Friday, July 26, 2019

Toye Digital Scale Bathroom Body Fat, Smart Bathroom Scales Digital Weight, BMI Scales Body Fat Analyzer Included Weight, Body Fat ,BMI, Water, Bone, Muscle and More 400lbs

Why does your scale show wrong?

Toye Digital Scale Bathroom Body Fat, Smart Bathroom Scales Digital Weight, BMI Scales Body Fat Analyzer Included Weight, Body Fat ,BMI, Water, Bone, Muscle and More 400lbs

We regularly go on the scale to test the results of our weight control and fitness exercises. But if we don't know the language of the scale, weighing can become an obsession and confuse our minds. If you are weighing yourself first thing as soon as you wake up each morning and you wonder why your weight changes in a meaningless way, this article is for you!


I wonder if you really missed 4 pounds at dinner last night because you missed a little too much, or is the scale wrong? We have all experienced similar events and blamed the scale. However, it doesn't usually make big mistakes in measuring our weighing weight, and most of the time it's accurate.

The scale is not wrong, so where did this 4 kg come from? I must mention how quickly you can gain or lose fat in a few days; nor does your muscle mass increase or decrease rapidly. These changes require at least several weeks. You can find out how fast fat burning and muscle development will progress and the correct nutrition recommendations for this in the video below.

Weighing is not wrong, and our muscle and fat mass can't change much, so where did the 4 kilograms come from overnight?


Let's first look at the body of water. 60% of our body weight is liquid weight. The two major factors that will affect this weight are our intake of water and salt. The less water we take, the more water our body stores. Dehydration will adversely affect the functions of our body and will cause the body to persistently retain water. For this, we need to pay attention to our water intake if we do not want to be healthy and the results in the scale do not disturb our psychology.

The salt factor also plays a major role in the body's water body. There's more than 2 grams of sodium in a teaspoon of salt, and that's enough for our daily sodium needs. So it's quite possible that we get too much sodium. Especially if we eat plenty of salty, processed foods, this is bad for our health, as well as may cause heavy weight.


The second factor that will cause our weight to fluctuate is glycogen stores. Glycogen carbohydrates in our body is the state of storage. Some of it is found in our liver and a larger part is found in our muscles. In addition, carbohydrates accumulate in the stores while they like to collect water. We spend these warehouses in our activities during the day. When you starve or reduce your carbohydrate intake, your stores will decrease. Then your appetite will increase and your carbohydrates will be filled with water after a meal.

Because of these factors, even if your calorie intake and activity remain the same, it is quite normal that the scale plays a few pounds a day. If you lose weight quickly with your diet and then take back all the weight you have lost, you must now understand why.

Apart from these two major factors, hormonal changes in the body may also temporarily affect your weight gain. The radical changes in the scale are usually temporary, so the changes you need to worry about are long-term changes.


The best way to measure our body weight and fitness is by taking measurements as a routine. I recommend athletes to follow weight and body measurements on an empty stomach every morning, but this will not be necessary for everyone. If you don't earn your life from your body, taking measurements every day can put you under stress. For this reason, you should follow your body weight and waist, neck and hip measurements on an empty stomach in the morning. You can tell which way you are going according to their progress trend. You must be patient in this process.

If I explain the process mathematically, I think I can better explain “patience”. Exercise physiologists say that to burn 1 kilogram of fat, we need a calorie deficit of around 7,000 calories. In the same way, gaining muscle mass will take place in the same amount of calories. +500 calories from our daily need to gain weight; to lose weight, we will have to make a difference of -500 calories. In this way, we can gain or lose 1 kilogram in 2 weeks with 500 calories per day.

When we are aware of these weights, we will do better weight tracking. If you pay attention to carbohydrate and salt intake, you will not encounter any weighing surprises if you have a regular and healthy diet.

Toye Digital Scale Bathroom Body Fat, Smart Bathroom Scales Digital Weight, BMI Scales Body Fat Analyzer Included Weight, Body Fat ,BMI, Water, Bone, Muscle and More 400lbs