flora. What side effects can occur during colon hydrotherapy? Colon hydrotherapy is generally a relaxing and refreshing practice, but the process of clearing toxic deposits can cause a temporary "recovery crisis" as in the fasting of purification. Just like fasting, there may be pain in the head and joints at first. This is due to the mobilization and reabsorption of metabolic residues. In this case, the second session the next day to eliminate complaints. Mild abdominal pain may occur during application. Another complication is almost impossible. How many sessions are performed in colon hydrotherapy? Usually 5-6 sessions. Depending on the individual's general health status can be done up to 10 sessions. In a cure program, the frequency is 2-3. What are the conditions where colon hydrotherapy cannot be applied? Advanced inguinal hernia Over 6 months of intestinal surgery Severe cardiac arrhythmia Pregnancy Significant and inflamed diverticulum Crown disease Spasm of muscles surrounding prostate Tumor of the large intestine or rectum 4AXX
Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement - Proven Proprietary Formula (120 Capsules with Aloe)