Friday, July 26, 2019

Innotech? Digital Bathroom Scale with Easy-to-Read Backlit LCD (Black)

Portion control for weight loss and weight loss

Innotech? Digital Bathroom Scale with Easy-to-Read Backlit LCD (Black)

The word portion is used in the Turkish Language Association Dictionary; Miktar the amount of food given to a person at a certain rate anda.

It is not certain whether the amount is 100 grams or 1 kilo. It is not a single and definite universal measure. Your mother puts 10 meatballs in one serving at home, so you can eat 200 grams of meat; 1 portion of meatballs you eat in an artisan restaurant can be 120 grams.

The most important component in weight loss and weight maintenance is to reduce or balance the energy you receive by providing portion control. If you want to lose weight with a healthy and adequate nutrition program to reduce your energy intake; If you want to maintain weight, you should keep your energy intake in balance with a healthy and adequate nutrition program. Everything you eat has more or less energy. As the portion amount increases, the energy you receive increases linearly. Therefore, portion control is one of the most important components of nutrition.

Each individual needs different nutrients and nutrients. For example, a smoker should eat at least 3 servings of fruit a day, whereas in a non-smoker, this amount is 2 servings. "What does 1 portion of fruit mean?" Ask a few people around you, the answer you will get from them all will be different. Some say a plate, some say a bowl, some say 200 grams. According to dietitians 1 portion of fruit, the average size of 1 punch. When you eat 1 plate of fruit, you are very likely to eat close to 4 servings of fruit. Make sure to look at the portion amounts in the dietitian discourse, ask if you are going to the dietician. We can give the same example for biscuits. Most of us perceive that 1 pack is 1 portion. When we turn the back of the package and start reading the small writings, the bitter truth is revealed; in fact the package corresponds to 2 or 3 servings.

Learn the value of the amount you say portion. How many grams or how to measure; 1 punch, 2 tablespoons, toast bread slice or a larger slice of village bread? Don't let measurements get you off the road.

Be sure to read the food label information; All or half of the 1 serving package? How many calories does the package contain, what is the content of sugar and fat? If your diet is based on a disease such as diabetes, insulin resistance, and no sugar, it is essential to check that there is no sugar, corn syrup or glucose.

When I say "1 plate of vegetable food needs to be eaten", the first thing that comes to my mind is the plates I use in my own house. With fashion, plate sizes also change to news; While our plate sizes were smaller in the 1980s, the diameter of the plates now called service plates is almost the size of the tray. The size of the dish you eat is one of the biggest brackets in describing the amount of food you eat more or less. Review the dimensions of the food and service plates you use in your home. If your serving plate diameter is not larger than 20-22 centimeters, you can either change your plates or use your cake and breakfast plates. This does not only apply to our food and service plates; even for bowls, cups, scoops and spoons. When you eat out, compare your plate with the size of your hand.

Portion amounts can be quite confusing when we eat outside. The portions we eat everywhere are not the same or have no constant. Recently, the amount of meat-chicken-fish portions have been started to be written in the menus. Take care to read them. Do they write their cooked or raw weight; be sure to ask. 1 portion of cooked red meat 100-120 grams, chicken-turkey meat 120-140 grams, fish 150-200 grams is around. Meats lose around 30% weight when cooked. When purchasing, making purchases in accordance with these quantities makes it easy to check the portions in the house. You can also get help from kitchen scales to get used to the weight of the portions. Weighing the meat or chicken you have prepared several times before cooking and after cooking will make it easier for you to memorize it.

The amount of eye decision or "walk around" can be deceptive. 2 tablespoons liquid oil by putting the calories of the food you cook with 1 cup of oil and the calories of the food is quite different from each other. It is recommended to put 2-3 tablespoons of oil in a recommended dish and measure the oil. The amount of fat I recommend for cooking 1 kilo of vegetables is 2-3 tablespoons.

In a study we conducted with the Turkish Society of Cardiology, my cardiologist instructors said: "We are very angry at you, this is about the hazelnut - walnut issue". "Hazelnut - walnut is good, our patients do not know the amount of it and eat handfuls. Both gain weight and we see an increase in blood fat," they said. Just because a food is good doesn't mean you can eat it without limits. What matters is the dose, ie the portion. Hazelnuts and walnuts contain good fats, but they also contain bad fats and are high in energy. One serving is 10 grains of nuts, 2-3 walnuts.

There are also environmental factors that prevent us from controlling our servings: the environment in which you eat is not surrounded by calm and very stimulating colors, not interested in anything else while eating (not watching TV, reading something), leaving our spoon - fork after every bite, chewing our food well. between. What I care about as a dietitian is that you do not starve for long hours to starve. Prevents your hunger portion control. The consumption of snacks is therefore very important. Consuming simple sugar (sugar products, sweets, pastries and white flour) will also prevent you from controlling your appetite as it does not provide blood sugar control, so it will prevent you from serving portions.

Please note that the only difference between poison and medicine is the dose. The most important factor that makes your weight management successful is serving.

Innotech? Digital Bathroom Scale with Easy-to-Read Backlit LCD (Black)