Friday, July 19, 2019

Duracell Procell AA 24 Pack (Pack of 2)


Duracell Procell AA 24 Pack (Pack of 2)

Batteries are tools that store electrical energy, as you know. Since the first use of batteries in history, the format has changed a lot and has been produced in many types. Batteries are divided into different classes according to their energy storage, usage or external form. If you pay attention to the correct use of the batteries, you will get more from your cameras.

Battery Capacity
Generally, the amount of energy stored by the battery is indicated by "ampere-hour" or simply "Ah". Thus, a 1 Ah battery can generate 1 amp current for 1 hour. One thousandth of this unit is called milli ampere-hour (mAh). If batteries are used in jobs that require less power, for example 100 mA current is sufficient, a 1 Ah (1000 mAh) battery will provide energy for 10 hours. In general, the mAh unit is used as a measure of the energy capacity of the batteries. As this value increases, the energy stored by the batteries will increase.
However, in practice, different results are obtained from these values. Battery manufacturers measure capacity when using 5% of the battery's discharge capacity. The reason for selecting this value is that the battery provides the most efficient discharge of energy in this way. This means that if the discharge capacity is different from 5% while you are using the battery, you will get a different result from the mAh on the battery.

Articles on the battery
When handling a battery, you should first pay attention to its polarity and voltage. Poles are indicated as (+) or (-) on both ends of the battery. Insert the batteries correctly into the tool you will use. The correct placement is usually indicated on the inside of the battery compartment or on the lid. Voltage is information that helps you use the correct battery. If the vehicle on which you will use the battery is a sensitive electronic device, such as a weighing instrument or a watch, you should not use low-voltage batteries.

The type of the battery and whether or not it can be charged are also printed on the batteries. For example, if you see Ni Ni-MH ve and charge Rechargeable yazıl, you will know that your battery is nickel metalhydride and rechargeable. On rechargeable batteries, the energy storage capacity is also indicated in mAh. For example, with 750 mAh, you can achieve 75 milliamps of power for 10 hours under ideal conditions. Higher numbers mean more voltage.

You will also see information and advice on environmental pollution on the batteries. For example, a graphic with successive triangular arrows indicates that the battery is made of recyclable material. This means that if you give your finished battery to the system established by the municipalities or vendor companies, the chemicals or metals in the battery are separated and reused. You can also see information on disposing of used batteries in normal waste.

Battery Types
Batteries are divided into two according to their usage. Disposable batteries that are discharged over time and then disposed of are called "Primary Batteries". Batteries that can be recharged and reused when they are finished are called "Secondary Batteries". Users will immediately think about how to choose between so many battery types. You will read the information below.
Primary Batteries (Non-Rechargeable Batteries)
Zinc Carbon Battery (Standard Carbon, Leclanche Battery)
This was the first commercially successful battery produced by the French Georges Leclanche in 1860. In this battery, a box made of zinc serves as both a negative electrode and a semi-liquid electrolyte. The positive electrode, which is carbon, is in this electrolyte. The structure of these batteries is simple and inexpensive, but their capacity is poor. 500-1000 mAh power can be obtained from the pen battery (AA) type. Spontaneous discharge in time is very low. These batteries are also available on the market as the "heavy duty" or "ultra" amplified type, but this is not much power.
As a result, standard batteries are not used in vehicles that require a lot of power, such as a camera. They cannot be recharged, however they do not have to be destroyed by a special method. However, if not careful, the electrolyte in it, especially towards the end of its life, may flow out of the battery and cause damage to the electronic vehicle in which it is corrosive. Due to its disadvantages, we do not recommend using these batteries except in case of necessity. These batteries are not used in vehicles that require high power, such as cameras.
Alkaline Battery
The electrodes are zinc and manganese oxide, and the electrolyte is basic. These batteries are also called alkaline (basic). These days the market is easily and cheaper than before. These batteries are very powerful. The power of these batteries of different brands is often similar. Alkaline batteries are also available in more power types. They are used in vehicles that require high power, such as cameras or toys. The normal types of pen batteries produce 2400 mAh power. The rate of spontaneous discharge is very low when not used. For these types of batteries, the expiry date is usually printed on the battery. As you can see from here, these batteries can easily stand on the shelf for seven years. You can store the batteries in the refrigerator if you want to spend more time in this healthier way.
Alkaline batteries cannot be recharged, but rechargeable alkaline batteries are also produced. However, recharging alkaline batteries of any type cannot ensure efficient use. In the past, alkaline batteries contained mercury, but later mercury was banned. Do not dispose of old mercury-containing batteries when they are used up, but you should dispose of them in recycling systems established by municipalities or retailers. Mercury-free batteries can be disposed of in normal trash. The mercury content of the batteries is indicated, for example, by "0% Mercury-Cadmium".
Lithium Battery
The positive electrode consists of manganese oxide, the negative electrode consists of lithium and the electrolyte consists of lithium perchlorate dissolved in propylene. A 3-volt potential is provided in a lithium battery unit, which remains approximately constant over the life of the battery. Due to the light weight of the substances in the structure, these batteries are very light. In addition, when not in use, it has a very low rate of spontaneous discharge and can be kept in practice for ten years without being used. It runs more smoothly than other battery types at low ambient temperatures. Because these batteries provide high energy, they are used in vehicles that require power such as cameras and flashes.
You should not confuse the name of these batteries with rechargeable Li-Ion (Li-Ion) batteries. Lithium batteries cannot be recharged or may explode if you try to charge them. Lithium batteries are more dangerous than other types of batteries.
Lithium batteries are often used in cameras. Although these batteries have advantages in terms of their high power and durability, fewer and more brands prefer these batteries in the vehicles they produce.

Secondary Batteries (Rechargeable Batteries)
Nickel-Cadmium Battery (Ni-Cd or NiCad)

In such batteries, the electrodes include nickel-hydroxide and cadmium, and the electrolyte contains potassium-hydroxide. These batteries can be recharged, which means that when there is no energy left, you can recharge them using special chargers. This provides great convenience and savings.

NiCd batteries are cheaper than other types of rechargeable batteries and can be recharged 500-1000 times. If you charge NiCd batteries before they are fully discharged, the battery "remembers" it and reduces its charging capacity. This ensures that the battery runs out of consecutive discharges in a short time.
NiCd batteries contain chemicals harmful to the environment. Therefore, if you wish to dispose of them, you should leave your defective batteries in the recycling system of municipalities or retailers.
Although NiCd batteries vary slightly from the manufacturer, they often store very low amounts of energy compared to other types of rechargeable batteries. For example, a NiCd battery of the AA type can store up to 900 mAh of energy, whereas in NiMH batteries it can be 2500 mAh. Ni-Cd batteries produce a potential of 1.2 volts and can continue this until the energy in the battery is exhausted. Low voltage may prevent the operation of some electronic devices. For devices using a single battery, it may not be important that the voltage drops from 1.5 volts to 1.2 volts, but if four batteries need to be used, the voltage will drop from 6 to 4.8 volts. If you want to use a Ni-Cd battery, you should also consider this. We do not recommend the use of NiCd batteries due to their low power, memory and environmental impact.
Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery (Ni-MH)
The structure of this type of battery is somewhat more complicated. It contains titanium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, aluminum, vanadium, zirconium, chromium and iron compounds. A battery unit generates 1.2 volts of potential and has a large storage capacity. NiMH batteries also have some memory effect. This means that if you charge these batteries before they are fully discharged, you will not be able to use them at full capacity. However, if you allow full discharge after such a half-charge, the memory effect will disappear. (Maybe that's why some NiMH battery manufacturers state that it doesn't affect memory.)
Ni-MH batteries can be recharged approximately 500 times under appropriate conditions. They can be used easily at low temperatures as in winter. Especially new models can store 2400 mAh of energy. Since the amount of energy they store is approximately equal, they can be used in combination with non-rechargeable batteries when necessary. They can be used in devices such as cameras and toys as they can deliver high power. There is no special destruction process, you can throw it in the normal trash.
Li-Ion Battery (Li-Ion)
A Li-Ion battery unit produces 3.6 volts. Li-Ion batteries are being produced more and more powerful with technological innovations. More and more models are being used in cameras. We recommend that you prioritize models that use these batteries when selecting your camera.

Li-Ion batteries are more powerful than other rechargeable batteries. After charging, they can store energy longer and weigh less. They work better at low temperatures, for example, outdoors in winter, compared to other batteries. Another advantage of these batteries is the slow discharge rate without use. Li-Ion batteries discharge by 5% per month, while NiMH and NiCd batteries discharge by 20-30%.

Li-Ion batteries should be stored half-charged in a cool place when not in use. If it is fully charged, Li-Ion batteries lose 20% of their capacity each year; If you do not intend to use your camera for an extended period of time, you should let the battery discharge slightly and turn it off.

Fully discharging and recharging Li-Ion batteries shortens their lifespan, in practice they have a full charge life of 300 to 500 batteries. Li-Ion batteries have no memory effect under favorable conditions. If you purchase a spare Li-Ion battery for your camera, it will expire faster than the battery in use. You should therefore alternately use your replacement batteries.

Duracell Procell AA 24 Pack (Pack of 2)