Sunday, September 15, 2019

Evlution Nutrition Lean Mode Stimulant-Free Weight Loss Support, Diet System with Garcinia Cambogia, Carnitine, CLA, and Green Tea Leaf extract (50 Servings)

Tips to help you burn fat faster while exercising

Evlution Nutrition Lean Mode Stimulant-Free Weight Loss Support, Diet System with Garcinia Cambogia, Carnitine, CLA, and Green Tea Leaf extract (50 Servings)

You want to lose fat, not just lose weight? Cardio, especially high intensity interval exercises are the best way to lose weight. With some small tips you can get more efficiency from your exercises and burn more fat. Here are some tips to help you burn fat faster:
1. Heat

Interval specializes in exercise, and is ready, set, go! "You need to increase your heart rate regularly," says Phil Campbell, author of Fitness. Don't forget to warm your joints and ligaments such as wrist, knee, shoulder and make your body ready to burn fat more quickly.

2. Keep Sprint time

If you are cycling or running, go to the top speed of the machine you are working on and continue at the top speed for 30 seconds. Then slow down and continue at low speed for 90 seconds. If you're running outside, run at top speed of 60-70 meters, then walk for 90 seconds. Repeat this after cooling your body.

3. Stand upright

Almost everyone leans forward while doing cardio exercise. This actually makes exercise a little easier. Especially if you take care to stand upright during sprinting, the intensity in your muscles remains the same throughout the exercise.
4. Take your time

Do not skip to the next exercise unless you are ready. Your body consumes much more calories during the transition from resting to intense activity. Therefore, do not miss rest periods, especially between exercises. Even if you think you can sprint for more than 30 seconds, block yourself and take a 90-second break, then continue.
5. Make progress slowly if you exercise outside

If you're running outside, try to get up to 50 percent of your top speed at first. Then advance it to 60, 70 percent. Don't overload your body suddenly.

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6. Focus on the intensity and quality of the exercise

To burn more fat, you do not need to do interval training once more on the same day, it is important to do your exercise as needed. The intensity of interval exercises is much more important than the number of times you do that exercise.
7. Stay away from the scale

Muscle mass may be increasing while fat in your body is decreasing. Therefore, do not stress yourself to go on the scale often. How your body looks in the mirror is more important than the result you see on the scale.
8. Slowly reduce your calorie intake

If you want to lose fat, do not reduce the amount of calories you receive daily. This will put your body into a state of famine and slow down your metabolism and cause more difficult fat burning. To prevent your metabolism from slowing down, gradually reduce your calorie intake if necessary.

9. Cut carbohydrate, increase protein

If you want to lose fat fast, you should reduce your carbohydrate intake. Increasing protein intake increases the speed of your metabolism and helps to maintain muscle mass. On the other hand, when you take carbohydrates also affects your fat burning rate. Be sure to consume carbohydrate-containing foods before 3 o'clock in the day.

10. Eat 6 small meals a day

By feeding 6 small meals a day, you give your body the support it needs to strengthen muscle mass and burn fat fast. However, your metabolic rate increases. Prevents your body from entering famine.

Evlution Nutrition Lean Mode Stimulant-Free Weight Loss Support, Diet System with Garcinia Cambogia, Carnitine, CLA, and Green Tea Leaf extract (50 Servings)