Friday, July 26, 2019

Yoobure 400lb / 180kg Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Step-On Technology and Tempered Right Angle Glass Balance Platform


Yoobure 400lb / 180kg Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Step-On Technology and Tempered Right Angle Glass Balance Platform

Premenstrual syndrome, in short, PMS is a term that refers to mental or physical symptoms that begin in women during menstruation. These symptoms usually occur one week or 10 days before the start of menstruation and usually disappear within a few days of menstruation.

Women have to cope with many physiological fluctuations starting from puberty, to menstrual period, menstrual period, menstrual period that lasts every month until the middle age. All these physiological fluctuations and changes make it difficult for a woman to maintain her weight as she wishes, but also because of the physical change, most women have problems accepting this physical change.

Physiological symptoms of PMS include; swelling in the abdomen, deceptive weight gain, sleep problems, increased appetite, frequent and large portions of the need to eat, sweets and junk food indulgence, constipation and bowel problems are seen.

Excess Weight in PMS Period

The excess weight you see on the scale during this period is not actually fat. Estrogen and progesterone are the edema that accumulates in the body as a result of the changing balance of female hormones. During this period, as a result of hormonal changes in the intestines due to less than normal constipation, bloating, which gives a sense of feeling and this makes many people think that he gained weight. It is one of the main reasons why women who are dieting and weighing during the PMS period do not lose weight or give less than targeted.

As soon as the menstrual period ends, the intestines work again at normal speed, constipation ceases and hormones reach normal balance. However, with the disposal of the accumulated fluid in the body, your weight returns to normal. However, it is important not to miss junk food and dessert in this period. It is important that the dessert needs are generally met with milk desserts and that more than one dessert is not eaten a week. Excessive and unstoppable sweet requests must be met by eating fruit. Otherwise, weight gain will be inevitable due to excess calorie intake.

In order to maintain these mental and physical health and to pass these processes in a healthy way, it is necessary to reach a quality of life in parallel with healthy nutrition by becoming aware of these periods.

Yoobure 400lb / 180kg Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Step-On Technology and Tempered Right Angle Glass Balance Platform