Sunday, September 15, 2019

Thermogenic Fat Burners for Men/Women - Hardcore Weight Loss Pills - Appetite Suppressant- Premium Metabolism/Energy Booster – 60 Gel Capsules - Keto Friendly - Iron Brothers Thermo Burn

Making Muscle and Burning Fat at the Same Time

Thermogenic Fat Burners for Men/Women - Hardcore Weight Loss Pills - Appetite Suppressant- Premium Metabolism/Energy Booster – 60 Gel Capsules - Keto Friendly - Iron Brothers Thermo Burn

Most of us target a shaped, low-fat and muscular physics. Bodybuilders and fitness athletes usually want this. But in the course of this fatification, our abdominal muscles disappeared while gaining strength and increasing mass. So now is the time to get rid of fat and get a fit-only appearance - but this time it will be different for you.

Are you sometimes confused about the maintenance of the mass you gain during your diet? Is it difficult to gain weight and for a more muscular body you have to fight for every weight muscle and you may be afraid of losing calories. More calories mean more mass and less calories mean less fat - one or the other - are we wrong?

The old question that has been discussed for years; Is it also possible to burn fat and increase muscle mass? There are so many ideas from experts to practitioners that it is really hard to reach the truth. Many will tell you that you need to choose between them to achieve optimal success, and it is an empty job to try both at the same time. So let's go, let's reduce calories, let's make concessions for better abdominal muscles and shape. No, you can do better than that!

You must implement a concise action plan to reach your highest potential. The rules and plan here will not only help you maintain your muscles, but will also help you build muscle while burning fats in your body. With some planning, discipline and hard work, these can be achieved.

Accurate Amounts

The most important principle in this plan is to eat macro foods (protein, carbohydrates and fats) in the right amounts. By manipulating these foods and following these rules, you will soon reach your goals. Your diet is very important, but you cannot achieve your ultimate goal without following these principles.

Protein : As the main source of muscle building, protein is essential for your muscle building strategy. You should take 1-1.5 grams of protein for every 450 grams of your body weight (this is around 180-270 grams for a 81-pound one). This will ensure that your muscles receive the right dose of amino acids to protect and build muscle tissue. Some of the main sources of protein are chicken, lean steak, fish, turkey, minced meat, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt and protein powders .

Carbohydrates : Carbohydrates are a great source of muscle preservation. These specific macronutrients will be manipulated as the diet plan continues and will play an important role in its success and therefore play an important role in your regular intake. Mainly you should have intake of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Their sources include brown rice, Indian rice, sweet potatoes, wheat bread, oat pastries, vegetables, some fruits and Ezekiel products.

Oils : Do not dispose of healthy oil. Some fats are essential to maintain hormones such as testosterone, to increase fat burning and to help energy levels. Healthy fats will be used in place of carbohydrates to keep sugar levels constant on certain days and to help you feel satiety. Good sources of oil include avocados, walnuts, almonds, olive oil, natural hazelnut paste, egg whites and sunflower seeds.

Burn the oven!

Now let's see how we can apply these macro foods and manipulate them to create more power and mass while melting the accumulated fats. Protein levels will remain the same throughout the plan process. You will need a steady stream of amino acids to feed the muscles for repairs and recoveries.

Start by testing one gram for every pound of your body weight, that is, 450 grams and evaluate your progress. If you lose your form, try 1.25 or 1.5 grams per 450 grams and reconsider. This should be the highest point you can reach in the protein - the remaining remains in the manipulation of carbohydrates and fat. Allow approximately four weeks for each change in protein content before reassessment.

The interesting part is this. You will now begin to manipulate the carbohydrate in such a way that the body will use its fat tanks for fuel. You will have high, medium and low consumption days. You will receive low carb in two to four days, followed by average and high days. On low days, your body will burn fat for fuel and will retain muscles as long as protein intake is high. You will have a normal carbohydrate day and another high carbohydrate day before you dehydrate your body during the process of taking low carbohydrates for days (too long may cause low testosterone levels and metabolic slowdown).

It will send fuel to the muscles, accelerate your metabolism and burn without keeping fat in the body. Carbohydrate intake should be 0.5 for every 450 grams of body weight on low days (180 pounds, about 90 grams for one 81 kilos), 1.5 grams (270 grams) per 450 grams on average days, and 2.25 grams per 450 grams on high days.

Fat intake should be around 0.25 for every 450 grams of body weight or 20-30% of total calories. However, on days when carbohydrates should be low, it is wise to increase your healthy fat intake slightly. This ensures that your hormone levels remain healthy and balanced and provide enough energy for your heavy training.

On low carb days, just increase your fat intake by 50%. Remember that one gram of fat is twice the amount of calories in carbohydrates, so this is a very important point. For example, if you've had half an avocado in your salad, now on low carb days ... you'll eat avocado.

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Muscle Building, Fat Burning Example Diet

Low Carbohydrate Days

Meal 1 - 3 eggs and 4 egg whites, half a cup of oatmeal (dry), a little cinnamon to taste, 1 spoon of natural peanut butter
Meal 2 - 2 spoons of whey protein or 1 cup of knead, 42 gr almonds.
Meal 3 - 200g meat, fish or chicken, green salad with 3 spoons of olive oil
Meal 4 (pre-workout) - half apple or banana, 1 spoon whey protein to mix in water.
Meal 5 (post-training) - 2 spoons of whey protein to mix in water.
Meal 6 - 200g meat, fish or chicken, broccoli, green peas or green salad and 1/2 avacado.

Average Carbohydrate Days

Meal 1 - 3 eggs and 4 egg white, 1 cup oatmeal (dry), a little cinnamon to taste, ½ spoon of natural peanut butter.
Meal 2 - 2 spoons of whey protein, 1 ounce almond, 1 apple or 1 glass of yogurt.
Meal 3 - 200g turkey and two slices of wheat bread and 1 spoon of light mayonnaise, 2 spoons of olive oil with green salad.
Meal 4 (before training) - 1 banana, 1 spoon whey protein to mix in water.
Meal 5 (post-training) - 2 scoops of whey protein, 12 ounces Gatorade to mix in water.
Meal 6 - 200g meat, fish or chicken, broccoli, green peas or green salad and ¼ avocado, 1 cup cooked Indian rice.

High Carbon Hydrated Days

Meal 1 - 3 eggs and 4 egg white, 1 ½ cup oatmeal (dry type), a little cinnamon to taste, ½ spoon of natural peanut butter.
Meal 2 - 2 spoons of whey protein or 1 yogurt, 1 ounce almond, 1 apple to mix in water.
Meal 3 - 200g fish, green salad with 2 spoons of olive oil, 1½ cup cooked Indian rice.
Meal 4 (pre-training) - 1 banana, 1 spoon whey protein to mix in water.
Meal 5 (post-training) - 2 scoops of whey protein, 12 ounces Gatorade to mix in water.
Meal 6 - 200g meat, fish or chicken, broccoli, green peas or green salad and ¼ avocado, 1 medium sweet potato.

Thermogenic Fat Burners for Men/Women - Hardcore Weight Loss Pills - Appetite Suppressant- Premium Metabolism/Energy Booster – 60 Gel Capsules - Keto Friendly - Iron Brothers Thermo Burn