Monday, September 16, 2019

Nature Made CholestOff Original Caplets

Charming intestine - Concrete facts

Nature Made CholestOff Original Caplets
The intestine is the largest organ of man. This organ is eight meters long and consists of millions of villas. The villi are thin, finger-shaped protrusions that form an impressive bowel surface within our abdominal cavity, two tennis courts wide (about 400 m²). Thus the intestine has the largest contact area with the outside world of the body. Each human body has 100 trillion bacteria, the majority of which live in our intestinal wall. The number of bacteria living in our intestine is 10 times more than the number of cells in our body. The microbes in our gut can weigh up to 2 kilograms. During our lives, approximately 30 tons of food and 50,000 liters of liquid are processed by our intestines. It is supported by more than 500 bacterial species during intestinal activities. 80% of our immune system is located in the intestine. Our digestive system contains more than 100 million nerve cells, more than what is found in the spinal cord, and is often referred to as the "abdominal brain". More than 20 hormones are produced in the intestine, including the happiness hormone serotonin and the sleeping hormone melatonin. Our health starts in the intestine However, when digestion occurs well, we feel completely good. Because the intestine is a delicate neural network and manages 80% of the metabolic processes in our body. For this reason, the intestine is also called the "happiness center". The intestinal flora is composed of trillions of hard-working bacteria that perform various tasks every day: Food breakdown Absorption of vitamins and minerals Production of vital vitamins, enzymes, amino acids Disposal of "bad" food ingredients Producing 80% of our immune cells Production of proteins ("immunoglobulins") that kill viruses and bacteria Defense against pathogens and toxic substances The tree takes its power from its roots, the human from its gut. If the bowel becomes unstable Our intestinal wall needs a strong protective barrier to perform many tasks. Billions of beneficial bacteria work to prevent harmful microorganisms from settling in our bodies. The sensitive microorganism balance of our intestine may be disrupted for the following reasons: Permanent physical and emotional stress that can cause inflammation in the intestine Incorrect eating habits and inadequate movement Drugs such as antibiotics that destroy pathogenic organisms as well as beneficial bacteria in the intestine Deterioration of the intestinal flora may have a number of effects on our physical and psychological health. In the event of an uncomfortable condition in the gut microorganisms, the following complaints may occur: Intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis Irritable bowel syndrome Food intolerances such as celiac Allergy development Psychological problems Intestinal bacteria When the bowel is distorted, there is no pain or rumbling in the intestines, and nobody feels very well. Feeling good is closely related to healthy bowel function. Our intestine and the universe that lives here are truly fascinating, a symbiosis with a great impact on our health. Promoting bowel health The health of our intestine depends largely on our lifestyle. Adequate movement, abundant fluid intake, a fiber-rich and healthy diet, as well as avoiding unnecessary medication support the intestine during its activities. However, if inflammation has occurred in the intestine, it is important to treat them effectively and regenerate a strong protective shield against harmful microorganisms and allergens. Certain active bacterial strains that can be used in the form of synbiotics to cleanse the intestine from disease-causing toxic substances and decaying microorganisms play a decisive role. The power of synbiotics Synbiotics help healthy bacteria to settle and eliminate harmful bacteria in the intestine. High-quality synbiotics are composed of bacterial nutrients (prebiotics) and billions of bacteria (probiotics) that are natural, capable of reproduction. High-dose synbiotics are increasingly used for the maintenance and restoration of a healthy intestinal ecosystem. Their effectiveness has been proven in many studies and scientifically confirmed. When used at high concentrations, they support the regeneration and health of the intestine so that our digestion is restored and the intestine becomes the "center of health". 11AXX
Nature Made CholestOff Original Caplets